Changes in Face After 4 1st Premolars' Extraction & Braces Treatment. Best HD Animation @ Dr Ram MDS

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Many People ask how their face will look like after Braces treatment involving extraction of 4 first premolars. This video depicts space closure and face changes.
(This basically shows absolute anchorage and maximum retraction results. Treatment consultation & technique used in braces will be shared on request)
1. Braces Treatment. Re-treatment. Cross checking progress of treatment.
2. Queries of patients undergoing Braces Treatment.
3. Dental problems.
4. Patients not satisfied with dental treatment and want re-treatment.
5. Dental students/Post graduate who want to learn Ortho - Theory & Clinical Work.
6. Graduate doctors for Orthodontic MCQs which they are not able to understand.
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Face looks better when teeth move inwards


Amazing animation. Quite useful for those who have forward teeth


Hello firstly I want to thank you because I noticed you were answering all the comments people put on your video. Secondly I wanted to thank you because this type of content is helping me know more about my own dental situation!


Please make more videos on this, I wanna know how effects face, (cheek bones definition, dimples jawline, nose chin ect) provide male examples if possible


A nice &engaging informative video sir


hi i just got 4 tooth extracted and i’m so terrified that my jaw will recede and become sunken in. Pls help i’m so stressed out over this


Hey i just got 4 teeth extracted by my orthodontist and im scared that it will effect the width of my jaw or recede my jaw!!! 😢😢😢


I have mild overcrowded teeth on the lowr jaw and mild overjet in the upper jaw, my orthodontist suggested to extract only one frist premolar but i was feeling good with thay because i wanted to have btaces without extraction, because i am reading that extraction is bad and have extreme consequences


I was looking for such videos. good one. make more such videos


I had my extractions two years back and my face became longer and jaw became flat and squarish and my cheeks are sunken in pls help


I got my braces 3 months before for overbite and crowded teeth, after 3 months my crowded teeth is fixed up but I am still having overbite when I smile, the doctor is asking me to wait for 2 more months and after that we'll be doing extraction of 4 teeth. Will it be a wise decision? Cause' I'm afraid of extractions


Sir, I have an overbite and I'm on braces right now, i just got one of my premolars extracted but I've been seeing all the side effects of having your teeth removed and it kind of freaked me out. Can you check my case please?


Sir currently my braces tretment is going on and my 4 teeth hv been extracted a month ago like one every month.. but i feel like my smile lines gets prominent.. is it temporary beacuse i m not liking them.. sor pls help .m i m really tensed 😢


I keep seeing videos on how teeth extraction is awful. But from what i learnt, it really depends


hi there! I got 4 teeth removed, also got an MSE to widen my upper palate and fit braces (bite class 2). I think my face looks good but i’ve read horrible reviews from people claiming that extractions ruined their face. Is this true in every case? Please help I’m panicking


.I got braces 7 months ago .. I've over bite jaw prblm .. hence i extracted my 4 teeth & now i think my lower lip looks bigger 💀 so i wanna ask that it is temporary or permanent I mean I love my natural lips I don't want big lip so it will be permanent or after take off out my braces it will be same ? 😭🤌


I'm positive about my face but i have overbite doctor said that i need to extract 4 premoral and I'm confused if i should do it or not


Hello dr Ram
Next week i will get my braces and will be removed 1 or 2 premolar teeth's out and my question is if my jaw and face are going to change for the better or worse as time goes by (im still 17)


Hello sir, my orthodontist extracted 2 upper wisdom tooth in april 2024 . Because i had slight overbite. Now i see that my cheekbones look flatter than before. And it becomes harder to breathe. I feel like something bloks my throat and i cant put my tounge full on my plate . My questions is do you think my orthodontist fooled me? And can i reverse damage ? Thank you for the answers.


Currently i am going on braces treatment my upper 2 teeth are like rabbit and i am having a small chin i dont know whether i need extraction or not but its been a year my teeth had aligned but my upper jaw is still 6mm away to lower jaw should i go with extraction does that ruin my profile pls help me i am so stressed
