Light Harmonic Speakers - Rear Door Panel Removal of the Tesla Model S

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As we've been working on an audio upgrade for the Tesla Model S, we thought it might be helpful to those of you wanting to know how to tear down your car to swap out your audio components. In this video, we show you haw to remove the rear door panels and remove the factory speaker driver.
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OMG Thank YOUUUU! you are the first to post a video on removal of door panels and speaker!


Very helpful. Please take apart more of the tesla. We would like to see other parts and how they are removed. 👍


I'm so happy I found this video! I wanted to add an LED puddle light upgrade to the rear doors and needed a little instruction. From my experience, I have 3 things to add for anyone else reading.
1. If you first remove the red LED you can use the hole as "leverage" to help pull out the door. This makes putting the spacers underneath easy.
2. If you are simply adding a puddle light, you don't need to remove the screws and bolt on the top! I simply did the second part and pulled the bottom of the door out. Plenty of room to work and reach the plug.
3. The white clip just below the red light did not come out with the door (like the other clips) on both sides. You have to remove it from the metal and place it on into the panel as with the others or the panel won't go back on.


There is a MUCH easier way without spudging tools! Just roll down the window and grab the top rear corner both hands with your fingers between the inner weather seal by only the vinyl covered plastic and pull straight out very firmly. You will not damage anything from using prying tools or even need those tools. The door panel will easily pop off from there; just be careful to catch it so you don't damage the wires.


Great video, saved me from hiring a pro, very easy. In the 2016 and likely newer S cars, the speaker needs a T25 driver to get them out..


Someone knows how to remove the rear left seat I appreciate if someone give me mor info thank you


Dude just pull from the speaker area and then the handel area. Pull straight out much less cringe then your messy way. Rich rebuild even explained why you shouldn't do this but do it his way
