Day 3 21 days of abundance meditation Deepak Chopra

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🤍 Welcome to Day 3 🤍
Hello my abundant friends!
It’s powerful to spend time reflecting on what we have in our lives and what we would like to have. The fact that we are all doing this together is also part of the process. By sharing our progress in the group we are creating a collective energy field which supports our intention to create abundance in our lives.
And we can draw on that collective energy field to complete the tasks even if they are outside our comfort zones!
Which day 3 might be for some of you...
*Day 3 task* ‎‏I prefer to call today's task an invitation rather than a task.
It is based on the *Law of Giving & Receiving* and the *Flow of Energy*.
‎‏Today's invitation is a turning point in this journey. I hope you will take the same leap of faith and continue the journey. The invitation for today is to take the opportunity to create an abundance group of your own!
You don't need huge numbers of people. 2-3 people is good enough or more. The group can be a text message group, a Facebook group, a what’s app group, an Instagram group or simply an email group. However you feel comfortable in communicating with your friends.
‎‏Every day you will pass to your group the tasks you have received from Day 0 till Day 21. You may change the wording. Or you can just copy and paste what I've sent. (I have done a mixture of both).
Please Note: There is NO OBLIGATION TO CREATE A GROUP, JUST AN OPPORTUNITY. You can decide if this challenge serves you at this moment in life, or not.
On a personal note, I decided to complete the whole 21 Days before starting my own group. I wanted to see and feel my own journey so I could offer more when I started my own group. It was interesting I was torn to do it then and there, however my intuition was good as I found a few of the task later on somewhat challenging.
The choice is yours - If you choose to do it now, you will create the group on our Day 3 (today). Send the welcoming note tomorrow (Day 4). And your new group's Day 1 will be starting on our *Day 5*.
‎‏Simple guidelines for opening an abundance group of your own:
‎‏1. Name the group: "21 Days of Abundance" - you may customise it to differentiate it from this group for easy reference – chose a profile picture that represents abundance to you.
‎‏2. Invite friends to join the group
‎‏3. Invitation: It is important to explain the purpose of the group and clarify that there will be a daily task with a deadline.
‎‏4. To make things easier for you, you may use all previous tasks and notes which you have received from me or you can also add your own touch.
‎‏5. Remember that you will have to send your group a daily task with the meditation ( I decided to schedule all my post so it was a couple of hours of work once). Following up on the people in your group and the accomplishments in completing the tasks
6. I want to encourage you and let you know that it's worth it!
‎‏7. Practising something that is uncomfortable may seem difficult, but ultimately it does bring good, it changes the way our mind is wired and creates a new feeling of " I can do it".
‎‏This is relevant to every aspect of our lives.
8. If you choose to start a group it will start in two day’s time. Or as I have done at the completion of my journey. It’s a beautiful time of year to offer people the gift of meaningful reflection on their lives.
‎‏IMPORTANT: Remember that the energy circle is kept and we create a flow of ripples on the quantum field of life. Imagine the stone in the pond...
It’s quite beautiful to think about all the abundance groups out there, all rippling outwards across humanity through all corners of the globe. And the powerful energetic field that creates ...
‎So, try to find a balance between pushing against your edge and honouring what feels right for you at this moment in time.
*Day 3 Meditation*
Below is the meditation session for day 3.
‎‏_Existence, Consciousness, Bliss_
‎‏_Sat_ : truth, absolute being or existence - that which is enduring and unchanging
‎‏_Chit_ : consciousness, understanding and comprehension
‎‏_Ananda_ : bliss, a state of pure happiness, joy and sensual pleasure
‎‏_Sat-chit-ananda_ is a Sanskrit term that describes the nature of reality as conceptualized in Hindu and yogic philosophy. Some consider _sat-chit-ananda_ to be the same as God or Brahman (Absolute Reality). Others use it as a term to describe the experience of realizing the unity and wholeness of all existence.
‎‏It is said that _sat-chit-ananda_ is the source of all consciousness and all perfection. To experience sat-chit-ananda is to achieve the ultimate goal of the spiritual journey in Hinduism or yoga.
*Day 3 Centring thought*
“Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life .”
*You have the coming 24 hours to complete the task and meditation.*
Once you complete them both give your response as “Day 3 done “ on the group, but continue to hold the centring thought for the rest of the 24 hours.
Рекомендации по теме

From this moment forward I invite unlimited abundance into my life❤️


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life.


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life 🙏🏻 namaste


This 21 day abundance meditation is awesome! ❤


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life ❤ namaste 🙏


Thank you for the meditation 🧘‍♂️.it helps me to relax my mind, and calm it.

Today i focus on what I want to attract into my life.

Namaste 🧘‍♂️🥰


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life 🌈Namaste 🙏💚


This meditation has changed my life. I am truly blessed and grateful to have been guided to this 21 day meditation. Thank you Deepak ❤ I am truly abundant. Thank you Universe.


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life


Fabulous. Learning about brainwaves and ‘What is reality’… You are my guiding light eve even when you’re busy thank you for the fabulous meditation that is ❤ looking after Fascinating me


Today I focus onto what I want to attract into my life. Acceptance, abundance and ease. 😊🙏🏾


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life. Namaste.


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life 💸


Today i focus on what I want to attract into my life ✨ acceptance, abundance, ease. Asé !


Day 3 done, really enjoyed my day today, able to spread more joy and health, and braved the task for the day


❤️today I focus on what I want to attract into my life. Nameste❤️


Today I will focus on what I want to attract into my life ❤ Namaste 🙏


Dnes sa sústredím na to, čo chcem do svojho života pritiahnuť. 🚀


Today I focus on what I want to attract into my life 🙏🏼


Today, I focus on what I want to attract into my life. ❤
