5 False Gospels Commonly Preached These Days

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In Galatians 1:6-9, Paul warns us of false gospels. The real gospel is based on Christ alone, faith alone, grace alone, is found in Scripture alone, and is for the glory of God alone.

There is only one true gospel, but there are countless false gospels that have come and gone through the ages. But what about today? What are some common false gospels that are trying to creep into churches?

Below are 5 false gospels seen in the world today.

1. The Prosperity Gospel: Common verses taken out of context include Matthew 7:7, Romans 8:28, Ephesians 3:20, Jeremiah 29:11, Malachi 3:10.

2. The Suffer for Success Gospel: Common verses taken out of context include Paul’s suffering (2 Corinthians 11), Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6), Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego getting thrown into the fire (Daniel 3), and other stories of suffering that resulted in miraculous deliverance.

3. The Poverty Gospel: Common verses taken out of context include those like Matthew 19:21 where Jesus said to the young rich man “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”

4. The “God Is Love Only” Gospel: Bible verses commonly taken out of context include 1 John 4:8, Romans 5:20, Psalm 103:10-14. While the true gospel preacher will emphasize the love of God, he will be sure to express that love in context.

5. The Christ-less Cult Gospel: 1 John 4:1-3 explains:
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already."

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Amen! We need these preaching in the churches today. That’s why people are giving up on God. It’s these false hope and false gospels


I really enjoy these types of videos Mark. You have great relationship advice but I'd prefer more videos on subjects like these. Keep up the great work and God bless!


Revelation 4:2 KJV
[2] And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and ONE sat on the throne.


Mark my brother, always a joy and enlightening to listen to your wisdom. The false Gospels is not something i knew anything about. Blown away right now that im so eager to get closer to Jesus that i listened to everything that seemed solidly based. If i may ask for the Chapters and verses pertaing to said scripture and identifying false Prophets teachings or chapters? Thank you. Glory to Lord Jesus. But a big Hallelujah for you my friend. God works. Always. Im learning. I was raised Pagan and lived without identifying my lifestyle and thought processes because i was groomed in that way. So applying the Word of Jesus Christ to better walk as He, is hard. I love that its been this dramatically awful because my fire once fully armed in His Armor, and confident in my wisdom and application on my truly unremarkable my shine that Jesus Christ is preparing me for. Thank you. Bless you.


Oh yes! I can name countless 'pastors' that stretch Ephesians 3:20 all day, every day, every sermon...


Great Video! Thanks for sharing this much needed message. I hope that more people on youtube see this to help discern these false gospels. Its unbelievable how many youtubers, especially young youtubers are introducing the prosperity gospel and they are deceiving people!


It strikes me that these false gospels all seem to be formulaic, as opposed to dynamic and relational, and seem to set their aim on something besides God, which is just folly. I think and live from the mindset of “I am a child of God” and so I interact with God from that place of son-ship. The son of a king, which by all accounts make me a prince, and why wouldn’t a beloved son interact with his father? It’s odd and kind of sad to me, how people miss that.


Great teaching Mark as always. I learnt so much from you . God bless you ..fr india


"There are just as many versus about the wrath of God as there are the love of God"

This may come as a shock to a lot of Christians, but the love of God is not specifically mentioned much at all in the Bible and whenever it is mentioned, it's always in the context of God's love towards His children AKA those who are saved. The evangelistic model of Jesus Himself and the apostles was not to go around preaching the love of God, they preached repentance and faith and warned of the wrath that all sinners are justly under.

It should make us all pause and think long and hard about our modern forms of evangelism. Does our modern evangelism mirror that of Christ and the apostles? Or does it look like something different entirely?


Of all the videos I have seen of yours, this is The Most Authentic and Universal one.... Great Work and Thank you for Stating the Truth.... Hope some people will be Warned after seeing this to distinguish between True Bible and false teachings


You hit the nail right on the head. A lot of those people that preach those false gospels seems like they never open up a Bible or if they do they twist the scriptures and never give you the true gospel witch by the way comes from 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Thank you for making this video and God bless you keep on doing what you are called to do.


What about lordship I hope you don't think your works will get you to heaven. All you have to do is believe in Jesus. That's it. The rest if they are works are discipleship. They have nothing to do with your salvation. Once you believe in Jesus Christ life death and resurrection you are saved.then you work through your sanctification. Works=discipleship.


Thank you for tackling this topic. We Christians hear so many lies. I really needed this video so thank you. God bless you.



This will probably seem contentious but I'm positing that calling out error isn't contentious...holding to it is. A lack of unity is never produced when we call out error. Those who see the Truth come into unity. Those who suppress the Truth are warned twice then removed, bibically.

So i see these videos that wanna talk about what's wrong with the church and missions. None of them have addressed the actual bibical issues that are causing all the problems we're seeing today. When you look at the early church and then the church today, it's clear they aren't the same. Here's the issues i see.

There are many conflicting views...however there is only one intent of the author. If people would trust what the bible says, theyd see we are intended to be one body united in love and Truth by the mind of Christ as we mature. Not gonna argue about it but i do encourage everyone to investigate each point honestly and objectively, and be a "berean." If you do i have no doubt the Spirit of Truth will show you the same. Something has to change. We are so far from Jesus' prayer in John 17 it's not funny. Without further ado...

There is definitly a problem. So many false pictures of God out there called chritianity. That are not the biblical picture of who God is, what he wants, or how he works. No wonder there's no unity. I can't point to one church that follows the model of acts and Jesus. Though I'm sure there are a few out there. It's all from RCC and protestantism. It's crazy out there as well. You got people claiming to be Jesus in the church. Pastor having a twerking contest in the church, then told his critics to F* off. Greedy liars like J. duplantis and C. dollar. Eastern mysticism at places like bethel. Large groups pushing the gnostic idea of Devine determinism, contrary to the teaching of Christ and traditions of the apostles. Teaching legalism and righteousness by law. Herbrew roots movements that are the modern judisers paul fought against. Groups with a form of godliness but they deny his power. And conversely, False prophets and apostles working lying signs and wonders, as scripture warns there would be, who will hear i never knew you to their surprise. Ecumenicalism leading to a world religion through coexist and daniels fourth kingdom through a world court. Groups like calvinism who have been aloud to completely change the definitions of biblical terms like: Grace, faith, sovereignty, dead, ect. Groups like Methodists allowing lesbians to be their "lead pastor." Jesuits are allowed here in america again, while people competely forget why they were ever barred. Sda, mormon, Unitarians, and all kinds of other groups that fall under "christianity." Biblical discipline seen in 1 Cor 5, is completely ignored. Its strange for people who claim to believe the bible is the inspired word of God...we sure seem to do what we think is right instead in every area of life and ministry. Smh....

Each generation we drift farther and farther from the simplicity of Christ and worshipping God in Spirit and Truth. And we move further into deception and philosophy and empty deceit built on the spiritual forces of the world, instead of Christ. Jesus said many would fall away from the faith before he came back. We've gotta be close. Maranatha.

So I'm hoping this a good reminder of Truth and Love and what matters. There is no unity in the Church today. Biblical unity isn't getting along while completely disagreeing about God...that's coexist. We should be at peace with all men as much as it depends on us, but bibically that's never called unity, that idea is tradition made by people. Biblical Unity according to Jesus and the Apostles, is presented as being led by the Spirit of Truth, into the mind of Christ, as we are transformed by the renewing of our mind daily from one degree of glory to the next. Thus having the same love, the same mind, all things in common, counting nothing as our own, ect., as we grow up into the image of our king. John speaks of this as well, in 1st John 2 he calls it, the anointing that is true and rests on you and leads you, teaching you all things, so walk in that Truth.

When you read the didache it shows how those discipled by the apostles understood them. We have completely lost that and instead each does what seems right in their own eyes. We replaced the Spiritual power and leading with tradition and mental assent to claims. Creating movements after men and teaching we idolize above the Spirit and Truth. Producing division and denominations. I think as long as all this is so prevalent and most of the body has no desire for the type of unity the Bible calls for, or just doesn't understand it, things arent going to change. We can encourage people about these side issues or argue about side issues all day, but if that doesn't change nothing is going to change. If we don't see and address the heart of the issues it will remain and grow worse. Though as close as we are to the end I'm not sure it will change, the bible warned us it would be like this now. But even if the majority won't, individually we can ask God what steps we can take to make things better where we are at. If we will change then we will look again as the body was intended, with the result we saw at the beginning and in Jesus' john 17 prayer. It matters, souls are at stake. At what point did the body begin to care more about the status quo then being united in love and Truth so the world will believe?

What Jesus prays for is seen clearly in the letter of aristides to Hadrean Caesar, Google it. Pray for this everyone, please. Timely reminder. Some really aren't gonna like this. But if anyone sets their mind to honestly seek what's True...you'll see it. ❤love y'all.


Totally loved this video. .. and the way u have explained this is very clear...


super good, thanks Mark. i was definitely caught up in the prosperity gospel delusion


Thank you so much for this!!! We need more people like you! Keep sharing the truth ❤️🙏🏻


Excellent Analysis! Great job. Thank you


Solid video as always Mark! Keep up the good work.


Hi Mark awesome video. God bless brother.
