Lesson 9 – Difference between There used to be, There was, and there were.

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We tend to use there used to be, there was, and there were indistinctly; but they have some differences that I want you to take into account from now on.

There used to be refers to something that existed in the past and it has no place in the present or in the future; however, there was and there were are used to talk about something that existed in the past and there’s still a possibility that could happen in the future. There are some other differences and aspects to take into account to differentiate There used to be, there was, and there were and that’s why I wanted to share this class with you.

In the basic course, we had a lesson about there was and there were which is a basic topic, but today we’ll mix it with There used to be. I hope you enjoy the class!

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I have 14 years living in USA.. I never had a time to go at the school to learn English because a had mi 4 kids back to back i just have to say to you thank you so much.. you are a blessing in my life Mr Ochoa con ud mi vida en el mundo del ingles complicado ingles se a vuelto mas facil.. que mi padre celestial lo siga llenando de bendiciones por este regale tan maravilloso que ud nos a dado con sus clases de inlges...bay the way I am a woman under my husband acount... 😄


Que tal, querido profesor :) Queria contarle algo personal.
Hace unos dias di mi examen de suficiencia del idioma ingles para poder graduarme y obtener mi bachillerato en mi carrera profesional. Lo aprobe :D
Se lo queria contar porque yo nunca me he preparado en algun instituto o academia, y en el colegio solo me ensañaban el verbo to be. Todo lo que he aprendido ha sido gracias a canales de youtube, cuentas de instagram, a la musica, a leer, a tratar de hablar y asi... Usted ha sido uno de los que mas me ha enseñado y creo que le debo gran parte de este logro. En serio muchas gracias por todo!!! Voy a contarles a todos mis amigos sobre su canal para que tambien puedan lograr lo que yo logre! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!


Hola Pacho ... La verdad es que con tus clases he podido aprender mucho. Gracias por ser un buen maestro. Yo empecé a seguirle con pocos suscriptores y me alegra ver cómo ha crecido esta comunidad, no se arrepentirán estudiar inglés con este gran maestro. Bendiciones.


Hola Pacho, gracias por todas tus clases.


Pacho siempre dando lo mejor de ti para nosotros. Gracias saludos 🇸🇻🇸🇻


Hello teacher!
Muy buena clase profesor,
Pero el listening se me dificulta mucho todavia.
I'd like a new class of listening.
thank you so much!


Gracias por tus clases, han sido de gran ayuda en este camino de aprendizaje, saludos desde México 🇲🇽


Teacher thank you, for every vídeo I learning so much and i have much yet that to learn GOD bless you!


That is the first time that i have seen this subject, I had studied other topics about used to.
so i had never seen this topic of THERE USED TO BE.
Thank you for teaching very useful topic.


Hey Pacho, how are you doing? I hope you are better so I have been practicing all time and I have learned so much thanks you. I send you a million of hugs and take care so much and God bless you.


Thanks you teacher is very important to watch your videos.I´m learing a lot of .


Hello pacho, You are the best, y did never know that I will be able to write like this, and understand a little what others people say, thank you so much


Tiene el talento más grande que es la enseñanza, gracias por sus vídeos...


Eres el mejor Pacho, te comprendo bastante, explicar super bien. GRACIAS¡


.Hello teacher, I'm again thankful.
There is nothing as learning something new that is well explicated.
Blessings pacho.


Thank u pancho you’re the best teacher I’m leaning many topics with you.


i like your class, in my school have class but i haven't learned anything because i can't to undestan well, but you're help me too much i´ve improved because of you thanks tecaher, let's go


Excelent video.

You're the best taecher on YouTube


Pacho por tu manera de enseñar. Me he quedado en tu canal. Por favor no cambies. Preferiria que explicara en español el tema para entenderlo completamente. Por favor no se vuelva aburrido.
Yo veo sus videos uno y otra vez. Porque me gusta como enseña. Mejor dicho como enseñaba
