Solution of the Fermi Paradox Found! Scientists Hope They’re Wrong!

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It’s a brief question that causes great headaches: Are we alone in the universe? Given the gigantic dimensions of the cosmos and the abundance of celestial bodies, is it even possible that Earth is the only planet that harbors life? Although researchers have not yet proven the existence of extraterrestrial life, this does not mean in the reverse conclusion that it is categorically excluded. On the contrary: quite a few researchers are firmly convinced that extraterrestrial civilizations are slumbering somewhere out there. However, this exciting assumption also raises new questions, reflected in the well-known Fermi paradox. What explanations exist regarding this exciting train of thought, and how we might rather be careful what we wish for, you’ll see in today's video!

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The universe is HUGE so there has to be life out there somewhere but we might never be able to find it


My Beleif is that due to the immense distances between stars and the fact that everything in the cosmos is rapidly moving away from everything else, intelligent life - (which must exist in abundance due to infinity) - destroys itself and/or its home planet - before it can develop and overcome the speed of light that would enable it to explore inter-stellar space. IMHO.


When you have a petri dish with life (Earth) the creator wouldn't want to contaminate other petri dishes containing life forms. Vast distances separating petri dishes and other barriers have prevented the contamination.


I think it's a combination of being very difficult to do, all the distance, as well as time. Those are the three main ones. Behind that, obviously the entire mix of possible civilizations all there. From Super aggressive to Super passive. But it's really distance in time that caused the biggest disconnect.


Why aren't they here? I think they are and have been for thousands of years.


I'm sorry making a declaration that we are alone is such an arrogant thing to do. I absolutely do not believe that.


What if the game Dead Space is right? What if there was once an abundance of life but was consumed by something? If it happened long ago little traces of them would be left. We could have been missed.


There is one funny thing... We assume that alien civilisation is there somewhere right now. But the universe is bilions of years old. Life on our planet is bilions years old. And during the last several hundreds milions years, there were massive extincion events, which severely disturbed, changed and redirected the direction of evolution. The human civilisation exists mere thousands of years. Our ability to significantly explore and study the universe around us is here mere decades. In compare to existence of life on our planet it is just blink of the eye. In compare to age of the universe itself it is even less than that.
What are the odds that there is somewhere in our galaxy advanced civilisation right now.

Oh there might be life on dozens planets in this galaxy. Hundreds of planets. And those planets out there may have life for hundreds milions of years, bilions of years. Constantly changing and evolving and adapting. But sentient life? Civilisation? Of all those planet with life, only handfull of them may have sentient life. Can we meet them? Learn about their existence? During next hundred or two hundred years? Maybe not. The scope of the cosmic time is immense.
So there might be a planet where sentient life evolved. They are just inventing fire about now, so there isn't a way how to get in contact with them and for a wery long time won't be. Smoke signals are not the best choice for interstellar communication.
And then there is this another planet where sentient life evolved, they created a great and technologicaly advanced civilisation. But we cannoct get in contact with theim either, because this civilisation already persihed few milions years ago.


I’m thinking it’s like the prime directive from Star Trek. Once we reach a certain level as a civilization, then they will reveal themselves or make contact with earth.


If you throw a Diamond into Ocean, 2 days later to retrieve it, what are odds of finding same Diamond or any at all?


If human’s don’t observe ET’s, they don’t exist? WOW


Very thought provoking presentation. I subscribe to the thesis that any race that was advanced enough for interstellar travel would have little interest in our primitive species. In addition and hopefully, an advanced race would strictly avoid contaminating another civilization and allow them to progress as they will....likened to the Star Trek Prime Directive.


If you have not seen the "aliens" of late (the ancients clearly did), it is because they were smart enough to abandon this place for the next Cataclysm due now like clockwork. They will be back to help us reestablish right after the ash settles and the mud dries. Just at they did after the Ekpyrosis and the Deluge beginning the Age of Taurus.


I always wonder how many civilizations have risen and fallen to dust already because as we know "Life will find a way."


If you consider the Fermi Paradox from the CPT (Charge, Parity, Time) Symmetry perspective, which I do, I would have to say that we are not alone. The odds dictate that view. Just because we are left alone does not mean we are alone. Once we evolve further, and we have substantially more to offer than we as a species have right now, other alien species will be knocking at our door.


Can someone please identify the background music? Been trying for years!!


The video mentioned that we may be in a simulation, this led me to think about the fact that if God exists and He is watching over us and cataloging our rights and wrongs, isn't that a simulation of a sort? Whatever the truth may be, it's my belief that we are unique, a freak occurrence, and the universe is cold and silent, and that God did place us here to experience the greatest gift, the gift of existence, and allowed the chance to Love.


I will watch the video, but I don't see how we can make any conclusive decisions on Earth when there are so many different reasons why we wouldn't have heard from we're seeing evidence of other life forms outside our solar system.

After watching it, it's only the title that is clickbait. This is a very thorough evaluation of all the possibilities.


The Universe is a video game, and you have no chance to win.


Realizing that technology keeps evolving infinitely and reaches a temporary plateau once in a while, makes us adjust our perspective accordingly. Our species might only be getting started technologically. An extraterrestrial species that more than likely has had a head start may already exist.
