I Lied To Americans - Canada's Healthcare Is Not Broken | Opinion

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Wendell Potter’s job was to deceive the U.S. public about health care for two decades.

He was a PR pro at two top U.S. health insurance companies, where his job was to protect profits. He was the architect of the health insurance playbook and behind a fear, uncertainty and doubt campaign against Bill Clinton’s health care reform plan of 1993. He also led the health insurance industry’s attack against Obamacare by pointing to alleged failings of the Canadian health care system.

But now he's switched sides and is a whistleblower, revealing the secrets of an industry that is making a lot of money - also during this pandemic.

#UniversalHealthcare #Obamacare #Whistleblower

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As a Canadian, I am deeply offended by Sally Pipes comparing the Canadian health care system to that in North Korea and Cuba. It's beyond ignorant


Finally. I am not a US citizen but your citizens are in a dire need of something like NHS. Thank you for coming out with this.


This is clear for every one outside of USA. Americans who voted against Universal Healthcare are voting against their own survival and voting against their own social mobility.


This is seriously eye opening to the already corrupt medical system


And I was employed by THE most prestigious Health Insurance Co in America and I can tell you what I witnessed I witnessed “ preventative medicine “ turn into no preventative medicine practices and to deny as many referrals as possible, though I refused to participate in the denial process for medical tx


You didn’t become aware. You are suffering from the guilt from whatever is left of your conscience!


Israel has medicare with Americans' taxpayers money.


Great information, but it's not like he quit his job in protest and switched sides. He _retired_ and then became an advocate for reform, after he got his.


I’ve seen him talk previously about one of the big lies he orchestrated- that private health insurance means “choice”.

Which is ridiculous when you look at it. Under a private system, you are bound to the hospitals and doctors within your network - and those may change with no notice. You might have a wonderful doctor who has treated you and your family for years, but all of a sudden, they’ve switched networks, and you can’t see them anymore, unless you’re willing to pay extortionate amounts.

And don’t forget that while you may go to a hospital that is in network, not all of the doctors working there may be on that network- and so you are assigned a doctor in an urgent situation, and then you get hit with the bill afterward. You didn’t even have a choice in what doctor you saw there, but you’re having to pay ridiculous amounts regardless.

Is that choice? Because compare to me, in Australia- I can see any GP (in the US often known as Primary Care or Family doctors) in the entire country. The only restraint I have is if I can travel to them- and considering the leaps in Telehealth technology, that restraint is weakening by the day. Any doctor. I can also choose to see any private specialist I like- I’ll still get my Medicare rebate. Again, any private specialist in the entire country. The only time I don’t really get a choice in which specific doctor I see is in a state hospital setting- and that’s usually urgent care, in which case Americans don’t get a choice there either. Also- I go to a state hospital, and I pay nothing at point of service. It’s free. Because I’ve already paid for it.

Whereas Americans are paying twice- once with their taxes, and again to the private insurance companies. Americans already pay a lot more than what a Medicare for All system would cost. Seriously, M4A would be cheaper than the current system- and that was confirmed by a Koch brothers funded study, aired on Fox News!

So you have far less choice, and you’re paying far, far more. For a hell of a lot less coverage. So why are some Americans (not insurance company execs- we know why they do what they do) so desperate to cling to a system that hurts them? It makes no sense...

Until you factor in all the propaganda that people like Wendall Potter disseminated, with the assistance of corporate media companies (who earn a hell of a lot from private health advertisements) and corrupt politicians, some of whom own massive shares in the private health industry.

So that’s why. It’s just sad that Americans as a whole still can’t see past the propaganda.


Did it every day for 20 years, and yet blames policy makers.


He did his job so well that some Canadians believe we should privatise our healthcare system and let the "free market" look after our health. Now granted our system could be better to be on par with the worlds best. But at least people get the care they need and don't drown in debt.


This is like the confession of the economic hitman. The confession of an insurance hitman.


“I switched sides because...” Because you already benefited from swindling your neighbors.


It is edifying to hear a former insider of the health insurance industry reveal the deceit that is at the heart of that industry. It vindicates those of us on the outside, who have long suspected and asserted that much of disinformation used to dissuade the public from embracing a single payer system, was the result of health insurance industry propaganda. Hopefully, more individuals like Mr. Potter will stand up against the industry they used to work for. One insider's perspective can do far more damage than thousands of critics who stand outside that industry.


Wow, this guy has a seriously arduous journey ahead of him to try to atone for his sins, if that is even possible. This just goes to show, don't support the oppression of the masses for oligarchic masters, folks. It will rot your soul and lead you straight to hell. This guy was lucky to wake up with at least a little time left in his life to try to make up for the evil he was perpetuating. I hope for his sake, and for the rest of us, that he succeeds.


It's only when they get old and they start to feel their on immortality they want to tell the truth and hope for a place in heaven. Way too little way too late. I'm not impressed with this confession. 😤😤😡😡


You designed the playbook? Dude knows the company was gonna be outted and he got ahead. I don't think he's whistleblowing. I think he's but saving.


Been following Wendell in Twitter for a year. Can he get any MSM airtime? Thanks AJ+


Homeboy only sees businesses, he doesn't see people.
