Are Evangelical Churches Preaching a False Gospel?

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Over the past few years a catch phrase has emerged in the online theological community - Moralistic Therapeutic Deism or MTD. It's the belief system supposedly being taught in the church world as a substitution for the gospel, that God just wants us to be happy and treat each other right. In fact, the phrase came from researching the beliefs of thousands of teenagers in 2005 from a wide variety of backgrounds in America, and shouldn't be taken as an indication that a false gospel is being taught in most evangelical churches.

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Boy, that shirt really doesn't play nice with the camera. Sorry guys, I'll remember that in future videos.


Hey Rod! Saw you on Saiko Woods channel tonite. I know he’s a Calvinist, and I hate Calvinism, but he has guts and won’t back off when he sees the injustice of what MacArthur did to Eileen Gray. Admire him for that. He also gives a good non Calvinist Gospel presentation. The things he says about free will you would never think he was a Calvinist, yet he still holds to it. I respect him though and get some shots in every now and then in his comment section. I’m praying for his eyes to be opened to the anti Gospel message of Calvinism! God bless your channel . By the way, I got saved out of Roman Catholicism in 1981 and was nurtured in a solid AG church where I saw the genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit. It was a special time in my life. I’m 65 years old now . God is good and coming back for us at any time now brother! Grace and His Peace be with you. MARANATHA


Excellent analysis, brother. I was not familiar with MTD, and I really appreciate how you you calmly and objectively explained the issues involved. One key point you cover is that this survey was not of Evangelical young people about what they've heard in church, but was of young people of all persuasions. Keep up the good work!


I love your apologetic Rod. Well articulated


Excellent and articulate. I keep praying for this channel to blow up. 🙏🏻


Rod, I wish you would do a video every day!


So let me get this straight - two sociologists coined a term to broadly describe what young people in America believe, not factoring in religious affiliation. And now the discernment crowd has adopted that term and applied it to the teaching ministries of evangelical churches. At best this seems very irresponsible


As usual a balanced & biblical response. And thanks for not being a hot head like Johhny Mac, it allows me to think for myself & listen to the Holy Spirit for myself. It develops relationship with God, while I'm listening. Once again, thanks 😁


I had one comment but decided to delete it to start over. Some of what they say is based unfortunately in truth. I’ve attended churches in the recent past that teach so shallow that there is no way the congregation can believe past the point of “MTD”. To be fair, which our Calvinist brethren are not I probably believed the five points they attributed to MTD as a newly minted Christian myself. Only by reading the Word, hearing solid teaching and maturing as a result do you figure out how what being a true follower of Jesus means. Thanks Rod great explanation as usual brother!!!


That documentary was very Calvinistic!


Birds flying continually need to find somewhere to rest eventually.


God has not called any Christian to be nice but to love


"There is no need to preach the gospel to the converted"
Sir, I need to gospel every week, day, hour, minute, and second
I hope people attend a church where the gospel is proclaimed every week to the unbeliever AND the believer


Love your videos so much... Rod, I'm just not sure what I think after looking up " sin nature" and not finding it in scripture.. Is sin a nature reincarnated in flesh, ?? or is our nature and flesh created by God. Yes dying, , but good. IE I look at porn with my eyeball. Is the sin from my heart chosen by me creating a nature, , or is my eyeball somehow evil, and being forced to sin by a nature . IE sin in flesh is me using God's created flesh to sin, then my flesh getting addicted. Actually Hagin used to preach we were sinners when and because we sinned. So we can't blame a nature or Adam. I think here again the Calvanisit Augustinian just gets it wrong. .


Nicely done, Rod! 😎👍

Great content, well presented. 💯

I'm also enjoying the tweaks to your visuals, lighting, and sound. 👍

Keep up the great work. Blessings! 💛👑


Is it reallt Deism if God is watching over us as they posit?


The gospel that is taught to many people today has been reduced down to just "faith alone". This false gospel of "faith alone" has made following the commandments of Christ null and void. Obeying His commandments have been eliminated from the gospel and have been made subsequent and optional to salvation. Walking in the Spirit has been made optional as well. This false gospel of "faith alone" changes what Jesus said in Matthew 7:14 - For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

Instead of following the biblical teaching on salvation in Christ, they follow this false gospel which tells them that they can be saved by "faith alone", apart from having to keep the commandments of Christ.

By teaching that we do NOT need to keep the commandments(plural) of Christ as the gospel, the saving power of the gospel has been neutralized. The end result is that millions of people have been deceived by the devil's masterpiece into thinking they have eternal life in Christ when they actually do not.


If Jesus had taught the Five Points He never would have been crucified.


The gospel is not properly understood by any church organization in the entire world. For centuries the gospel has not been properly proclaimed, by anyone, nor even by the most zealous and beautiful followers of Jesus Christ, who were not responsible for not being able to proclaim the message of the cross perfectly, because that the entire church has been exposed to sorcerers and false teachers and false preachers for centuries. To begin with, the preaching of the gospel is not about saving anyone from hell. If anyone deserves hell, they should go there and not be saved from it. The preaching of the gospel is about bringing the kingdom of Christ on earth, telling people to repent and to believe on Christ. If people are unwilling to have Christ reign over them, then they are worthy of death and hell. This is just my first thought to share. I am not attempting to explain the gospel as it really is, here.
