What if Ahsoka Faced Anakin on Mustafar: Episode II

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Part 1:

What if Ahsoka Faced Anakin on Mustafar part 2. Due to popular demand, we're returning to this idea and seeing what the will of the Force may be.

Anakin and Padme settle down on a remote farm on Ryloth. They spend the next few weeks establishing their new home. Despite this, neither can escape the shadow of war looming over them. Anakin fought to ensure this planet's freedom, but they traded one occupier for another.

Padme has her doubts as well. Seeing the suffering people experience up close reminds her of why she became a senator. Despite that, they both try to keep their heads down and remind themselves that others are there to fight for Ryloth.

That is until a Holonet transmission shows Cham Syndulla being arrested for supposedly attempting to assassinate Senator Orn Free Taa. The imperial troops also arrest all his supporters and family. There is now a bounty on the head of Hera, the teenage daughter of the general.

The two look at each other and realize the same thing. Neither can bear to watch this suffering and decide to do something. Leaving their kids with Cut, Anakin and Padme journey to the capital to rescue the Syndullas.

The two go in disguise, blending among the crowds in the city. There they see hundreds of clones marching through the streets. They decide to split up, with Anakin creating a distraction while Padme sneaks inside to rescue the political prisoners.

Anakin approaches the outer defenses and notices a group of clones near a fighter tank. He uses the Force to dislodge a small crate from a nearby rooftop, drawing the troopers from their posts. Seizing the opportunity, Anakin slips through the gap and hops inside the fighter tank. A smile forms on his face as he activates the controls.

Padme approaches one of the entrances to the Imperial headquarters just as blaster fire from the nearby street pulls the guards away. Once they are out of sight, she slips into the entrance and makes her way to the detention level.

As she navigates the hallways, she hears the faintest rustle behind her. Spinning around and pulling out her blaster, she finds herself face-to-face with a shadowy figure.

Hunter: Senator?

The figure stepped into the light, revealing himself as Hunter. Behind him, Echo, Tech, and Wrecker emerge from the darkness.

Echo: Senator, what are you doing here?

Padme: Apparently, the same thing you are.

Tech: If you are here, would the most logical conclusion be that the chaos outside is…

Padme: Anakin. Yes.

Wrecker: Laughs. If we knew you were gonna do that, I would have volunteered to steal the tank.

Hunter begins forming a plan. The Bad Batch will handle the guards and secure the landing pad while Padme rescues Cham and the others. Padme and Echo head to the lower levels where the prisoners are held.

Echo hurls a grenade that unleashes a cloud of smoke, blinding the few guards who try to wipe their visors. The two raise their pistols and take out the guards before they can recover.

Padme activates the cell doors, revealing Cham and his fighters who take the fallen clones' weapons. The group retraces their steps and meets up with the Bad Batch. However, another figure is with them: the garrison commander, Captain Howzer. He explains that a squad of clones is outside to arrest them, but he will buy them time to escape.

Howzer manages to win them over and even convinces a few of his men to join him. However, the defectors are arrested. The last one to escape is Anakin, who watches Howzer being taken away.

Padme watches Cham and Hera reunite while Anakin stands nearby, his eyes meeting Hunter's with a silent understanding. Although Anakin desperately wants to remain out of the Empire's reach, he realizes that avoiding it now is impossible.

Anakin contacts Captain Rex and tells him about Howzer. The clone's face darkens at the news.

Rex: I was worried about that. Unfortunately, it isn't anything new. There have been multiple reports of clones who question orders starting to disappear.

Anakin: W-well, if you need help tracking them, I'm here to help.

Rex: You, sir? I thought you wanted to sit this war out?

Anakin: Well, that might not be an option anymore. I don't think I can sit by and let all of this happen.

Rex: Well then, sir, I'm happy to let you into my network.

He offers Anakin a meet-up point at Cid's bar to discuss things further. Padme agrees to go too, not wanting to be separated from Anakin again, though the twins will remain with Cut.

On Ord Mantell, Anakin reunites with his captain. But to his surprise, Ahsoka is there too as she is also helping the resistance network. They have been trying to figure out where these clones are being taken, but so far hasn't been able to find any leads. Howzer is the perfect opportunity to change that.
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In the words of Kylo Ren when he had the First Order shooting at Luke, "More!!!! Part 3 please


This cliff hangerscreams for at least one more episode.


Ah the cliffhanger got me. I wanna know what happens lol.


Asoka, my loyalty is to the Chanceller, to my new empire

If you are not with me, Anakin, then you are against me.

Only a Jedi deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.

You will try Anakin, you will try.


Yeah I reckon we’re going to need a part 3.


Palpatine's signature smile at the end when Anakin picked up the HoloDisk at the end of this story was funny AF 😂
I love that character so much hes such a force of DarkSide Genius 👏🏾.


Oh you've done it !!! Now there MUST be a part 3 !!!! 💯💥


As Oliver twist said. Please sir I want some more.
What if you turn this video idea into a full series with multiple episodes. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.


Darth Theorist You make the best what ifs ever really. But tell me, when can you make? What if Anakin Skywalker was trained by the force itself, his real true creator and father? What if Anakin Skywalker was born at his full potential with all of his memories powers and abilities from both of his lives as Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader.into one As well as many more new ones. Bro, you promised us, your fans, the subscribers.


Very glad to see you continuing some of your stories instead of just starting more and more new ones. You've started a lot I like but you've also started so many that it's hard to keep track. Could you be more clear if you are going to continue or if it's a one off?


Great work I really like it part 3 please


Well done! You certainly know how to work a cliffhanger. Good motivations, great actions and wonderful story progressions continue to make each story compelling, this one as much as the others. Great part 2 and I hope a part 3 comes one day, but you left it so this could be it with an opening for more to come.


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


Please give a part 3 I know you prob have a whole lot more videos planned ahead and I eagerly await them all bur really hate cliffhangers lol 😅❤... can't wait for what's ahead


Thank you so much for making these What if videos for all of us and I'm looking forward to the next Episode. 😀😀🙏🙏
May the Force be with you ALWAYS Darth Theorist.


What if darth vader went to darthomir to learn. New suit or perhaps more unique powers.
Resurrect talzin maybe.
what if Vokara Che became a mentor to anakin as anakin was being treated for bullying and trauma from being a slave.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara unduli, serra keto or bultar swan.
What if anakin was taught by agen kolar or sasee tin or adi gallia.


What if anakin was found by jedi belonging to another sect like corelia or those nomadic jedi who allow attachment.
What if anakin went to dathomir in revenge of the sith to search for ways to save padme.
What if yoda decided to swap the masters of ferus olin and anakin.
So anakin with siri.
Obi with ferus
What if ahsoka and anakin crash landed on bendu's planet. Also what if darth vader joined thrawn in meeting the bendu and went on a spiritual journey back to the dust ball tatiotene.
What if the whills turned padme into a literal force angel to save vader.


here's an idea: what if palpatine, being a sith, decide to make peace between both sides before order 66??
(the trigger could be anakin and seeing how much good he's doing as chancellor)


What if Palpatine told the senate he was Sidious when he was elected (not illegal by the time of the prequels)?

What if Padme didn’t trade Anakin for grievous when they were both captured on naboo

What if Anakin used force lightning in various moments throughout the clone wars?

What if Palpatine sensed vadar’s betrayal in return of the Jedi?

What if Gungi stayed with the bad batch?

What if Caleb joined the bad batch when his master died?

What if Caleb survived the fire on Lothal?

What if Ahsoka got to coruscant with maul before Mace windu left for the chancellors office?

What if Ezra found luke instead of obi wan on Tatooine?

What if Illum gave Anakin a red kyber crystal?


I still wish it would’ve found and trained star killer
