Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox: What's the Difference?

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What's the difference between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church?

Oriental Orthodox Church includes:
1. Coptic Orthodox Church
2. Ethiopian Orthodox Church
3. Armenian Orthodox Church
4. Malankara Orthodox Church
5. Eritrean Orthodox Church

Eastern Orthodox Church includes:
1. Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
2. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria
3. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch
4. Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

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Thank you so much for bringing to the light the fact that we overall believe in the same christology just different in terminologies. Let us all pray that our churches will become one ones again🤲🏻☦️❤️


I pray for unity between oriental and eastern churches


Honesty and integrity. This is why I appreciate your channel among the plethora of Orthodox channels.


I'm Coptic Orthodox from Egypt ☦️♥️


The fact that you were so able to neatly pack all of this into 1min30sec, and do it brilliantly, is so dang impressive, brother!


Best 90-second explanation on this topic ever! 🙏🏼☦️


You’re one of the few videos I know that referenced Joint Commission meetings. Seems a lot of YouTube apologetics these days (EO and OO) seem to either pretend these meetings didn’t happen or downplay them.


We proclaim in the OO Church that Jesus is fully divine and fully human, two natures in the one incarnate nature of the Word of God, that He made His flesh one with His divinity without mingling, without confusion or without alteration. We do not believe in a single nature in Jesus Christ but rather a united divine-human nature.

Both sides anathematized one another and thank God we have a joint written agreement of understanding that we are saying the same thing but in different ways, that we are taking joint steps to reconciling and the Orthodox families becoming one again! May God grant it during our lifetime!


The armenian orthodox church rejected both monophysitism and dyophyistism


As new to orthodoxy I just can't get enough information concerning this topic. This channel is top notch 👏👏👏


“No ecclesiastical matter was ever set aright by compromise, for between truth and falsehood there is nothing” - St Mark of Ephesus.

If we can agree theologically but express it in different ways then any expressed truth is simply relative and subject to semantics… That sounds like spiritual post-modernism. If that’s the case we may as well give up Orthodoxy.


The fact you did this in 90 seconds is amazing and hopefully both families can become whole again. I will say this though, the Eastern family has a problem where a lot of the language used online to prove themselves is very arrogant and self-righteous and very UnChristlike sadly, especially converts to whichever Eastern church they choose to convert to.


I am about to attend a Coptic Orthodox church soon to get baptized, but then I move far away to college, and there is only a Greek Orthodox church there. Will they see it as just any other Orthodox when I go there? Or will I have to go through another process? Sorry if I seem massively uniformed, I have only just recently decided to convert.


I wonder how we call them here, because as far as I know "eastern" and "oriental" is the same word. If there is another I cannot recall


Greetings from Oriental Orthodox of both Ethiopia/ Eritrea. . . You make it clear that Eastern are on Mono(In two nature) whereas Orientals are on Mia(Of two nature). However, I asked the question about this in one YouTube channel, and some people from Eastern said that Eastern is Dyo. As far as I know, Dyo is Catholics. If I am not mistaken. Anyways, the division back then was all political, pretty much they are all the same except Catholics.


You forgot Alexandrian Orthodox( the Egyptian and African Chalcedonians in the EO family)


I'm Syriac Orthodox and was wondering why we aren't mentioned under the oriental orthodox, are we not oriental I am js trying to learn abt my own church so any info would be helpful


i am Ethiop[ian orthodox church follower but actually i even didn't know about oriental and Eastern can you clearly discribe it please


If the Oriental Orthodox say that they believe in the same thing as the Eastern Orthodox, then all they need to do is to accept the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Ecumenical Councils, and we will be united as brothers. Since that has not happened in the past 1, 500 years, I don't think this just a language misunderstanding. I would recommend looking at the 5th Ecumenical Council which did explain Chalcedon two natures definition using St. Cyril's terminology. The 5th Council was and continues to be rejected by the Miaphysites.


Im very interested in Orthodoxy, for me Oriental Orthodoxy is the way to go since it is not empirical like EO and RCC, and OO also makes a clear distinction between state and religion wich is the correct attitude!
It was even persecuted by the so called byzantine orthodox wich is completely political in nature, the world has entered EO long time ago and it even shaped its theology, like the false ideology of romanism and is very much tribalistic or ethnophyletistic. It did intermingle with kings, emperors, tsars throughout history which makes them lose the grace of the Holy Spirit, while OO was always the real suffering church and is continues to be in the 21st century, so I might wanna join the Coptic Church that seems the most humble and geniune of all.
