Hormonal Acne Journey #hormonalacne #skincare #shorts

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Her acne skin is still better than my normal every day skin lmao


Imagine having a few acne spots with all your other skin being perfect…& then using differin/tretinoid


Skincare is not one size fits all. I’m glad you found what works for you!


22 with hormonal acne that doesn't go away😭 this vid gave me hope


Seeing her lose her mind over that acne and then looking at my ridiculous adult acne.... Girl I know you weren't trying to make people insecure but your acne is so mild and you're doing so much and making the rest of us who have it way worse and have done all this before with no results feel like we have something to be insecure about lol


Careful spironolactone is also used as a high blood pressure medication. I was on it for 2 years and it made me so dizzy and weak. My blood pressure was abnormally low.


This is my exact journey too! I have taken, and done all the same things you have….only I learned it 20 years later than you did 😩. But NOW, FINALLY have learned my perfect skin regimen…Tret and Spironolactone 🙏🏼 Love them!


people saying your acne is “not severe enough” must be ignoring the fact that spots like these are so painful so it’s not about how many you have as even just a few will cause significant inconvenience and stress


that ain’t NOTHING 😂 pls. if i saw this two years ago i would of given to have “horrible skin” like that. smh but thankfully now my skin is all cleared up 🙏🏼 and all with over the counter products too. wish whoever reading this that the skin gods bless you!!!


When I experienced bad adult acne, mostly along my jawline, I did research and found out it could be dairy (the hormones given to cows traveling through into the food). Giving up dairy has been helpful for me.


i actually went to the derm and they prescribed me twyneo, which is trentinoin and benzoyl peroxide. the way it works is ur skin peels for a few days but it totally cleared a lot of my acne. the trick is use vaseline and double moisturize, but it NEVER damaged my skin barrier.


All you soft people, she's just sharing what worked for her! Why yall pressed and jealous about it damn


I turned 21 and was hit with hormonal cystic acne. It wasn’t until last year with skincare, lifestyle and diet change that my skin has cleared up completely. Now I’m just working on evening out my complexion.


Getting the balance right is sooo hard but your perseverance has paid off 😍


Spironolactone is MAGIC, especially if you have PCOS.


Oral spironolactone was a god send for my adult hormonal acne! I'm obsessed with how much it transformed my skin.


Just get rid of the Strep infection in your gut to prevent acne. Heal your liver.


I am 17 now, started getting terrible acne since i was 15. Went to a dermatologist, prescribed antibiotics, gave creams and facewash. It worked for a few months and then everything came back but this time with worse condition. Started to loose confidence, cried myself to sleep almost every night, skipped out on hangouts, stayed home mostly because i was too ashamed of what i had become. But now that I am 17, my acne has gotten a lot better. And i have learned a few things to keep them in control. This year, after my exams I again started to get glimpse of my previous conditions returning on my face, so My sister got me on retinoids. Breakouts have been less frequent and i can finally hope for a day when i can get the better skin I want❤️❤️. remember, its a long journey and it takes time to heal.


I took spironolactone for a while but have naturally extremely low blood pressure and it made me so dizzy. Finally I actually stood up from my desk and fainted one time in high school and it made me finally stop using it... but it did clear my acne lol. I'm happy it works for you!!


I had pretty bad hormonal acne a little worse than yours! (I know that there are people who struggle with way worse acne, but I’m just sharing what happened to me.) I’ve been using clyndamycin and tretinoin prescribed from my dermatologist for about 1 1/2 years now, and it has TRANSFORMED my skin! Glowing and soooo soft! Of course I still get occasional breakouts and singular pimples every one and a while, but that will probably go away with age. And for me, the purging i had when I first started using tret only lasted about 2 months. :)
