Canon EOS 90D User's Guide

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Canon EOS 90D User's Guide!!!

Order the Canon 90D

This is a FREE user's Guide for the Canon EOS 90D. It's designed to help you understand all the buttons on the outside of the camera, how to put the lens on, take it off, where the battery and card goes and much more. The much more is me guiding you through how I would personally set up the menu if this were my camera. Hopefully this tutorial helps you get better photos quicker.


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Рекомендации по теме

1:09 - 4:00 Camera parts
4:01 - 20:33 Outside buttons/modes
21:08 - 55:21 Photo settings
55:33 - 1:05:24 Video settings


Over 2 years old but just found it. And can we just acknowledge his ability to talk engagingly and without any 'erms' .... amazing. Thank you.


I just received my 90d today, I bought it when it first came out and sold it as I thought the iPhone would be ok to shoot videos for my yt channel. Obviously I was wrong and regretted selling it. Am so happy to have got a new one today. And I love this video about the 90d. Really easy to understand and helpful. Thankyou


I know this was a while ago, but thank you. I have just bought a 90D. This video has helped me so much .


Just got this camera, loving it. Coming from an ex user of the older 60D, 70D and 80D. Great Semi-Pro DSLRs, especially for video. Note, skip the first 10 minutes if you already know how to scratch your ass.


I own a 90D and I enjoyed watching this video. It was quite good for me to understand the camera and learn its functions, which Jared explained fantastically. After seeing this video, it boosted my confidence to capture better pics and shoot better videos. Thanks, Rajeev Gopalan


Just bought a 90d in 2021 and I must say it’s still a powerhouse!


I own the 90D and let me tell you that it's a beast of a camera


Jared loved this video. I learned more about my Canon EOS 90D in the 1 hour video than I learned in the 3 weeks I've had the camera. THANK YOU!


Finally purchased my 90d as my first camera ever and this video helped me so much!! Definitely subscribed and going to watch other videos. I'm excited to start my photography as a hobby, it's been a long time coming 🙌


Awesome walk through on the Canon EOS 90D. I picked mine up yesterday with the 18-135 kit lens and I have to say, it's a bit overwhelming. I haven't used a "real" camera with more than a few buttons on it since I took a basic photography class in High School back in the 90's. I can't say that I miss the chemical smell of the dark room, though I do miss getting creative when making the prints. They've added so many features to cameras over the last 20+ years it's not even the same hobby anymore. I remember buying different ISO film for different situations, and if you wanted to go from shooting inside to outside, you had to roll up the film, wasting any remaining shots and put in a roll with the appropriate ISO for the conditions. Then you don't get to see if anything turned out until you develop the film. Not having to swap out or develop a roll of film just scratches the surface of what is new. I really appreciate that you, Jared, and your friend have taken the time to go through many of the settings and options this camera has. It's like going back to school again, and after about 2 hours of watching and re-watching this video, I now have a much better understanding of what I can adjust, and what I will be able to do with the 90D.

I've started your 11 days to better photography videos and hope to be taking some AMAZING shots soon.


I just got the 90D and have found your videos very helpful when setting up the menu items. I know I am 2 years late to the party, but I am glad you made these instructional videos for the 90D. Thank You.


Honestly, as a Mnemonist/Memory Trainer I memorize all my manuals for fun. However that doesn't mean I "get" everything I read. Just that I "memorized" the pages as written. I said all that to say this, I got MORE out of this video, than I did committing the actual manual to memory. The value of this video SEVERELY outweighs the technical jargon riddled manual. Thank you. Took the time to watch this video twice. So helpful.


My boyfriend just got me this amazing camera for my birthday. I am loving it so far. Thank you for this in depth video.


Thanks Jared. This was a great tutorial. I've got a 90D on the way and after shooting as a hobbyist with my old Rebel T1i for the last 12 years, this is gonna be a big step-up for me. Obviously most photographers these days are moist for the new mirrorless cameras, but I still find shooting with a DSLR more satisfying. The mirrorless craze is great because so many people have listed their DSLR bodies and lenses for cheap on eBay.


I just bought the Canon EOS 90D and thanks for sharing your information here with us. I'll probably come back on here at times just to recap on your info. Thank you again.


My first Canon EOS 10S (yes that’s an ‘s’ from the Elan era) and I used the t3i for a while working in a dance studio but coming around here for a more complete walkthrough on the 90D.

Just haven’t been shooting much but needed this walkthrough for the little details I’ve missed. Thanks Jared


this video is so weirdly entertaining that i’m watching it even though i don’t even own 90d


So I preordered a 90d on release date and I have lived with it and shot daily since. And for the money, while your invested in Ef Mount glass like I am. I don’t think there is much better out there to be honest. I’m a fan, price vs. capability I couldn’t be happier.


I bought this camera after EOS M50 and got Lost! Thanks for the video, you made me able to run it.. big thumbs up to you man..
