Causes Of Loss Of Taste & How To Regain It

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0:00 Introduction
0:28 Covid 19
0:49 Infections
1:11 Nasal Polyps
1:34 Cancer
1:53 Allergies and Sinus Problem
2:11 Dental problems
2:42 Trauma

Ageusia (from negative prefix a- and Ancient Greek γεῦσις geûsis 'taste') is the loss of taste functions of the tongue, particularly the inability to detect sweetness, sourness, bitterness, saltiness, and umami (meaning 'pleasant/savory taste'). It is sometimes confused with anosmia – a loss of the sense of smell. Because the tongue can only indicate texture and differentiate between sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami, most of what is perceived as the sense of taste is actually derived from smell. True ageusia is relatively rare compared to hypogeusia – a partial loss of taste – and dysgeusia – a distortion or alteration of taste.[1][2] The main causes of taste disorders are head trauma, infections of upper respiratory tract, exposure to toxic substances, iatrogenic causes, medicines, glossodynia ("burning mouth syndrome (BMS)")[2] and COVID-19.[3]

Head trauma can cause lesions in regions of the central nervous system which are involved in processing taste stimuli, including thalamus, brain stem, and temporal lobes; it can also cause damage to neurological pathways involved in transmission of taste stimuli.[citation needed]
Neurological damage

Tissue damage to the nerves that support the tongue can cause ageusia, especially damage to the chorda tympani nerve and the glossopharyngeal nerve. The chorda tympani nerve passes taste for the front two-thirds of the tongue and the glossopharyngeal nerve passes taste for the back third of the tongue. Neurological disorders such as Bell's palsy, Familial dysautonomia, and Multiple sclerosis cause similar problems to nerve damage, as do certain infectious conditions like primary amoeboid meningoencephalopathy. The lingual nerve (which is a branch of the trigeminal V3 nerve, but carries taste sensation back to the chorda tympani nerve to the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve) can also be damaged during otologic surgery, causing a feeling of metal taste.[citation needed]
Problems with the endocrine system

Deficiency of vitamin B3 (niacin) and zinc can cause problems with the endocrine system, which may cause taste loss or alteration. Disorders of the endocrine system, such as Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus, can cause similar problems. Ageusia can also be caused by medicinal side-effects from antirheumatic drugs such as penicillamine, antiproliferative drugs such as cisplatin, ACE inhibitors, and other drugs including azelastine, clarithromycin, terbinafine, and zopiclone.[citation needed]
Main article: Symptoms of COVID-19 § Loss of taste and chemesthesis

In April 2020, 88% of a series of over 400 COVID-19 disease patients in Europe were reported to report gustatory dysfunction (86% reported olfactory dysfunction).[4] Research suggests that the loss of taste resulting from COVID-19 might be caused by impairments to the gustatory (and olfactory) system.[5]
Other causes

Local damage and inflammation that interferes with the taste buds or local nervous system, such as that stemming from radiation therapy, glossitis, tobacco use, or the wearing of dentures, can also cause ageusia. Other known causes include loss of taste sensitivity from aging (causing a difficulty detecting salty or bitter taste), anxiety disorder, cancer, kidney failure and liver failure.

Aguesia is diagnosed by an otolaryngologist, who can evaluate a patient's loss of taste among other things. To do this, a specialist will look into any other factors that could be causing ageusia, such as examining the head, nose, ears, and mouth. An otolaryngologist can also conduct a series of tests to assess the severity of ageusia, which includes identifying specific tastes that the patient can sense or recognize.[6][7]
Рекомендации по теме

The video kind of forgot the "how to regain it" portion, thanks for nothing...


I have had this Head Cold for three days. I don't lose my smell but in my taste, when I take a sip on a soup, it only tastes like salt but my friend keeps saying that it's a good soup. Though I can still taste the rest... My tongue can't really taste salty dishes as it used to be... How to fix this problem??


I have sinus issues and I lost my sense of smell and taste for 5 months already


I’ve been going on 3 years of off and on taste and smell. 2 negative covid, 1 negative antibodies test for covid. Very sad


“I underwent a tonsillectomy 2.5 months ago, and since then, I’ve experienced changes in my sense of taste. For example, when I consume something sweet like sugar or honey, it feels faint, almost like water, and I feel the most discomfort when I eat sugar. However, my sense of smell remains normal. When will this issue improve? Please help me if you can.”


Sorry for my bad grammer in advance

As for me i haven't got infected by covid and i lost my sense of taste and smell for a week now i don't know how to get it back


My boyfriend said he can't taste food. But he can still smell what does that mean ? He also said he has pain in his side jaw. But he told me they found nothing the doctors found nothing. And he wants to hang out with me I just I don't want to? I don't want to be exposed to anything. I don't know what this means. If you can't taste food but still text nagivtive???


I, m a stroke patient. I have lost food taste and my mouth feels bitter always. No apetite, Cant eat. Just forcing myself to eat.
Please, please help


I lost my taste from klonopin and Zoloft withdrawal. Cold turkey. 3 years. Not Covid. Have you ever heard of that? Definitely frustrating. Thx


I lost my test during Tonsil surgery.. It's been 7 days now..I can't test anything 😢 it temporary or permanent?


My man making me think i have cancer XD


As of yesterday suddenly all milk tastes and smells like it’s gone bad. I actually threw out my milk in my fridge thinking it had, and the coffee I made with it. Then I bought a big Starbucks…it was the same. Bought new milk last night. I smelled the cup of milk I poured for my son this morning…yep, it’s me.


Zinc and B12 deficiency was the problem in my case . The problem persisted for over 2 months and the doctor checked for zinc and B12 deficiency and found these 2 deficient in my report and gave shots and syrup !! I hope it helps someone.


I got sick with flu like symptoms 4 months ago. Was tested for Covid twice, but it came back negative both times. Tested positive for adenovirus though. Haven’t tasted or smelled anything in over 4 months now. It’s so depressing. It’s really affecting me mentally and it’s unbelievable how depressing it is. I’ve lost 20 pounds because I don’t care about eating. Nothing I’ve tried has worked whatsoever.


I’ve had it for three years after covid. Someone please help!!!


My body is heating i lost my taste everytime i shake my head it hurts i trip when i walk my stool is watery bro i think i have covid....


If its due to radiation therapy for head n neck cancer, what to do to resolve this problem ?


Had a new company drinking water, taste like sanitizer.


its been 4 years for me, i tried everything, 0% progress


Easily resolved? Yeah sure, that's a laugh.
