PRK vs LASIK Eye Surgery - Procedure, Recovery and Cost

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Learn the differences between prk and lasik! In this video we review how laser eye surgery works, an overview of the prk procedure vs the lasik eye surgery procedure, the cost of lasik vs prk and some pros and cons.

Prk surgery is a commonly performed eye laser surgery as an alternative to lasik. If you have been considering lasik eye surgery, then you may have heard of prk surgery and wondered about this form of laser eye surgery procedure. Although both of these eye surgeries have very similar results in visual recovery, prk requires a longer recovery time vs lasik. In addition, there are several other factors to consider between lasik vs prk. This video briefly discusses how corneal thickness, dry eyes and cost of the procedures may influence which procedure you go with.

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-Doctor Eye Health (Joseph Allen, OD, FAAO)

Key Items Reviewed in this video

The PRK procedure vs the LASIK eye surgery procedure
Prk eye surgery recovery vs lasik recovery
LASIK vs PRK: Dry eyes, lifestyle, corneal thickness

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New to contacts? Watch the Playlist: Contact Lenses for Beginners

More info about Dry Eyes and Dry Eye Treatment

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QOTD 💥 Which Procedure do you think is better? Have you or a family member gone through refractive surgery? How did it go?


Got my lasik surgery like five years ago. They guaranteed the life time care service for free after surgery and I go get checked up every year or two when I can. Very satisfied with the life changing decision I've made. Been having 10/10 visions and can't be happier than before. You just have to get it done at the right place.


Got PRK almost a week and a half ago. Totally amazing experience. As some one who has spent most of my life wearing glasses and contacts, I can’t express how amazing it feels to wake up and just see with your normal eyes.


I did prk in 2018 for 1400$, it was my birthday gift, best gift ever.. I didn’t read or think about before..I’m glad that it worked for me, and feel sorry for other who still suffer from the surgery.


So i have to either risk drying my eyes out forever and PAY hundreds of dollars for someone to SLICE my cornea OR wear contacts/glasses till i die when my eyes are getting worse everyday and with a fear of going blind eventually?!!. Bruh people who have natural perfect vision are really so darn lucky :)


It’s been 2yrs since my lasik surgery. Had bad vision and astigmatism. Best $$ I ever spent on myself. Had 20/20 vision almost 24 hrs after procedure. First 4 hrs it was uncomfortable but bearable. Had dry eyes for about a week but drops provided by eye center as part of recovery process helped. After 3 months it felt like I was born with perfect vision, cannot recommend more. Convinced my dad to get it too and now we are both living better simpler lives. Only regret is wishing I had done it sooner


My vision was -8.50 in both eyes until 2 weeks ago when I had LASIK. I dont remember a time in my life when I didnt need help to see. I couldn't wear contacts, and my depth perception was distorted by my glasses.
This was seriously a terrifying procedure. I felt like Woody in Toy Story. Being cleaned up by the toy specialist. But I cant recommend it more for someone who is eligible with a higher prescription. I now see 20/15 without glasses. I can wear sunglasses that dont cost $100 anymore. I can see to shave in the shower.
I know i have a few decades of life ahead of me, and Im not sure how my vision will change as I age, but right now, even while im still on medicated eye drops, Im really happy I did the procedure.


I wish doctors could just make drops that give you 2020 vision


I received PRK in 2002 from the Navy. I had my surgery with Seal Team 6 at Norfolk, VA(I was the only Marine that day getting surgery). 22 years later, my vision is perfect. No complications. I do remember how painful the PRK surgery recovery was... for a few days I felt like I was dying.


This is life changing! Best decision. Im already in my 16th days in PRK. My eyes is already 20/20 right and my left is 20/30. Still healing. But i see the world clearly. Always trust your surgeon and always pray in god. The healing process is very painful. But in the end of the day your going to smile and laugh because your going to see the true color of the world! 🤗 The 1st and 2nd day is very painful. But after many days your vision is going clear and healed.


Not sure which made me wince more, the descriptions of both surgeries or the comments! Truly a great and informative video! Very helpful.


I don't want to get eye surgery but I'm also terrified of some world ending event happening and be being without glasses for the rest of my life. It worries me that one of the things between me and possible survival in life is plastic and 2 pieces of glass


I had PRK done last September. It is honestly the best decision that I have ever made! I wore glasses for 20 years because I had an astigmatism and a prescription of a -3.0 on my right eye and a -2.75 on my left. My vision is currently at 20/20 & I love it more than words can express! 🐻‍❄️


Lasik legit looks like peeling a grape.


Having LASIK done on my eyes was one of the best decisions in my life. The convenience and comfort afterwards is priceless.


Very interesting video. I'm a professional airline pilot who's just undertaken PRK surgery, advised by the specialist who said that PRK was the best procedures for me, exactly for the reasons you detailed on the video: thickness of the cornea and dryness. Pilots work in an extremely dry environment, where the relative humidity can reach as low as 5%. I can confirm that PRK recovery is slow and not linear in the first days after the surgery so patience and rest are important.


Had PRK about 17 years ago while in the military. My experience is consistent with what the Dr. shared. Couldn't be happier with the result, even 17 years later!


Oh my goodness I'm scared after reading these replies. I was thinking of getting lasik done because I absolutely hate glasses and scared of contact lenses. I watched your videos on contacts and now thinking of getting some! Your video really helped! Thank you!


Personally I just had LASIK, just this past Thursday, I am 36 years old. The immediate result was obviously slightly “blurry” spending a whole day with my eyes closed was not enjoyable lol. But now, nearly a week out my vision is for the lack of a better term... amazing. I can see well beyond what I was even able too see with contacts (worn for about 18 years). Anyone who gets it, best of luck! It’s truly an otherworldly experience!!!


I thought about it but now that you explained the procedures so well there’s no way anybody is touching my eyes! I understand that there is a very high success rate but at 65 I think I will pursue contacts! Thank you so much for this and all the other videos you make! They’re clear and informational and I enjoy learning how I can best take care of my vision which I consider to be my most precious of the 5 senses!
