Black People Can’t Be Racist??

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We discuss the saying among some that Blacks can’t be racist…. But why?
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By blaming groups they can avoid taking responsibility.


I agree with what ur saying, I believe that any race can be racist. It's human nature, unfortunately. But, maybe not for the same reasons.


Yea it’s weird black people would think because there black they magically can’t be racist all that’s different is our skin color really nothing else


Any group can be racist, prejudice, bigoted, discriminatory, hostile, and disliking they just usually have different motives, motivations, anologies, reasons, reasonings, logics, alibies, and viewings yeah


This is the first video I've seen from your channel. I subscribed because I only subscribe to things that better the development of the human race and the souls that constitute the human race. Thank you man. God bless you.🙏🏼


Listen to this man. He thinks for himself and has wisdom. He obviously seeks knowledge and reads, studies, and gathers information to better understand what the truth is. Not "his truth". Not "your truth". The Truth. Because the Truth is objective. It doesn't change based on peoples subject opinions. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one and they are all equally shitty.


Thank you. Been saying this ever since people started saying Black People can't be racist


Bro keep it up man don’t ever let them keep your from free thinking people these days living in a Herd mentality these days


My guy just found this video today because I was thinking about this situation and I swear half of this video I said to myself word for I don't understand why we in the black community subscribe to concept that we can't be racist when it is not helping us at all. If we can call out a white person being racist then why not one of our own. I cannot tell you how many times I witnessed people being flat out rude to another ethnic group, and don't let us talk about white people when it is just us around, but if white people talk about us the way we talk about them.... it would be 2020 all of again. I hate the fact that we equate racism with us having lack of power and that power equates to possessions. It is the mentality that stops a lot of us from succeeding. We have power! Words are very powerful. I see how some of us look at white people now and how some of us act towards them like they are nothing and nobody. There are videos of black people threatening white people and beating them up for no reason at all. It is becoming too dangerously close to how whites use to treat blacks back in the day. We are beautiful people that have and will continue to accomplish so many things. Lets move forward and stop falling into these traps so the generations to come and be better than what we are doing today.


I've seen some of my former black friends harassing some ransom Asian woman and telling her she's the reason for COVID. Everytime I hear black people can't be racist it makes my blood boil.


Well said man!!! I’ve been trying to wrap my head around this all morning, and you just explained it so well.


We are all fallible.
We must recognize this fact.
We need to forgive ourselves.
We need change our behavior.
Then, we need to forgive others.

#Individuality #FreeThinkers #Reconcile #Redemption #Peace
#GoldenRule #GodLovesAll


Whether you label an act racist by any group of people you have to ask yourself would you want treated that way reversing situations of words or actions. You'll always have people who are racist but they'll never out way the people who want equality and just to live side by side to make the world a better place.


Thank you for this very intelligent, important video. EVERY race can be racist. And we are all simply human beings. We are the same. Made by God. And I know black people do face racist situations, so do white people, so do all races. It needs to stop. How great would it be if we were all together opposing the smaller percentage of evil people. That's why we're intentionally divided. We would put number them and stop them quickly. If ANYONE dislikes others because of the color of their that misguided, negative teaching. And watch us rise together. God Bless you who read this. All glory to The King Jesus Christ! = )


The irony is that I live in white neighborhood and they been the nicest to me and the people the been most racist to me are black people.


Hey I'm from the future! The year is 2131 We have found a sustainable energy and have landed on Mars. Also people are still racist :). It will never end.


Whats sad to me my parents think black people cant be racist I’m glad i said “black people cant be racist’’ this when I was learning now I felt like an idiot and now I’m seeing everyone racist no matter what color you are yes all of us can be racist. I don’t want to support the groups we have today all I want is to be nice and respect someone’s opinion and move on


Power? You mean like managers, or mayors, or...Presidents???


It's simple. They "confuse" racism with institutionalized racism. Majority or minority status has no bearing on the ability to institutionalize racism.
In South Africa, the white minority enforced institutionalized racism via apartheid.


Let me just give you a scenario. A serial killer’s plans from 50 years ago were found, which means that the cops know a serial killer was active back then. The cops find the serial killer’s family, and the family of the victims. The judge is given two options: To give the serial killers family jail time because they had ancestors or relatives that killed multiple people, or to do nothing. Would you blame innocent people for what their relatives have done? Or would you treat the victims family and the serial killers family the same?
