How FAST Can You Build MUSCLE In Your 40's & Over?

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If you want to know how fast you can build muscle, then this is the video and guide for you.

We dive right into everything you need to know about building muscle in your 40's, 50's, or 60's and over, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, and supplementation.


Your friends here at the FFP,

-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men's Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.
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How do you not have more subscribers this video was so good


The hardest part of gaining muscle
1. Starting
2. Committing


Factor 1 (1:05): training age
Factor 2 (2:40): genetics
Factor 3 (3:40): supplementation
Factor 4 (5:17): training, eating, sleep & recovery


I remember guys saying to me I don't want to lift heavy I'll get to big, man shut up and go to the gym first and find out just how hard it is to even lift Heavey and build any muscle. Before you start talking about it while your drinking beer making a new years resolution. Don't ever think of going to the gym a new years resolution, just start now and do it!


1:02 #1 Your training age
2:41 #2 Genetics
3:43 #3 Supplementation
5:19 #4 Training, eating, sleep & recovery
5:34 Training keys (use compound excercise, proper frequency)
8:42 Nutriotion keys (correct calorie intake, roughly 4 meals/day spaced out 4h, each meal: 30% protein, 50% complex carbs, 20% healthy fats)
11:10 Supplementation (creatine, protein powder)


My first son will be here in a few months and I recently decided to start working out so I’ll be more fit and healthier when he’s born.


There are no secret formulas, exercises, diet, not even goin on hocus pocus will give you long term gains, only
• dedication
• commitment
•'a clean diet
• sleep
• limited alcohol
• no illicit drugs
• consistancy....
The problem today is people are looking for instant gratification, results....


I was ready to be sold some bulls**t and was surprised to find someone who knows his stuff and shared some quality info. Subbed


I’m a 44 year old single dad of twelve years and counting. Been working out on and off since college. 17% body fat and can bench/squat just a humble amount. I ‘m subscribing because this channel is so relevant. Keep it up!


This video is so good, and you are one of the most articulate fitness mentors I've come across on YT. Thanks.


I put on 20 pounds (hopefully mostly muscle) in my first year of training and it definitely changed my life. Confidence, strength, intelligence, everything got better. All done with just protein powder as a supplement. Starting weight 165 final weight after one year 185.

All I did was be consistent, and continually increase my training level (adding weight, get good at basics then go advanced)

I had a TERRIBLE diet back then and still looked great after the 1st year. Now I eat better but if you are starting out, you could probably get away with eating poorly if you are going skinny to fat. This was also when I was 20 years old so that may have played a factor.

Be consistent, find a level up program with some frequency, then get some good eating habits and BOOM!


3:08 Imagine gaining muscles just by looking at weights


watching this while eating girl scout cookies


Hey that's me at 2:20. Don't mind you used my before/after photos but you could have asked. :)


For all you guys over 50...
As a 5’6” 30 year old with a average frame and weighing around 150lbs. I was able to add 15 pounds of muscle in around 5 years.
at 12% body fat I weighed 165.
I am now 70 and I just resumed serious training about 18 months ago. I had the foundation of my youthful gains to build on and I have added muscle mass while losing body fat. I now weigh 182 lbs, down from 192 when I started, but my body fat went from 30% to 20% and I have put on about 5 lbs of additional muscle. My goal is to get to 15% body fat and add a bit more muscle, let’s say 5 more pounds. If I can do that, I will be extremely pleased, weighing in at around 177. I figure I can accomplish this over the next 12 months with the proper training, diet and of course rest.
For all those who are over 50, trust me, you can build muscle. It is a challenge and it will take time but it is doable for anyone unless you have a prohibitive genetic issue and even then you can still put on some muscle.


i watched this lastmonth then my muscles improve because of this video, I will never forget this video just because of a little advices that i heared from you doctor anthony god bless you :)


Solid advice. YouTube doesn't have enough of it.


Feel like I've stumbled onto the very program I've been searching for, wondering about and hoping for for years. I have just started working out in a gym after doing pilates for about 15 years and decided to take it up a notch and i feel great and now i have the answers to the questions i have been worried about. At 59 years old you don't want to go wrong. Thanks heaps Dr!


Im a 34 year old man, and i started working out a month ago. I’m going to the gym 5 times a week and i stopped drinking and eating unhealty. My 2 year younger brother is helping, because he is doing it for 5 years and know how to do the exercises the right way. Im really amazed how much progress i made in only one month. Im stronger and my muscles are alot bigger. My upper arms gained 4cm and my whole body is starting to shape the right way. This really keeps me motivated. My bodyfat percentage was about 15% when i started so maybe this is also the reason i can see the progress that good. For everybody that is thinking about starting i can only say, just do it. You will feel better when eating and drinking right and you get alot of confidence. Good luck


Usually I get bored watching long videos... BUT this time, I wished that your video won't end.. really!! the way u speak and explain ..very smooth and informative even for a non english native speaker (english is my 3rd language) great job .. subbed
