Should you get 8 hours of sleep? | Andrew Huberman and Lex Fridman

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Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford.


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I think Lex's comment comparing sleep science to nutrition science, is the important takeaway here. Generalisations in these fields don't account for the complexity and uniqueness of each individual's personal body chemistry. I have friends who get 6 hours and have no context to understand people who say they need 8, because they themselves are objectively doing pretty great all the time on less. Other people however, (I'm one of them), feel like utter sh*te if they get anything under 7.5 hours, regardless of which point they wake up in that last 90 minute cycle.
The difference in lived experience is pretty fascinating sometimes. As an insomniac, I've described to people in the past how, for me, getting a rare good night of sleep feels like being on the best drugs in the world. Often the person that I'm talking to has no clue what I'm on about, and thinks that I'm exaggerating so much that it's kind of weird. But, if I happen to be talking to another insomniac, and use the same description, there is usually an instant of brief shared recognition, where each person immediately senses that 'YES !! I know EXACTLY what you f*cking mean !!'
(Additional note: No, I'm not saying that non-insomniacs 'can't' ever empathise with insomniacs - I'm not a 'lived experience' absolutist, like many people seem to want to be these days. I just saying that often, this is what you find, and that it is interesting, that's all.)


Would be interesting to hear what Matthew Walker would say about the statement "There is no evidence that 8 hours of sleep is better than 6 hours". His entire book is written about getting less than 8 hours of sleep is highly damaging for our bodies in the long term and can cause some serious health issues.


Short answer: sleep 7, 5 h (450 min/ 90min cycle = 7, 5 h)


There’s definitely evidence that 7-8hrs are better than 6hrs. The benefits are especially noticed when it comes to brain function. Consistent lack of sleep has been shown to lead to a higher risk of dementia in later life.


I've heard about these sleep cycles before. The problem is I can't time my sleep like that. Sometimes I might fall asleep in a minute and sometimes it takes 30 minutes or more


Personally I need closer to a solid 8 hours or I don't feel as well. As Lex said it's specific to each person.


Important is to Sleep at same time daily.
6.5 hrs-7 hrs is Good for most people .
If ur in Bodybuilding or Sports u may need 8hrs+ for Full recovery.


You really should get eight hours. Functioning on six isn’t doing your mental or physical health any favors.


isnt the perfect amount of sleep time is the one that naturally feels right?


I think it depends on how much your job and lifestyle run you down in a day, if you have a very physical job you need the extra hours to repair whatever damage has accumulated through the day. I need 8 hours or else I feel sore and tired and can't do the same amount of physical work as the day before, I can also concentrate better on eight hours than I would if I only had six.


the thing is your body will feel alright on less hrs of sleep and you can power thru it but it will eventually show on your face. theres no hiding it.. you'll look worn out I've noticed


Yo, does anyone have an app to recommend to track ultradian cycles during sleep?


People get used to lack of sleep, and feel 6 hours is normal. There’s evidence later in life reduced sleep can lead to early dementia.

My ex would have almost no sex drive at 6 hours vs 8.


I wonder if there's an analogue to nutrition also in terms of the value of randomising sleep quality/duration somewhat. Just as we seem to have seriously underestimated the importance of varying food intake (especially protein), including occasional deprivation, I wonder if there aren't positive health effects when sleep deprivation is sporadic and acute, interspaced with long stretches of long, sound sleep, rather than chronic deprivation.


It’s so weird for me, every time I don’t set an alarm I sleep for 9 hours. Does that mean I need 9 hours of sleep?


If i have a long day ahead the next day and I didn’t go to sleep early, realising I’ll only get 6-7 hours of sleep, that’s the moment I already know how shitty I will feel in the morning and how groggy I will be all day. What we should all do is check how much we sleep when we can wake up whenever we want not when an alarm goes off. Do that a few times and get your average.


im sure there are better clips but i didn't like how short this one was


Technically is. better to sleep 7:45 than 8 hours, since in 7:45 you will get the full cycles; also it varies from person to person, in my case I do know I need the 7:45; I just dont function proper with 6 hours


What all should I download please!!!???


What about 5? I keep waking up at the 5 hour mark and have difficulty getting back to sleep so I'm wondering if I should just get up completely
