Day 4 | 21 days of Abundance Meditation | Deepak Chopra

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Hey guys! Welcome to Day 4 of investing in yourself 🌟

Congratulations to all those who decided to start a group. And congratulations to all those who honoured their inner knowing that starting a group is not right for them at this time. Big love to you all. And thank you everyone for staying with the process - it gets better and better 💕💕💕

If you have decided to create your own group, today you can start sending introductory messages explaining how the group will work, similar to the messages I’ve sent you (you can use my wording if you like or create your own). Day 1 will start tomorrow.

Today we will start to heal our relationship with money - I personally struggled with this one! But then I looked at it as asking the universe to sort it out for me rather than worrying about how I was going to pay for it all...!

*Day 4 Task*

‎‏Write in your note book, all your debts, whether they are on your bank account or credit card, personal credit, personal debt, legal ... all debts. Also list all of your monthly expenses. You can also add future purchases that you would like to make. You are trying to capture all the areas of your life that require finance.

‎‏You may choose to put in values (amounts), but if not, just the title of the debts or expense is fine too.

‎‏For Example: bank loan, personal loan, mortgage, loan from a friend or relative, any instalments, electricity bill, car purchase, tuition, legal, regular monthly expenditures, etc.

‎‏For some this list will be long. Take your time, review calmly all aspects of your life that require finance.

‎‏This task is to be completed in the next 24 hours. Once you complete the task and the meditation, please send *"Day 4 - Done"* in this group

*Day 4 Meditation*

Above is the meditation session for day 4 (same mantra as day 2 but different meditation)

*Aham Brahmasmi*

‎‏*अहं ब्रह्मास्मि*

‎‏_"The core of my being is the ultimate reality"_

‎‏Aham Brahmasmi is a term that is used in Hindu and yoga philosophy to describe the unity of the _atman_ (individual self or soul) with _Brahman_ (the Absolute). It is typically translated as “I am Brahman” or less literally as “I am divine.” It reflects the ultimate goal of yoga – union with the higher Self. Yoga itself means “union.”

‎‏When you say ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, you acknowledge that you are the world, you are everything. You are the creator of your universe.

*Day 4 Centering thought*

“From this moment forward I invite unlimited abundance into my life✨.”

‎‏May the energy of this group continue to grow, nourish and enrich us all. 💜💚❤

And don’t forget to have fun!✨
Рекомендации по теме

From this moment forward I invited unlimited abundance in my life


Thank you for a beautiful meditation 🙏


From this moment forword I invite unlimited aboundance in to my life 💫✨
