Ultimate Tesla Model 3 Speaker Upgrade - Light Harmonic Pt 2 - The Installation!

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Recommended Tools: 2:52
Front Door Speakers: 6:02
Front Dash Speakers: 15:14
Subwoofer: 30:10
Rear Shelf Speakers: 38:43

Tools I'm using:

Buy the Speaker Upgrade Kits here:

***Model 3

***Model Y

***Model S

***Model X


**Free shipping with code: BCTESLA

Music credit for the bass track:

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#Tesla #LightHarmonic #CarbonFiberSpeakers
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Let me start by saying I really appreciate how you took the time to explain every step of the install, you made it look easy. I don’t have my model 3 LR yet, I should be getting it this year and I think my first upgrade will be the complete speaker package. Keep making great videos. OUTSTANDING work.


Thanks for the deep dive. Interesting to see how some of the M3 is put together.


I am a contractor and do all kinds of stuff and have in the past to ice vehicles. In our model 3 I have the power frunk, still not done the power trunk yet, hitch and light wiring installed, still not done lighted rear bumper reflectors as turn/brake. Have done power 12v and usb outlets in trunk installed. For rear trailer wiring and outlets already ran 10ga power to back so that will also handle power trunk. Power trunk I have grommets like oem uses to go through wall so wiring will NOT go down all over and through taillight or through trunk well to enter vehicle. They will go through wall by struts just like oem trunk lid wiring does. Will look much better. I have not seen anyone do that before.


Great video. Showing how to disassemble without experimenting and risking damage to get things apart. Most others skip disassembly. Even LHs own video does not show the procedure and shows them removing the whole dash top to put the front speakers in. Their guy also uses a metal screwdriver under the door panel edge etc ehk. I am getting the speaker set today. I have spoken to LH about the front tweeters in the door which are very important and they need to do. They are the main and only real stereo tweeters. They are in development and said they may come out with them in a few weeks or a couple of months. I have had some refer to the dash middle tweeter as passive which does not make any sense. You can have passive woofers in a sealed cabinet push/pulled by other drivers, but a separate tweeter like that "passive" does not make any sense to me.


Great video, thank you for your time and detail.


Perfect tutorial!

I'm buying the kit because of this step by step


Have you thought about doing a video on installing dynamite for the frunk and under the trunk carpet basically, the whole car?


Might get the 2 door and the 3 dashboard speakers, do they sound better than the Tesla speakers and I have they MODEL 3 SR+ only, so I’m missing 6 speakers and I will get the wiring harness to get those speakers going. Thanks for the video you made it look simple.


Your video is very helpful. I like it.


I would be afraid of not placing parts back together 😢


For everyone who's doing these speaker and woofer changes, your car will sound way worse, if you're not powering it with an aftermarket amp, the speakers he swapped them with have a higher power rating so to make it sound good you need more power, tesla stock amp will not do a good job just an FYI


thanks for video, will wait until wife is away


Do you think a Tesla dealership would do this install?


The mini torx are available at Walmart but overpriced. I just bought the T20 from eBay. A seller sells each piece separately. Had some eBay bucks so only cost 3 bucks. Don’t think I will have use for the other sizes anyway unless Tesla has more low profile screws. Thanks for the video obviously I ordered a set.


How did you turn off the power of the car?


Did you consider placing stuffing in the sun box to improve resonance?


My 2022 model 3 LR came with it should i upgrade it


Question for you. I just picked up my new 2022 Model 3 performance and they costed out the center front tweeter. There does not appear to be a harness there for the tweeter anymore. Can you tell me how the center tweeter is wired? Was that wired in parallel with the front center midrange?


Do you know if it’s possible to install in a model 3 that doesn’t have the premium sound and extra subwoofer and amp at the back?


So saw your video last week ordered and installed just the front left door the newer v2. It sounds quiter compared to the stock which I left in the right door. I've only had the car new for a couple weeks so pretty sure break in isn't the case. Really seems like it didn't make much at all a difference. What are your thoughts? Would like to know just spent $600 plus after watching your video.
