What to Expect with End Stage Kidney Disease

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Thank you so much for this. Due to a rare and untradable cancer I am 45 years old with end-stage kidney disease. I am doing my dialysis at home and doing well, but I am not sure how long I can continue. Nobody will talk to us about what our end stages Will be like. The clinic, nurses and doctors keep our hopes high that we can live on these machines for 20 years. Not all of us want to. No one will discuss what the end for us is like. Thankfully I have a wonderful team keeping me as comfortable as possible and I do wish To continue living as long as living is worth it. I appreciate all of them what you do and the education you put forth. Truth can really calm fear


I have stage 4 kidney disease. This brought me a lot of comfort. Thank you. This is the first I’ve heard this.


Thanks! I have Stage 4 kidney disease, diasTolic heart failure, and emphysema. I’m looking forward to death being peaceful. You said exactly what my Dr.s have said regarding being peaceful. I’m 66 years old and I don’t fear death.


My mother had CKD. Her death was at home and exactly as you described. It was such a peaceful death. She slept, talked to family, and slept some more. Thank you for these videos. They are extremely helpful.


My dad died on Easter Sunday, 2019, at home, dressed in his usual clothes, sitting on the sofa. My mom was sitting across the room from him and he motioned for her to come sit beside him. He took his wallet, gave her the $300 in it, said, "You might need some money, " and went to sleep. We all comfort ourselves knowing he died peacefully and at home.


My sister was on dialysis since she was a kid. At 46 she passed from sepsis. Her leg blew out where she was getting treatment. A big red bubble she had on her leg eventually blew up. She went to the hospital and never left. I am just grateful she is out of pain. Miss her every day ❤️


This is exactly what happened with my mom, she was on dialysis for 22 years. Once she decided to stop the whole family came to visit and we had a big family reunion. She had her last dialysis right after they left and died 15 days later. It was very peaceful and the hospice nurses were wonderful.


I was a dialysis nurse for 15 years. By the time my sister(also a nurse) developed ESRD and started dialysis. She had multiple other medical issues that precluded transplant. She made her decision to stop dialysis. It was as you said....lots of sleeping, itching, and confusion. But all in an easier death than some other conditions. It was hard on the family but we supported her in her decision.


Mom was on dialysis for seven years. One day when they were getting ready to hook her up to the machine her internal defibrillator went off. Once at hospital we were told her heart couldn't handle it anymore, so she went to hospice center. She spent most time sleeping. Eight days later she passed. It hurt to see how quick things went even though the Dr explained it all but it's comforting to know her death was peaceful.


My Mom was on dialysis for four years. She told me the day she wanted to stop that she was tired of being sick and tire. March 25, 2015 was the last day of dialysis and she passed on April 4, 2015. She left use peacefully. 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you for the information with death & Dieing.


My former employer passed away from kidney disease and it was pretty tragic. Bud was a very nice man, I miss him to this day.


Thank you, I NEEDED to hear this so badly! I lost my brother to end stage renal failure almost 2 years ago. He lived by himself in Florida. He did dialysis 3 times a week and was becoming very weary if it. I live in Kansas and was trying to get him to move in with me so that I could care for him. I spoke with him on a Tuesday after his dialysis and he was ok. He missed his appointment Wednesday and he was dead on Thursday. He died alone and I have been tortured, wondering if he suffered. Thank you for giving me peace. God bless you and the work you do.


My mom just passed on hospice a few weeks ago. She had very aggressive cancer which had spread to her liver and started affected her kidneys. They were not sure if her liver or kidneys would cause her passing as they were both not doing well. I believe she ended up passing from kidney failure she passed just as you said it occurs in this video. She was only on hospice 10 days she fought until the very end. They then told her it was ok to stop fighting there was nothing anyone could do. I miss her terribly.


Thank you so much for posting this! I have chronic kidney disease and while I'm presently far from needing dialysis, this could definitely be in my future. I'm glad to know that dying from ckd is one of the most peaceful ways to go.


My Dad just recently, October 5th, passed away from stage 4 kidney failure. Due to his age, 93, dialysis was not an option. He certainly did have an issue with itching. I don’t know if I would have called it a peaceful death. He did sleep a lot. But in between he was very agitated. Kicking off the blankets, tearing at the things that were supposed to be helping him. We finally knew it was time to stop the things we were trying to do to improve his condition and switch to comfort care. It was very hard to make those decisions for him when he could not tell us what he wanted.


Thank you, I have stage 4 kidney disease and it is getting worse rapidly. This gives me a state of peace regarding the inevitable😔


My husband was on dialysis for 6 yrs due to diabetes. He suffered a heart attack n passed from complications. Diabetes is hell on the body. I pray n hope someday a cure is found. I also lost my mother to Diabetes. Thank you for post these vids. It helps to understand.


My momma chose after 5 yrs of doing the flushes at home and my dads sudden death, to just stop she was tired of it all and missed my dad. Hospice came in we had two good days with her and let her drink and eat what she wanted. Once she had decided it was time and she was tired all she did was sleep and within two days passed.. exactly 93 days after dads passing. She got to do it her way and she deserved that choice 100%, hospice girls were awesome tho. They forwarnded us of each step during her process of what we'd see or hear and what to do. I' d say it was very peaceful for her.


“The only thing to fear is fear itself!” God bless you.


Amen, it has help me with the process of dying, The fear that I was having left and the peace our son had.
