Top 5 Problems Honda Accord Sedan 7th Generation 2003-07

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Here are the top 5 problems with the 7th generation Honda Accord! This generation lasted from 2003 to 2007. In this video, Andy explains the most common problems we have found with the 2003 to 2007 Accord, and he offers tips on how you can handle those problems yourself! Check out this video if you or someone you know has an Accord!

For more great tips and tricks check out this playlist!

0:00 Top Problems Honda Accord Sedan 7th Generation 2003-07
0:12 Ignition Switch
0:32 Door Latch Actuators
0:54 Taillights
1:05 Engine Mounts
1:33 Automatic Transmission

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I have 400k miles on mines she still running good and pass emissions last month 💪🏿


I have an '07 Accord with 214, 000 miles. No problems whatsoever. Fantastic car!


Can’t believe they didn’t include the power steering pump as one of the most common issues


I’ve owned mine from new. Currently has 130k miles (crazy I know) and she still runs perfectly. I have never had a single issue other than replacing brakes and a couple batteries! Best car I’ve ever owned and will honestly probably never get rid of it. She’s my ol reliable!


180k on my '06. Fixed the door actuator, replaced the starter and oil pressure sensor. Outstanding car.


Word of advice don't chase motor mount vibration by replacing just one at a time, replace them all at once so that the older mounts won't cause your newer mount to fail prematurely.


I have huge respect for this guy.
He talks so calmly and politely.
Such a soothing voice.


235, 000 miles and counting on my 2007 Accord EX with the 4-cyl. engine. I bought it with 223, 000 miles, and I'm the fifth owner (I think). I replaced the ignition switch myself after sometimes getting a grinding noise behind the steering wheel when I tried to start the car.
Regarding the transmission: There is a replaceable inline ATF filter, but I've talked to Honda techs who swear up and down there's no replaceable filter, or when I point it out to them, say it doesn't need to be replaced. Probably not a bad idea to replace the filter and do a few drains and refills if you're the new owner of a 7th-generation Accord.


They didn’t mention: power steering pump (which leaks, makes noises and predominantly sucks) and radio as well as front bumper or fenders just coming apart over time. Just FYI I have v6 7th gen and I still love it.


Just hit 240k on my V6 07 Accord and still runs smooth. Very reliable 👍🏽


252, 000 miles on my 2007 EX V6 Sedan. Single owner and it’s still my daily. Still original everything from the factory floor and still take 3+ hour trips away from home. Some small dents and scratches but in all, still a beauty to me. It’s such a simple car I do all my own maintenance, including the timing belt and water pump which I did in May 2021. All fluids on time every time. I just finally replaced the factory brake rotors 15 years later two weekends ago along with akebono pads. I also use an FM Bluetooth smart phone adapter and IT CHANGED MY DRIVING LIFE. Turned my old car into modern hands free calling, instant connect to play music wirelessly on my factor stereo and speakers, and for just $20 on Amazon. Connects and works faster and better than my wife’s new Toyota. Phone call quality was great.


Best car I owned, I still drive it everyday as a daily driver, no problems and it’s a 2005 Honda Accord EX V6 and every peppy for a V6. Mines got 193, 000 miles and still ride like a dream with no problems!


I think that the 4 cylinder transmissions are great. Mine has 271k on it and still shifts perfectly. Changed the transmission fluid and filter and that made it a little better. VTEC Solenoid leaks are a problem on these. Other than that, car has been great. I replaced the front engine mount, blower motor, condenser, and that is about it.


The main problem with the early 7th gen is transmission issues. Mainly overheating. The best thing for these transmissions is to add a transmission Cooler.


I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed with my lil 2003 Accord, it has 175k Ib did replace the alternator, the the left sd front axle, Power steering pump, and master cylinder! I've got new struts to go in, Brakes and rotors, But I love it


My 05 V6 EXL has been outstanding. Only unexpected repairs have been replace starter, motor mounts and some control arm bushings. Get your transmission flushed, cooling system flushed, power steering flushed, timing belt, water pump, valve adjustment around 100k miles. When you replace the easy to do map light switches, replace all interior lights (roof front and back seat, front doors) with LED. HUGE improvement! Also koni sport struts, akebono pads and new rotors and rubber to stainless Goodridge brake lines from Tire Rack. Transforms the way it stops and feels!


Had a 2006 Accord EX V6 coupe, bought it used with 54K miles in 2010 from a Dealership in Santa Clara, CA. Was looking for a comfortable daily driver with decent power, comfort and features. I replaced the battery right when I purchased the car since it was leaking. Otherwise the car was pretty trouble free until I traded it in for Lexus in 2013. The only major issue was a timing chain cover rattling (fixed) and a leaking power steering pump (fixed). Took this car all over California and Oregon. Kept the car pretty clean. Lexus salesman called me a week later telling me a buyer fell in love with it and bought it.


the best purchase I ever made for son, I bought 03 honda accord 2 door coupe with 119, 000 miles 5 yrs ago for my son that car is still running running like champ!


The only one of the five problems found in the 2004 Honda Accord 6 cylinder 24 valve LS in my driveway was the motor mounts (repeatedly). Additionally, both front axles went out on separate occasions. The entire exhaust system from the cylinder head to the tailpipe, including both cat converters, had to be replaced according to Rosenthal Fairfax Honda. (Dealer foul play is suspected but unproven. That particular Rosenthal dealership has been sold.) ABS system had to be replaced. Radiator had to be replaced. Timing belt was replaced at about 135K. Control arms were replaced. AC system was replaced. A 20 volt port for phone charging and CD player were replaced and repaired, respectively. Some of the lights on the player are out but will have to stay that way. The front headlight covers were too cloudy to pass inspection and were replaced. It has 246K on it and is the best car I’ve owned (for exactly 20 years since new). Now you fine YouTube commentators, would you like a breakdown of entire defensive unit of the 1974 Cincinnati Bengals? How about the ‘59 Bears? The many U.S. cars I’ve purchased (especially Fords and Mercurys) were far worse.
