⚡️ 25 Habits of Successful People

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25 Habits of Successful People 

1.) They dream BIG. Successful people carve out time to think about their wants, desires and dreams.
2.) They take full responsibility for themselves and for those that work for them. Successful people don’t blame other people and make excuses for problems, they work on fixing them.
3.) They are good/great communicators. Successful people are always working on improving their communication skills.
4.) Successful people aren’t afraid of failure and realize it is natural part of the process of change and growth.
5.) They are passionate. Successful people know their mission, their why and the reasons they do what they do and bring enthusiasm into it.
6.) Successful people understand and use emotional intelligence. They are aware of their emotions and adapt more easily to outer circumstances with a sense of calm confidence.
7.) They are goal oriented. Successful people have goals and map them out with action plans while reviewing them on a regular basis.
8.) Successful people practice gratitude. They have a keen sense of appreciation for the opportunities, people and accomplishments along the way.
9.) They have robust and busy schedules without appearing to feel rushed, overwhelmed or frazzled about it.
10.) Successful people are problem solvers. They look at challenges as opportunities for improvement.
11.) They focus on the process and the journey along the way to success.
12.) Successful people surround themselves with other like minded, successful people.
13.) They are constantly reading, learning and growing. Successful people are hungry for more knowledge.
14.) Successful people block out thinking time. They contemplate, reflect and think about what they think about.
15.) They are proactive vs reactive. They anticipate setbacks and do what they can in advance of them.
16.) Successful people are consistent. They understand that it’s not what you do every once and awhile but on a consistent basis.
17.) They prioritize. Successful people know that focus and concentrated effort is how you complete projects.
18.) Successful people exercise 4-5 a week. They understand that a healthy body provides the stamina to go the extra mile in all that they do.
19.) They have a regular morning routine that jump starts their day in a powerful way.
20.) Successful people keep their word. They only make promises and commitments that they can keep.
21.) They are resilient. Successful people bounce back time and time again after setbacks.
22.) Successful people realize that not everyone is going to like them and that is okay. They are focused on their mission and why and don’t let the need to be liked mindset get in their way.
23.) They are good listeners. Successful people ask well thought out questions and then deeply engage and listen to the answers.
24.) Successful people work on fine tuning their skill set everyday. They focus on improvement and take steps everyday to enhance their abilities.
25.) They unplug and meditate. 80% of top performers have some sort of meditation practice everyday. It’s a key component to their achievement mindset.

Hope you enjoy!

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This segment is part of the Create Your Best Life series.



Create Your Best Life is held every year in January as a platform for personal and professional growth.


Wendi Blum is a soul inspired business coach that works with purpose driven entrepreneurs and creatives. She is the founder of Create Your Best Life, and the author of several books including Flourish, Grow, Thrive, Prosper.
Рекомендации по теме

I got so much from this, thank you Wendi Blum


What great content, definitely inspiring and great list to go by
