Excel Magic Trick 1189: Extract Color From Description Create Revenue by Color PivotTable, 2nd Take

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See how extract color from description, but only when the color is a single word with a space before and after the word. Great formula from Leonid Koyfman at YouTube using LOOKUP and SEARCH function and concatenated spaces.
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Excel Magic Trick 1189: Extract Color From Description Create Revenue by Color PivotTable, 2nd Take
See how extract color from description, but only when the color is a single word with a space before and after the word. Great formula from Leonid Koyfman at YouTube using LOOKUP and SEARCH function and concatenated spaces.


what a beautiful  formula: 2^15, lookup and concatenating spaces... my head still hurting . Thanks


What program do you record your videos with, which are awesome by the way! Also, what microphone do you use. Thanks in advance.


Where can I ask a question, about the interior color of a cell and if it has a value different than a cell with no color, if both cells are empty is there a way to evaluate them based simply on the interior color.  thanks


For a reason unnknown to me the solution without spaces works wrong in rows 1 and 5. In 2, 3 and 4 it returns the desired result, i.e. As with spaces. I also do not understand the necessity of spaces around D2. Many thanks for the excercise!
