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WINLEVI HORMONAL ACNE TREATMENT 🤔 DERMATOLOGIST @DrDrayzday on CLASCOTERONE 1% CREAM acne treatment. How to use Winlevi for acne. How long does it take to see results with Winlevi? What are the side effects of Winlevi? Winlevi vs tretinoin. Winlevi vs spironolactone. Winlevi for hormonal acne. #acne #acnetreatment #dermatologist

FTC: This video is not sponsored.

0:00 Winlevi for acne
0:31 What causes acne?
3:04 How does Winlevi work?
3:45 Benefits of Winlevi vs other acne treatments
4:54 How effective is Winlevi for acne?
6:24 Winlevi versus tretinoin
7:51 Side effects of Winlevi
11:10 How to use Winlevi
11:34 Winlevi vs other acne treatments

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Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Рекомендации по теме

I’ve only been on Winlevi for two weeks, but I noticed immediate results. This cream is an absolute life saver for me. Nothing else has worked, and I don’t want to take Accutane or Spironolactone. I’m in my 40’s, and hormonal acne is worse now than when I was 13. I used a special pharmacy and it cost me $20 and I got it two days after I saw my dermatologist.


Thank you so much for this video! I've been using Winlevi for a little over a month. I apply it to my chin, jawline and upper neck where I get inflammatory, painful breakouts that scar. While I still have a few small pimples, the painful cysts disappeared almost immediately and have not come back! The anti-inflammatory effect has been amazing for me. Winlevi has not dried out my skin or caused irritation. The vehicle is quite greasy but I love it. I could not tolerate spironolactone's side effects. This is the only acne treatment that has worked for me. My scars are finally healing and I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. I'm almost 43 and have been struggling with acne since my teen years.


This is so wonderful for the millions of people who have suffered from painful hormonal acne cystic breakouts. I take oral Spironolactone, and I highly highly recommend it for any woman who suffers from hormonal acne. It has completely cleared my face, in just one month. I can’t wait to see the long term results of my skin with me taking Spironolactone and using topical Tretinoin. 🙏🏼 This new androgen blocker cream is amazing! All the new medical inventions we have in this modern day is so exciting. Go science! 🙏🏼


I really appreciate the in-depth explanation of the drug's mechanism of action as well as the supporting data from the studies. As someone with a science background I have much more confidence in products that I know the chemistry behind.


I'm SO GLAD you did a video on this, there are Almost none on this new topical treatment! I started back in February rx from my derm. I wanted to research before I started but literally found nothing on this. Thank you this will help many 🙏😊


Just wanted to put a one month update! After using Winlevi (and tretinoin 0.25% gel) for about one month, I have already noticed a huge improvement in my acne. My skin is much less oily, much less inflamed and starting to become smooth. This medication is very promising!


You're skin is getting healthier by the day. From the time you started youtube in 2016 to now, your skin looks healthier now. Your skincare really works we can see it. You're absolutely beautiful. And i also feel that you're really humble and you advice budget skincare and not too expensive ones so that everyone can do it.


I have trouble with hormonal acne on my chin, sometimes cystic. I am post-menopausal and was prescribed this to add with my tretinoin. Tretinoin every other day, Winlevi daily. Game changer! My skin cleared up so fast, it's smoother and looks better than it ever has! I'm fortunate that my insurance covers it at $10 a tube (they don't cover so many other things). My acne actually got worse post-menopause, even with tretinoin, so I am so grateful for Winlevi! It was really starting to wear on my self-confidence, and it would get so bad that I couldn't cover it with any kind of makeup and didn't want to see anybody. I think this will help a lot of people. Thank you as always, Dr. Dray!


SOOO glad more is coming out for hormonal acne. I’ve had cystic acne pretty much consistently since age 23. I just quit taking Spiro after giving it a good four months. My acne never went away, and I suspect the hormonal change made my hair fall out. I had awful side effects from mood swings to exhaustion. Just didn’t work for me at all.


I started it in May! It has changed my skin for the better! My skin basically flipped out after I had surgery for cancer and I had bad reactions from other medications for acne before trying this!!! Luckily my dermatologist was able to send it to a pharmacy that brought the cost only $35 since my insurance currently doesn’t cover it!!


I'm allergic to spironolactone, and developed a blood clot with birth control--- but with PCOS my hormonal acne is still all over the place even with the introduction of tretinoin; I'm so EXCITED about this cream!!!


I started taking this in March after having terrible breakouts that I never have had in my life. I am 63 and have been on Tretinoin for probably 5 years now. Anyway, it is doing a great job. I go for check in this week with derm to talk about progress.


I am a junior doctor and I always follow your videos. This is very in-depth video and it definitely benefits the medical community too not only for patient consume. Thankyou Dr Dray for creating such a fast update on this new drug and for the comprehensive and high-quality explanation, deciphering the results of the papers! Always a big fan of you, hope you have a blessed day <3


I'm 23 and I have been on Winlevi for about 4 months or so. It has helped greatly in my hormonal, cystic acne that I would get on my chin during certain times of the month. My cysts aren't completely gone, but this cream helps dramatically. I don't see much of a difference when I use it on whiteheads, but cysts definitely. Thanks for covering this!


This is good news for us males suffering from adult hormonal acne. I’m currently using tretinoin but from time to time my hormones go berserk and a horde of cystic acne lessions will pop out on my jawline and neck.
This happens maybe twice a year and lasts for about a couple of months.


Due to having PCOS and ongoing breakouts due to my hormonal imbalance, my Dermatologist prescribed Winlevi. It's going on 2 1/2months and this has been the only thing to help. I have not experienced anymore breakouts/oily skin/ or red patches. So far so good and I'm happy with what I see thus far🤗🌻💖!! Now, what is tearing me up is the cost for it lol.


Thank you for making this video! I've been on spironolactone since November 2021, was using Differin as well but caused too much irriation only using it 3 times a week (for more than 5ish months). February I was finally prescribed Winlevi and it was a game changer for me! I still am on spironolactone 50mg and use Winlevi only once a day. I did add a retinal (the Avene one) at night to help stop fine lines and the Winlevi is used in the morning before sunscreen. I do have dry skin and never found this to irritate me, maybe because I use it once a day.

Hope this helps others!


Ive been using Winlevi since April and it's AMAZING. Works better for me than Spironolactone did without the horrible side effects!


I’m so glad you made this video. My dermatologist put me on this a little over a month ago and I couldn’t find much info about it. My dermatologist was excited about it though. She only put me on it once a day (morning) along side a retinol at night. After suffering most of my adulthood with hormonal acne, my skin is doing so great! The best it has in years honestly. Thanks for all the information. I appreciate your in depth explanation!


Thank you for making this video!! I have been on Winlevi since March and I was initially prescribed to apply it once per day in the morning, and use Tretinoin at night. I did that for three months and saw minimal improvement with my hormonal acne. My dermatologist then told me to increase my application to twice per day. As you said, within a matter of two weeks I saw a MAJOR improvement in my hormonal acne! I love that it’s in a cream vehicle as well, since my skin tends to run on the drier side due to Tretinoin use. This has been a game changer for me, and I hope it continues to run on the more affordable side!
