5 Ways to Protect Your Home During Chaos: Critical Layers of Security

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Layering security is always the best way to plan. A well trained dog is often missed and seriously underrated. A good dog will wake you from a deep sleep and investigate before anyone is even close to breaking in, mine has proven that in the past.


Put nails thru boards facing up, camouflaged by leaves, dirt, sand, rocks, etc, place boards under windows where intruders would stand when looking thru ur windows at night....


A dog is the number one deterent to criminals even if its a small yappy one. A large dog is even more of a deterent.




Layers of security are good but you need to be prepared to blow away those who threaten your life. It sucks to have to do that but it sucks even worse to be dead.


My main floor has 13 accessible windows from the ground and back deck, plus a french door, and a walkout basement with french doors and 3 more windows. Purchasing glass break sensors and door/window sensors is too expensive when you can cover a room/area with a motion sensor. Don't get sucked into buying something for every entry point. At a minimum, all doors should have their screws, ALL of them, replaced with 3 1/2" or longer screws. Walk around your house at night and identify all the dead zones on your exterior camera/floodlight sensors and other areas with zero light. Most people just but camera floodlights w/sensors in the front and back, forgetting about the sides of the house. If you're game for an extended perimeter sensor, driveway or yard perimeter, look at a driveway sensor system, like Guardline or Chamberlain.


Thank you so much for mentioning to consider threats coming from outside your community. Living near some large cities, I had never thought about the effects of people coming into my community would have.


Hey Chris,
Thanks again for providing some great, well thought out content. Your information is always appreciated and given in a way that is thought provoking and easy to understand.


Home security is about layers. First thing everyone needs to do in their home or apartment is to replace the builder grade industry standard short screws in their exterior door(s) hinges with 4” wood screws that go into the actual door frame and or the wall stud. This is the number one vulnerability that criminals exploit by simply kicking in the front/back door in home burglaries/home invasions. Next replace your builder grade industry standard hollow core exterior door and or doors with large windows in them with a solid core security door. Next install security film on windows, film allows the glass to shatter but it will not give, US embassies use 3M security film on their windows that are high explosive rated but there are many levels of films for different budgets. Other layers include what was mentioned cameras, alarms, motion sensor lights, glass break censors. Other considerations are dogs, small breeds like Jack Russells are great alert dogs while larger breeds such as German Shepard’s/Belgian Malinois’ are good at protection as well. Poultry fence aka chicken wire is good to keep on hand as you can install it on the inside of exterior windows to prevent entry but also protects from having rocks, landscaping stones, bricks, Molotov cocktails, etc. from being thrown into your home.


I have questionable neighbors on all sides so we are moving soon. But the yappy little dog is definitely pulling her weight. :)


I live in the UK so guns arnt much of a problem so I'm thankful for that lots of love to my American Prepper brothers 🇬🇧 💪 🇺🇸


My house was constructed during the cold War. Its designed as a bomb shelter and looks like a concrete monolith with almost no windows.
The doors I have are equipped with security screen doors outside. Any windows are blast resistant and too small for a person to climb through.
We've survived forest fire, tornados and hurricanes over the past 55 years. Our only real threat is a tax sale.


This episode brought to mind some simple things I could do today or plan and complete tomorrow, security measures I’d never thought of. So I will get busy now but wanted to first thank you again for your focus that is helping those of us who believe our preparation matters! I never thought about locking the circuit box but that’s an easy fix and valuable security measure.


In my adult life I have always been prepared for any disaster. Now in my old age my theory is if they get through 19 bullets and a shotgun blast, the 20th bullet is for me and they can have at it.


Hang bells, cans, chimes, etc on strings/rope and hang at entry points to ur home. Like if a window was opened you'd hear noise from that string of items. Maybe even hang at a back gate, in ur backyard or where they might jump ur fence. Just a thought


These are crucial steps to guard your well being yet the most effective is the unseen, As a believer in Jesus Christ there is a benefit of spiritual warriors on your side, who got your back. I like to depend on that first of all and also use the normal cautions available to everyone else. Like the Bible says: unless the Lord guards the home, the watchmen guard it in vain.


I was once told to sleep with a can of Raid flying insect spray next to me. Shoots further away than Mace should you be awakened by an intruder.


Keeping car keys next to the bed to use the panic button is an excellent tip, thank you! With two car alarms going at once in the driveway I can imagine that would definitely bring unwanted attention to anybody trying to get in our house or being too close.


Here in Montana we have the wagons ready


Excellent tip on locking the breaker box. Thanks for your videos you are one of my favorite You-tubers.
