The Best of Mr. Rogers

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"Our society is much more interested in information than wonder, in noise rather than silence...And I feel that we need a lot more wonder and a lot more silence in our lives."
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I've noticed that you left the last seconds of the video blank..

I see what you did there : )


The world still hasn't caught up to Mr. Rogers in terms of how we treat mental health


He never rushes his words. He thinks about every single syllable that he says. He never fails to calm me down


Bob Ross: Love yourself
Steve Irwin: Love animals
Stan Lee: Love your imagination
Mr. Rogers: Love your neighbors


When I was a kid I had no friends because I was handicapped and I was bullied a lot. I could not wait to get home because I knew even though I didn’t know him I feel like he was a old friend that was always there for me. I cried when he passed because I felt I lost someone I considered my best friend. He had a impact on my my life I will never forget.


We never had Mr Rogers in the UK.

I feel like we missed something special.


"There is One Thing That Evil Cannot Stand And That Is Forgiveness".... The Greatest Quote I've Ever Heard


I honestly cried when Rogers climbed the stage and hugged Jeff, I have never seen a more genuine person in my life.


Mr. Rodgers is so comforting that if he weren’t a children’s show host, he would have made a great therapist or counselor :)


"You know what evil cannot stand is forgiveness." That is a phenomenal line.


I only started watching Mr Roger's show recently, and honestly, the first time I heard him say, "There's no person in the whole world like you, and I like you just the way you are, " I burst out crying. I'm 31 years old and I've spent most of my life feeling like a walking abortion. Hearing someone say that I was really wanted in this world; that I was likable, has made so much difference to me, even under lockdown. I really think people can learn so much from his emotional intelligence and if it were up to me, everyone in the world would watch his show.


Every sentence he speaks is beautiful. I could cry.


"I'm very concerned that our society is much more interesting in information, rather than wonder. In noise, rather than silence." Absolutely beautiful... and how to deal with that in roles in the media.


7:46 notice how he had no hesitation to climb right up on that stage and hug his old friend. he feels so much more genuine than most of hollywood. he doesn't care what the others might think of him. he seemed genuinely happy and surprised to see jeffrey


"I don't care how many, even if it's just ONE."
I love you, Mr. Rogers.


The way he takes his time while speaking is wonderful. I have ADHD, and usually I go crazy trying to listen to people talk slowly, but with Mr. Rogers I can listen and take in every word. He truly was an angel.


i'm not crying you're crying.


I'm an atheist but if angels were to truly exist, this man is the real definition


Ohhh how this man bring back so many memories. As a little girl who stayed in the hospital for congenital heart disease, Mr. Rogers, his friends, Big Bird and his friends kept me company many days. I remember turning them on instantly forgetting about the tubes, monitors, and needles. Those characters are still very dear to me. As an adult, I’ll still turn on WTTW when hospitalize for frequent pacemaker changes to find that sense of comfort I received as a kid.


I never watched Mr. Rogers when I was a kid, but recently I’ve gone through a very hard time. I realized just how horribly abused and neglected I was as a child. The realization was awful, it was more pain than I could have ever imagined, and this lead to me some of his shows. The first one I watched, Daniel Tiger sang about feeling like a mistake and it felt like all those years finally came crashing down and I just sobbed as I continued to watch, feeling more seen or heard than I have in all 17 years. I feel truly appreciated by this man, despite the fact he’s gone. I feel more love from him than my parents could ever give. Feeling truly loved and appreciated after feeling like a worthless monster, rejected by the two people who are supposed to love you the most is easily one of the purest, most raw emotion I could ever feel. Thank you, Mr. Rogers. I’ll carry this feeling with me forever.
