Canon 90D Tutorial Training Overview & Tips Video

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Canon 90D Crash Course Training Tutorial. Available Now!:

My Digital Photography Crash Course:

My new MAVEN Mini Microphone kit for beginning videographers:

Canon 90D Optical Focusing System Tutorial

Canon 90D Wifi Set Up Tutorial:


00:00 - Intro
02:05 - External Buttons
11:50 - Camera Setup
17:03 - Back LCD
20:25 - Info Screen
20:49 - Quick Menu
24:40 - Video Quick Menu
27:05 - Black Q Screen
30:04 - Custom Controls
31:31 - Touch Screen
33:28 - Exposure control
34:56 - Aperture Priority
45:16 - Shutter Priority
46:48 - ISO
49:52 - Program Mode
51:11 - Manual Mode
52:51 - Auto ISO
54:29 - White Balance
56:57 - Custom WB
1:00:18 - Metering Modes
1:03:07 - Focusing Systems
1:04:57 - Focusing Modes
1:05:40 - Recomposing
1:07:43 - Focusing Clusters
1:11:26 - Continuous AF
1:12:19 - Face / Eye Detection
1:14:00 - Pulling Focus
1:14:54 - Manual Zoom Focusing
1:15:43 - Manual Focus Peaking
1:16:52 - Back Button Focusing
1:19:03 - Video Focusing
1:22:02 - Menu System Image Quality /
1:53:11 - Menu Playback
2:06:51 - Menu Network
2:07:36 - Menu Set Up
2:18:11 - Menu Custom Functions
2:21:34 - My Menu Settings
2:24:39 - Michaels Recommended Lenses/Outro

* Michael The Maven is a participant in the B&H Photo Video affiliate program that provides an advertising commission if you purchase through our links.
* If you purchase something from my affiliate links, I will get a small commission with no extra cost to you.
* Everything stated here is my opinion, and I sometimes make mistakes. I will never recommend a product I do not either use, truly love or think would be the best fit for the situation (often determined by budget).

Canon 90D Body Only

Canon 90D with 18-135mm Lens

#Canon90D #Canon90DTutorial #Canon90DSetUp

#mavenfilters #mavenmagneticfilters #magneticphotographyfilters
Рекомендации по теме

Still the best 90D video nearing the end of 2024. Thank so much!!


I have been an amateur photographer for 45 years and I have to tell you that this is the BEST instructional video I have ever seen. After watching this video I watched several other of his videos and they are equally informative. Michael's way of explaining things is simple but extremely useful. I am about to order his Canon 90D crash course from his website because as an educator myself, I just love his teaching style. EXCELLENT videos Michael, THANK YOU!!!!


You are a blessing.
I've watched an embarrassing amount of reviews and tutorials about specifically the canon 90d. There is not one In my option better then this one. If it wasn't for you I would be completely lost in how to work this camera. Every other review just explain the features and say 9h hey this does this and I love it. You actually taught it like a teacher and explained it the way everyone should learn and nobody teaches. You are the freaking man. Thank you so much. Now my questions are advancing cause I'm learning in the correct t order.


Hi Micheal, I am a 75 year old and I took up photography less than a year ago your tutorial has inspired and enthused me to learn and enjoy photography. Regards Colin here in the UK.


Michael The Maven, You created this tutorial 14 mos. ago but I hope you're still reading comments occasionally because I want to tell you what an excellent job you did and Thank you so-o-o-o much for it; My wife and I each got a 90D for Christmas - we've looked at quite a few videos but this one of yours is straight forward, to the point, smartly done, uber informative... Can't say enough. Thank you again and God Bless.


I was heavily into film photography in the late 90's - early 2000's, I just purchased the Cannon 90D and I have decided to treat it like I know nothing about photography as I think Digital photography is going to be a bit different. I am using your video to become a bit more acquainted to my camera. Thanks for all your hard work, it is appreciated.


Michael your presentations are simply the best ., just purchased my 90D and this tutorial has really helped me. In my mid 70's and with short term memory problems, I've been able to pause and rewind and listened again, So from across the pond thank you!


Absolutely the BEST most detailed tutorial on YouTube. You SIR ... are the 🐐💪🏽


I am just 32min into this video... there is so much to explore within the camera's menu. This camera is worth every little penny!


I just upgraded from a Canon T6 to a Canon 80D. What a tank of a camera. I have watched many videos over the past few years to learn all I can. Tony and Chelsea are two of my favorite. I was searching 80D videos and yours came up. I can't say enough about how wonderful this in depth video is. I hate to say this but you even have outdone Tony on this one. The detail, focus, and thoroughness within this video is by far the best I've ever seen, GREAT job! I was overwhelmed at first by my 80D and all the options, you made me fell like I owned the camera for months now, when I've only had it for 2 days. I don't think I could have even began to maneuver around the 80D this quickly without your instruction. PLEASE keep producing great instructional videos with the same quality of information. THANK YOU!!


Great material, absolutely essential for a beginner like myself. This video IS the holy grail for Canon 90d. Thanks, Michael!


I have only purchased a 90D (April 2022) and I love it. But I must say, you are the only educator (amidst dozens) who has helped me make sense of the less than intuitive focussing system. Many thanks Michael 👍👍


I thoroughly enjoyed your training tutorial! I watched the entire presentation without a break because of the unique talent you have for teaching. You are so professional and easy to follow. I bought my Canon 90D last week and your tutorial put me months and perhaps years ahead of what it would have taken me to learn on my own. I totally agree with all the positive reviews posted on this review. Thank you for taking the time to make this video and for giving such quality and free instruction.


This is the BEST instructional video I have ever seen...


Thank you for your patience I am learning a lot I am 76 years old I'm having fun with the cameras thank you again and merry Christmas


Michael, thank you for the in depth tutorial on the 90D. I've been using my 80D for years and am now awaiting delivery of my 90D from B&H. You're a fantastic instructor! Aloha!


I tried to watch this video when I first bought this camera (my first camera) and just couldn't stay focused because I had no idea why I would ever want to go into all of these settings. Now, 6 months into photography I came back to this video to learn my camera as much as possible. Now I know how to take this information and apply it to my needs. Thank you so much for putting the effort into this video!


Easily the most valuable resource on the internet for the Canon 90D. I have referred back to this video and the table of contents many times. Today, I am looking at all of the buttons a little bit closer. Thank you so much for all your time and effort.


What a great service. I just upgraded from the 70D to the 90D and, while many features were familiar to me, your very thorough walk threw of the features was great... and a good refresher on a few things I had forgotten. Thanks!


This is one of the best YouTube videos i have ever watched on any subject. Great info, excellent presentation. Not boring,
