Term Life Insurance Better Than Whole Life?

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All you need is term. If you save your whole life by the time the term is over you should be a millionaire and not need life insurance.


Love your videos and clips. Such easy explanations of insurance. I am thankful I found your book and all of your resources. Keep them coming. 😊👊🏻


I needed this. This channel is the most informative on YouTube. Changing my families entire life.


Dave, you are a life saver! Great advice and honest opinion. Love all your videos. You just gained a new subscriber! 😬


Thanks Dave, I appreciate the run down, this stuff gets confusing. I thought you got the cash value plus the coverage until watching this. Good to know because when you don't it just does not make sense to go with whole life. I am covered well with term life insurance, so I am better off in the next 20 years before I retire investing the money that I would put in a whole life policy into bonds or a good mutual fund and getting a decent rate of return. Thanks again!


This is interesting because about 3 - 4 years ago as I was setting up an umbrella policy (I did that early because I live in a community with an insane number of registered nurses and doctors who make 6 figure salaries), my insurance agent tried to sell me whole life as a way to minimize risk. In other words, even the courts admit that any cash value in a whole life policy is not your asset. I politely said no and left his office. If we continued to push it, I would have moved all of my policies to a different company.

That said, fast forward to today, I can at least tell him that he will not be able to underwrite life insurance on me at any price now due to a cancer scare 2 years ago. I got a small term policy before the cancer to pay off my mortgage and bury me and that is all I need since I am single and any funds needed to take care of my cat is dealt with in my will.


I just got term life insurance for me and my son, I had to convince my wife that whole life sucks. All I had to do is argue against the numbers, the numbers don't lie

I got a term life with a return of premium rider. So all my premiums I payed are returned to me if I outlive the term, or it goes back to my wife if I die.


All you need is Term life insurance. But dont forget to invest the difference in a great diversified portofolio for the long term.


im so grateful for u and talking about this topic. im finally getting a policy for my 60 yo mom. its sad that i could lose her one day but i dont want my brothers and i to have to worry about funeral cost etc when the time comes. and this gave me so much info because i was going to get whole life. now term life is the way im going


Been doing research for a few weeks 😂 glad i watched this.


mine was cancelled when the insurance company found out i have leukemia .i paid on the policy for 10 years they wanted to renew it because i turned 50 . they found out about the cancer and that was it.


Whole life is robbery, the agent pushing that is a pos


I understand what he's saying about cash value life insurance in general being a rip off but about the Bank On Yourself strategy? Could someone comment on this?


Dave, Great advice. What type of microphone are you using? Your voice sounds really good.


Your sound is excellent and you have very good video! What are you using for a camera?


Thank you so mich for your advise. I thought i need whole life, but no insurance will give to my family if i die?


Hey Mr. Ramsey could you do a video on your views on IULs (Indexed universal life)


Two professional financial advisors I went to stated to stay away from whole/universal life and stated Dave is "correct." Yet, my insurance pressed me for the whole life as a "must do." Interesting! I am very upset my insurance agent was taking care of himself. He's no longer my insurance agent.


Thank you for the information. Glad I found your site. Trying to leave something for my daughter.


I have life ins. For 150, 000.00 but if i get sick with cancer i can borrow money from there. For meds. And my son is cover with 10, 00p automatically. What ur opinion please?
