Fabric Organization | Scrap Management | Sewing Room Help

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Have you gotten to that end-of-project point and are left with these odd shapes of fabric? Whattaya do with it? This video will give you some tips to deal with it more sooner than later and be able to maintain a clean and organized sewing space. Enjoy!

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Placemats are beautiful!❤️ Thanks for video. We can all benefit from seeing how others organize and use leftovers and scraps.

I’ve discovered I really enjoy making quilt tops from leftovers, as well as purses, placemats, coasters, hot pads etc.


I enjoyed seeing your scrap management system. (You are very neat!) Always an encouragement to see how others process scraps. I need to be more consistent with cutting mine after a project.


I saw a comment about using scraps for dog beds. Definitely know your “audience “. If you have a dog that loves to chew or prey shake everything, scrap beds are a bad idea. I save small scraps of fabric and batting to use as stuffing for tuffets/foot stools. You want those to have a dense core and be heavy. The general idea is to make a core the shape of the tuffet, but small enough to wrap in high density foam and a few layers of poly batting.

I wish I was as organized. I’m too fussy to mix fabric lines, designers, or runs together.


Good information, thank you. My tiny scraps are used to make pet pillows for ARL or for a friend that works at a vet clinic


That’s what I need to do Organize
I really forgot to say how beautiful your place mats are!! Just gorgeous!!


Thanks for the great ideas on managing our scraps. I am going to try to do mine. It would be so cool to have them neat and cut into pieces I can use on demand!!!


I love that fabric you’re cutting. When I finish a large project, I use the leftovers immediately to make a smaller project like a market bag, mug rug, etc. so I have very few scraps. My favorite types of quilts are scrappy ones so I regret sometimes keeping so few scraps.


I love making crumb blocks with those itty bits


Great video. Can’t wait to see what you put in that empty bin!!


Thank you for sharing this, trying to get into the habit of doing just this sort of organizing!!


Thank you. I liked how you showed your process for cutting your scraps and organizing them in bins.


I started using my strips that were under 2.5 for blocks that I have been making using a concept from Marie's Scrappy Creations. Have a great week.


Sometimes I save little scraps and use them to fill pincushions with walnuts. It helps fill corners. I just use my rotary cutter to slice them even smaller. Great stuffing


If you are having a difficult time throwing away those strips that are tiny or "bits" that you do throw away, start saving them by making a dog bed or dog cushion and leave the opening and start droping in those tiny bits too small to save for scraps and also strips that are too tiny. Do you have granddaughters? Lori holt has ideas she was showing where she made doll quilts in small, medium and large and used flannel for the batting. They are just beautiful. Just a couple of Ideas. Lori has ideas galore on using scraps. I think those strips you have would make a lovely quilt if you add some white and yellow and make like a jelly roll race quilt or any number of quilts that call for a jelly roll they are all over the place for free. All you would need is some green, white and yellow plus the strips you already have. Cut them into 2 or 2.5 inch squars (I forgot what size you said you have) and add some yellow and make 5 patches with yellow or white centers and make a place mat or two for your camper if you can only make 2 or your home? A Pillow would be lovely also with alternating white and yellow 2 inch blocks or 5 patches.


I love to see how other quilters organize their scraps! 😀 I also cut anything smaller than a fat quarter into my most common used sized. I use 2.5, 5, 6.5, 8.5, & 10in square and 4.5x6.5.& 6.5x8.5, & 9x11 rectangles. And 2.5 strips. I also crumb and string quilt so I have bins for those.

I need to process my scraps more often though! Currently my laundry basket is full and 1/2 of my cutting table is covered. 🤦🤷 now that cmas gift season is over, I need to clean everything up so I have a clean slate for this years projects 😀


Take the pieces that you think about throwing away and the little sliver pieces and put them in a box till you get enough to fill a pillowcase size then make yourself a pillowcase and stuff it with those little pieces and it makes a nice doggy bed


I love when quilters are this organized with leftovers! I wish that worked for me 😂 I do not cut many of my "leftovers" down - If there are strips that are close to 2 1/2 I will do strips like that, or if I got a project in the works that need a certain size and the fabric will fit, I might cut to whichever size. Other than that, I prefer to have the pieces as big as possible for later use. Mostly because I don't just quilt, I make many other projects. But my way of doing it, might mean that I "forget" to look in the right place for a piece lol. I try and have them organized by color and size. Big - Yardage/ half yardage/ Fat quarters and Smaller. I make cat beds filled with tiny scraps I can't really use because it's all cotton they can be washed in warm water and go in the dryer.


We all have so many scraps which is sort of sad. When I think about the old quilters that used every little scrap of fabric and made wonderful and intricate quilts it's hard for me to grasp how things have changed. I am currently doing a smaller scrap version of Brenda's potato chip block from Conquering Mount Scrapmore. Maybe the next quilt along could be one that uses all of our scraps.


I always think maybe some day l won't be able to get fabric and will wish for what l threw away...lol


I notice you didn’t put the three inch squares not on top in the middle. Are you organizing them by color too? Kudos to you for your organizing after each project. I just throw all scraps no matter the size in a large tote. Thank you for sharing!
