Marriage Visitor Visa Process (U.K. Edition).

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Hello Everyone!

In this video I will be discussing the process of obtaining a marriage visitor visa for the United Kindom.

I pray this helps you in your marriage journey!
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curious question - do both parties apply or just one? So if you are from the US and want to get married in UK, does just 1 person apply or do both have to separately? I've been scanning all the websites etc and nothing states that both parties have to.


Hi my fiancée lives in the UK and im in America currently, im trying to get a marriage visitor visa so I can marry her, however my nearest biometrics appointment is five hours away in Helena Montana. Also applying for it online they are asking for specifics dates of marriage ceremonies and when I will leave however I cannot know exact dates until I go there. I will be there for about 16 days.


Were there any financial requirements? And are you going to do the spouse visa to remain in the uk?


I just applied a few days ago and biometric date is on 30th December. However we already booked a venue for 16th of march. I think I booked it too early? What are your thoughts on this? and how long did it take for your visa to get approved. Please let me know if you can. Do you think I should reschedule and cancel the visa and apply all over again with a further date?


Hi mam iam a msc student in uk
And iam a indian
My boyfriend is working in Kuwait can my boyfriend able to apply for marriage visa and get married in uk
