Why Is Term Insurance Better Than Whole Life Insurance?

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Thinking about my retirement scares me.I apologize to everyone who is retired and filing social security after putting in all those years of work just to lose everything to a problem you weren't to blame for.it's especially difficult for people who are retired.


I used to work in a call center for an insurance company. Day in and day out, we get phone calls saying, my father/mother paid thousands a year for this policy for decades and now they die and we only got 20 grand???

Hated that job, worse than Walmart.


7:17 "I've never been poor, only broke. Being poor is a frame of mind. Being broke is only a temporary situation." - Mike Todd


I have learned more in this video than the past 10 years watching/listening to others...Thank you!


I love the truth and I really appreciate you! Honesty to people life is the best policy! You right who cares wat they say about you! Atleast you are helping us poor, middle class people! Thanks for your honesty! 🙏🏼🕊️❤️


My argument for keeping or buying whole life for a child - the earliest you can buy it the better due to low payments. They can be $10-$20/month and that is the set price. If you are blessed with having a child who reachs their 20s or gets married you sign it over to them and most likely there are no payments that are needed. If in the time between when they could be insured and adulthood they found out about having cancer, deadly allergies, epilepsy, or they smoke like a chimney or skydive they at least have something. I really wanted to buy whole life for our children but didn't. We found out our youngest has a bad but allergy and possibly sports asthma making things possibly harder in the future for getting a good deal on term.


I love the honesty and how educated he is. My coach educates and trains us daily and I am so grateful I work for a company that is truly for the ppl. Buy term and invest the difference! That's how you and your family WIN🎉❤😊


Never could figure insurance. Dave's help in figuring this out has been financially revelatory.


Wow, this video was really informative! 😍 I'm so glad I now know the benefits of term insurance. Thank you so much for explaining everything so clearly! 🙏


I worked for New York Life in Tampa Bay, my job consisted on calling back beneficiaries to burst them the news that after paying to us premiums for possibly multiple decades, NYL's underwriters came to discover after the investigation that the insured had a health condition that was not disclosed at the time of signing the policy, and even though the commercial on tv that lured them to by the policy indicated that not medical exam was required, an undisclosed health condition wold be sufficient for any insurance company not to have to pay a single penny, I hated my job and quit because I could not longer be an accomplice on ripping people off their money! Life insurance companies are worse than car insurance!


Common. A credit card is not good ?? Give me a brake. I got 0% APR credit cards that I play with and because I have great credit. No annual fees. And if it wasn’t for those I couldn’t have grown my business. Never paid a penny in interest. The cards are not a problem. The problem are uneducated or irresponsible Spenders.


Thanks for speaking the truth, not only about the life insurance, but also the car lease and credit card!


Thanks to your advice I got rid off a whole life insurance that was squeezing my finances... Thanks a lot


Good thing I figured this out today 9/22/23 after our second annual payment for my kids, I’m getting term life insurance and canceling this whole life immediately, this is a game changer. It will save me thousands in the long run. 😧😧😧

Once again, thanks, Uncle Dave!


I sell life insurance and I only sell Term life. The only time i sell whole life is if ive exhausted all efforts in swaying them to term. in 2019 I sold 90% term and 10% whole.


Thanks for all the detailed information you have provided in this video. I like your way of explaining every point. Keep sharing such great videos in the future also.


I'm so glad you made this video. This is all so confusing. Thank you for helping me understand!


Had a relative who bought whole life with cash value. When his mom died, the insurance company only paid him the face amount and said that if he also wanted the cash value he would have to take them to court.

Would’ve cost him more than the cash value in his policy if he took the insurance company to court. In the end, he decided to just take the face amount.

All that extra money going into that policy wasted. Crooks I tell you.


Had to listen to this twice, I get it now. Thanks🤗


This was a sign.. I literally had a meeting with someone about them tryna get me and my wife whole life insurance .... thanks Dave!
