Should I Get Surgery for Hip Osteoarthritis? (Ask Dr. B)

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When should someone get surgery for hip osteoarthritis? How can someone delay surgery or prepare for it? Can it be entirely avoided? Dr. B answers the most common questions we get on hip surgery.

Hip arthritis happens when you lose the articular cartilage that coats the ball and the saucer in the hip joint. But just because it’s showing up doesn’t mean you need a replacement.

Dr. B dives into when it makes sense to schedule hip surgery. She covers a list of questions to consider before making the decision, especially if you’re younger (say, 40s or 50s) and want to put off surgery as much as possible.

Coach E and Dr. B also cover how to delay surgery and suggest ways to prepare your body beforehand, so you have an easier recovery and protect the replacement to make it last as long as possible.

One of the best ways to put off surgery is by changing how you load your hip joint. That can be done through exercises like the ones linked below.

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00:00 - Intro
00:15 - Do I need joint replacement surgery?
02:22 - When is surgery recommended?


SI Joint Pain? Piriformis Syndrome? 5 Exercises to Treat & Prevent

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I just got the hip solution and this was my first day. I like the way it’s laid out and so easy to follow…Coach has great explanations n his voice makes it pleasant. I will keep you posted how it goes.


Thanks for the advice, even though it was from a year ago. I have the same question today.


Excellent. That answers my question. Do the Range of motion before surgery even if you do have surgery you have oreparef your body for after surgery.


I am really confused: I am a walker from way back but now I find that after walking 15 minutes the pain in my left hip is so that I have to stop and stretch in both directions and then I can go for another 15 minutes. But that's the limit. For someone who is used to walking hours and hours - basically, my feet are my means of transport - this is scary. Sometimes I can walk up to half an hour before the pain shows up. I am only 80 years old, and otherwise in very good health.


Thank you both for your input/advice, really appreciate it. Besides the recommended exercises, do you suggest use of a hip brace?


Thank you so much, what exerciese do you recommend to prepare the hip for surgery? 😊


Arthritis is inflammation of the joint - not always correlating with the state of the articular cartilage (as studies are now showing).
I've had arthritis in some of my finger joints, progressing over the years - but only one joint is currently inflamed and painful. (Other joints show obvious bone deformation, easy to see & palpate in the fingers, while some other joints - seemingly at random - are still intact and unaffected.)
This makes nonsense of the old medical idea that arthritis is due to damage of the joint. In fact, the inflammation is primary.
Now I have been diagnosed with severe hip and knee arthritis (via x-ray and clinical assessment, and I have no doubt this is a correct diagnosis). But my knees are currently not painful (though not functioning as well as when I was younger) - while I do have some inflammatory pain around both hip joints. However, my main complaint is pain in my legs (thighs & calves) - muscular or myo-fascial, nowhere near the joints.
I believe this is from too much sitting, combined with some movement dysfunction to protect the inflamed joints, and less about the state of the articular cartilage - simply because of the way the pain manifests.
I'm sure that surgery is helpful, and sometimes necessary, when there is a lot of actual joint damage. But there are many cases where surgery does not actually help at all - and you have incurred the expense and damage to your biology for no benefit.


What I want to know is if hip arthritis can cause pelvic’s right where my right ovary would be (if I still had one)… I had FAI surgery 4 months ago and still have severe pelvic pain. Cortisone shots IN MY HIP JOINT have not helped at LL which makes me wonder if the pain I feel is even from my hip joint. I don’t know where to go from here. I’m 53 and my surgeon was trying to delay hip replacement with the fai and labra repair surgery but I honestly feel worse.


I’m 34 cartilage completely gone due to over use and I’m always in pain. It also restricts me from doing the things I love athletically.

I haven’t tried the cortisone shots yet. Should I get a hip replacement?


I want a hip replacement but doctors want me to wait


I know this has nothing to do with the Topic. But I have a question. Having pain in the upper BACK part of my arm. Have pain when I lift my arm backwards. Have no issue swing my arm forwards but I can’t do the “open the car door” movement without hard pain. Could this be a muscle strain or?


Hi. I am 42. Have osteoarthritis of hip for about 6 years. Can my burning in knee by radiation from hip as this is similar pain at specific angles. As well 2 years ago I pull hamstrings of this same leg, my knee was swollen and still is not Heald can this be related to hip movement??


I'm from the UK, and nearly 74, I had successful partial right knee surgery back in 2009, but for the last 5 years now have bad pain in my left hip, I was x-rayed and told I had slight arthritis in my left hip, and given exercises to do.which hasn't helped, my pain has got a lot worse, and I have to take strong medication to ease the pain 24/7..My hip hurts after walking 10 minutes and after sitting down after a while it hurts so bad too..I went back to see a physio at my doctors surgery 6 months ago, and on moving my hips about said I don't need an a hip replacement, but surely the painkillers where masking the pain, when she was moving my hip about? I dont want to be on strong medication for the rest of my life..


I've been diagnosed with pelvic hip impingement, lack of hip mobility and arthritis. They refuse to shave back the pelvic bone because of the arthritis. Anything I can do to improve mobility?


Not a word about nutrition, bone nutrition, collagen herbs, etc
