How To Organize Scrap Fabric ~ Pre Cut Your Srcraps

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Learn how to organize scrap fabric. Are you overwhelmed with scraps? WATCH THIS VIDEO✅ Scrap fabric management!

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The way I control my stash is every time I finish a project I don’t let myself start another until I’ve cut my scraps down into 5” & 2 1/2 inch squares, 2 1/2 strips, etc. My husband built me some nice shelves up close to the ceiling and I store my scraps up there in clear plastic bins with labels on the ends. That way I’m ready to make a scrap quilt at any given time. It works for me.


Leftovers in the sewing room are just as good as those in the fridge ))


I have bags of snibbles ready to go to a good home!


I cut fabric down to 10, 5 and 2.5 after every project. It really helps keep the clutter down. I now always use any leftover blocks as an "after quilt" for the backing. But even after that...there are always more scraps!! Those go to a lady in my quilt guild who either makes string quilts or uses them for stuffing dog beds for the local shelter.


oh my goodness. THANK YOU! I have been trying to figure out how to NEATLY store my scraps! Cut them to a uniform simple. So genius!


For the "charm pack" size cuts, for me, having them fit neatly in their storage bags would bring more joy than having them be any particular size of square. So I can imagine using a quart ziploc instead of a gallon size, to help me determine what size I want my charms to be. I'm just so happy seeing how beautifully your "layer cake" squares fit into the gallon size that it makes me want to replicate that snug, professional-looking fit.
You're so right that having beautiful scrap organization is very encouraging to invite spontaneous creativity!


Scraps that I don’t think I’ll use anymore go into a USPS priority mail envelope and I mail it to Robin at RSIsland Crafts. She’s a widow on a tight budget and has lots of scrappy creativity. I think the Dollar stores should sponsor your videos and as well as her’s😉.
Thanks for this very helpful video.


I have always kept my scraps folded and flat in a large plastic bin. Then I donate them. Once to a guild that made quilts for a women’s shelter and once to the Hopi Indian tribe in Arizona. There is always someone who will be happy to use scraps. And that way, I don’t have to deal with them…lol


Phewwww....I did it. I chose to do 10 inch, 5.5 inch, and 2.5 inch strips to start. I used a whole weekend to sort and cut my scraps. I did have some small scrap pieces that didn't fit my precut criteria...I just put those in a bag together for super scrappy quilt blocks.


If you ever decide you no longer want any of your scrapes or know anyone who want to get rid of their stash I’d gladly take some off their hands. I’m a new quilter starting out trying to learn some projects in quilting. So.. please keep me in mind. I’m disabled, with some health problems me a sewing machine and would love to work on some semi-small quilts to help me to practice more. I love machine sewing in quilts. Thank you.


A year ago my scraps were 20 plus years of accumulated pieces but I'd seen several videos on organizing and one really 'stuck' for me: cutting stacks and stacks of 2 1/2" squares to make leader and ender pieces that would turn into simple checkerboard quilts. It helped eliminate many bins of pieces and yielded five quilt tops so far. For fun now, each month I change out the color theme I work on such as February was pinks, reds and whites. This month it is all greens. On pieces where there was more yardage I did as you suggest and made 2 1/2" strips to make my own jelly is so nice to be able to take a simple quilt pattern and knock out a quilt top fast. Edit: definitely looking forward to your string video. I have been saving those thinking I'd do one of those diagonal block quilts but didn't far with it and the pile is mounting!


I was happy to see them with their new home! I’m new to quilting and I don’t have to many pieces left over, however by watching you I see it’s never to soon to organize! Thank you.


I have tried online neighborhood groups where essentially we trade fabrics but I haven't had muuch luck with that sort of involvement so now I just love to bundle them up and donate them...and move along. Makes me happy to never see them again. The fabrics that I absolutely love I will of course keep especially if they are designer fabrics.


Everytime i watch a video of yours, i learn something new. Really !! I become better quilter. And you know what? Knowing how to be more precise makes it so much easier. Thank you lovely.!1


I even use those leftover scraps you threw into the trash can. I use those to make firm neck pillows


I'm seriously going to try your method. It sure makes sense. It's bad when you don't even know what you have. I think this may save me some money too!


I was so happy when a huge box of scraps was given to me! Going thru them now, I am SO OVERWHELMED, stressed. There are way too many colors, sizes, etc. It it was so packed tight. Thank you. Tomorrow I will deal, today i seperated just the strips out.😂


You are singing my song, am overwhelmed and need to do something...I like this idea....thanks


Great video I need to do this or something, I have scraps everywhere. Thanks for sharing


I started doing this a year ago because I was trying to prevent chaos sewing! Yay
