Meet Homepage - Your HomeLab Services Dashboard

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Meet Homepage, your new HomeLab services dashboard homepage! Homepage is an open source, highly customizable homepage (or startpage) dashboard that runs on Docker and is integrated with over 100 API services. It's easy to set up, looks good by default, and helps you keep track of everything you are running in your HomeLab and more. Today we'll set up Homepage and get it running in Docker in no time.

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00:00 - What is Homepage?
01:08 - Homepage Prerequisites
01:18 - Setting Up Homepage with Docker
01:40 - Explaining Docker Compose Properties
03:02 - Docker Server Tasks
04:11 - Starting Homepage
04:52 - Exploring HomePage
06:00 - Customizing Homepage
07:20 - Customizing Background Image
08:16 - Dark Mode & Color
08:51 - Adding Services
09:32 - Icons Repos
10:30 - Icons with CSS
11:46 - Add Services Group
12:04 - Adding Widgets (e.g. Pi-Hole)
14:01 - .env File
15:09 - Service Widgets on Homepage
15:30 - Standalone Widgets
16:25 - Recreating My Old Homepage
17:43 - Sharing Config
18:20 - Kubernetes Config

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Right when I lost hope on someone posting some sort of video to help with homepage setup, Tim comes through..thanks man


Hey Tim, huge thanks for such a great introduction to homepage, this will be a great addition to the resources new users have. Love your videos as always.


Made the change from Heimdall to Homepage and at the first glance homepage was very confusing to me. But once you read the docs or watch a good youtube video like this it gets really easy to setup and very powerful. Had some trouble with the background but I will change it now thanks to this tutorial :) Great video.


Been using homepage for about a year, so knew most of the stuff but still learned a few things. Great video.

Also fyi, homepage recently added support for tabs which is a really great feature when you have a lot of icons


I just moved to homepage after using homer and homarr and it seems much more customizable. Neat trick with the coloring of the icons I will have to see if I can try this with the background color for the icon space.

Always enjoy seeing your homelab tours and dashboard videos. McDonald's was a funny addition, In-N-Out for the win though 😂.


So cool to see you do this, I've been using homepage for like 2 years now!


Super huge thanks for this Tim. I have been wanting to switch to this, but was overwhelmed by it. Your video made it super easy to understand and your documentation allowed for me to visually see your dashboard and then look at the configuration for me to understand what I was looking at in the code.


Tim, you can also define which container each link refers to, in the services yaml file. You can get either show healthy/running statements or just a green/orange dot. indicates which container is running or paused


Dude thanks a ton, this is incredible. Insanely easy to work with and add services to, and it looks SO clean! Like WAY more sleek than almost every other dashboard out there!


Great intro to homepage! If you do a refresh to this, I'd love to see a quick config of the 'customapi' widget. Very useful for showing any JSON (or HealthCheck) from hosted services that don't have an api integration yet.


This is great! I have been using Dashy for a while now, I like it, but I need a challenge and this is right up my alley! Thanks TechnoTim! BTW I love your white workbench, it's giving me ideas for the garage 😃


Thanks to you, I just spent the last 3.5 hours configuring homepage in my Kubernetes cluster. My favorite part: Adding to homepage via annotations on your ingresses. Absolutely delightful to have services self-register.


Moved to this from Homarr a couple weeks ago and been loving it. Glad to see you give it some love.


perfect timing i just completed configuring vlan on my network, time to move on with this project.


I pillaged your configs. Thank you, sir. I was foolish for sleeping on Homepage. It’s fantastic.


Hey Tim, this is AWESOME!!! Another great tutorial and easy to follow along with. I am currently using Dashy and have been looking for a different dashboard for my home lab and this one fits the bill. Thank you and keep up the awesome work that you do.


Can’t thank enough for making this video. I had tried installing Homepage before but I couldn’t get it to work properly, with the help of the video and the documentation I was able to recreate my home dashboard exactly how I wanted it. Thank you Tim, great work!


When I 1st saw your HomPage .... I always wanted to know that how you did it...!! Thank You for this...!!!


Wow, thanks for providing your config! I'll start from scratch to build things up, but that is a fantastic reference.


This was really bad ass.. thanks for the detailed write up..
