How to get a full 8 hours of sleep every night
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For adults, it’s recommended to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.
But while getting enough sleep sounds terrific, it’s a lot easier said than done, especially for most people today.
According to studies, exposure to white and blue light from mobile phones, tablets, and computers can suppress melatonin levels in the body.
As a result, this inhibits a person’s ability to feel sleepy.
That’s why one of the common tips to ensuring you get a good night's sleep is to turn off your screen for at least an hour before sleeping.
That and many other lifestyle hacks, which we will be discussing more next.
Here are some sleep hacks you can follow to make achieving your 8 hours a little simpler.
1. Come up with a schedule
Heard of the saying, human beings are creatures of habit?
This especially is the case when it comes to sleep.
Keeping up a regular sleep schedule of when to sleep and when to wake up every day, including weekends, is the key.
Getting on a schedule helps your body to know when it should be in sleep-mode, preventing you from staying up too late.
2. No gadgets before bed
The internal body clock, otherwise known as the circadian rhythm, dictates when a person wakes up and falls asleep.
It is also deeply affected by light.
In other words, light tells the body to be awake, while darkness makes it think it’s sleeping time.
And yes, your cellphone and tablet can disrupt these rhythms, making sleeping difficult.
Hence, you must strictly follow a “screen off” rule as part of your bedtime routine, putting down all your devices a few hours before bed.
3. Keep your room cool
Our body temperature naturally lowers slightly in the middle of the night.
It then warms back as the body is coming to wake up.
When your bedroom is too hot, it can get in the way of your body’s ability to lower its temperature.
As such, it will interfere with your sleep.
Try keeping your room cool, instead, say for about 65 degrees.
4. Use blackout curtains
Many people cannot rest properly if there’s too much light.
A quick solution to this is to put blackout curtains in your room, even during the winter season when it’s darker earlier.
Even the tiny amounts of light can be recognized by the retinas when trying to sleep.
Therefore, you should consider investing in some heavy, thick curtains that will put your room in total darkness.
5. No heavy snacks before hitting the sack
Heavy or spicy foods can be hard to digest, which in turn, can disturb your sleep.
But if you cannot give up on late-night snacks, there’s a way.
Eat foods like bananas, dairy products, and nuts.
These foods and many other more contain the sleep-aiding amino acid called tryptophan.
So, midnight snacks are okay, but just be mindful of what you eat.
Any other sleep tips you have in mind?
Share them with us by commenting below. -
But while getting enough sleep sounds terrific, it’s a lot easier said than done, especially for most people today.
According to studies, exposure to white and blue light from mobile phones, tablets, and computers can suppress melatonin levels in the body.
As a result, this inhibits a person’s ability to feel sleepy.
That’s why one of the common tips to ensuring you get a good night's sleep is to turn off your screen for at least an hour before sleeping.
That and many other lifestyle hacks, which we will be discussing more next.
Here are some sleep hacks you can follow to make achieving your 8 hours a little simpler.
1. Come up with a schedule
Heard of the saying, human beings are creatures of habit?
This especially is the case when it comes to sleep.
Keeping up a regular sleep schedule of when to sleep and when to wake up every day, including weekends, is the key.
Getting on a schedule helps your body to know when it should be in sleep-mode, preventing you from staying up too late.
2. No gadgets before bed
The internal body clock, otherwise known as the circadian rhythm, dictates when a person wakes up and falls asleep.
It is also deeply affected by light.
In other words, light tells the body to be awake, while darkness makes it think it’s sleeping time.
And yes, your cellphone and tablet can disrupt these rhythms, making sleeping difficult.
Hence, you must strictly follow a “screen off” rule as part of your bedtime routine, putting down all your devices a few hours before bed.
3. Keep your room cool
Our body temperature naturally lowers slightly in the middle of the night.
It then warms back as the body is coming to wake up.
When your bedroom is too hot, it can get in the way of your body’s ability to lower its temperature.
As such, it will interfere with your sleep.
Try keeping your room cool, instead, say for about 65 degrees.
4. Use blackout curtains
Many people cannot rest properly if there’s too much light.
A quick solution to this is to put blackout curtains in your room, even during the winter season when it’s darker earlier.
Even the tiny amounts of light can be recognized by the retinas when trying to sleep.
Therefore, you should consider investing in some heavy, thick curtains that will put your room in total darkness.
5. No heavy snacks before hitting the sack
Heavy or spicy foods can be hard to digest, which in turn, can disturb your sleep.
But if you cannot give up on late-night snacks, there’s a way.
Eat foods like bananas, dairy products, and nuts.
These foods and many other more contain the sleep-aiding amino acid called tryptophan.
So, midnight snacks are okay, but just be mindful of what you eat.
Any other sleep tips you have in mind?
Share them with us by commenting below. -