How to Avoid Getting Involuntarily Committed to a Psychiatric Hospital

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I would never EVER tell anyone I'm suicidal, even though I think about it almost every day. My worst fear in the whole world is being sent to one of those "psych wards" (prisons).


Never be brought to the emergency room by an ambulance when having psychosis. My wife was acting very strange one morning and I thought she was having a stroke. Called an ambulance, brought her to the ER and lost her to the state only to get her back 15 hours after she was admitted to a mental hospital. I was able to speak with the judge over her case and he released her to me. As for having a family member there, the case worker on her case recommended her to stay. Pissed me off on a level I never thought I could be. It was a long hard road, and I strongly recommend you do a ton of research on psychosis, but I would rather have my wife with me instead of locked up beyond my control.


This can be done by phone call and it is hard to get out without spending days in the locked ward... and at your own expense. No one believes you.


It’s so ridiculous and arbitrary and what’s so ridiculous about it is I have bipolar and there were times I was slipping into mania where I could feel myself getting psychotic and I went to the hospital and said listen. I need to be monitored. I do not feel OK. And they Would not admit me because I wasn’t suicidal, and they said that because I was cognizant that I was mentally unwell that meant that I wasn’t a danger to myself. Of course it slipped into psychosis, and I ended up in the emergency room yet again, and being involuntarily committed.

Other times, it’s been called in that I was displaying behavior that was suicidal, or I was under the influence of substances, and I was actually just drunk, and not even thinking about hurting myself or feeling psychotic at all. And it was used against me and I was involuntarily committed. Now what’s there is just Wrong?


My question is
WHY are all these places usually disgusting decrepit prisons and not nicely tended clean and proper living spaces? Why do they have a major reputation for always being the worst part of the hospital? Why are they always left in such decay if theyre supposed to help people and we all know 75 percent of the time I'd guess they HURT vulnerable citizens more?!


Psychiatrists have too much power as practitioners of such a nebulous and unreliable field.


Don't you lose many of your constitutional rights if involuntarily commited?


What’s the difference between Amitted and committed? I am not a dangerous person when I was 17 I had an ugly break up and yeah I said I wanted to do something to myself I mean when a guys girlfriend, sleeps with his best friend who wouldn’t say things they don’t mean. My mom took it upon herself to send me to a hospital they let me leave, thankfully after a few hours, realizing I was no threat to myself, or others what I want to know is if I mark no to being committed to a mental hospital on my background check when I go to prison? If so, my mom really screwed me. I can’t find the answer anywhere online.


I think *part* of why sui is handled the way it is in a hospital setting is that they’d like to deter ppl from coming in for anything other than imminent risk. Everything that happens in a hospital is incredibly expensive. They really don’t want to play the role of a $10, 000 therapist/friend, and the only thing that supersedes that is the fact that they have a duty to keep human beings alive.

It’s an all around depressing reality.


Never see psychiatrists. Treating with neurotoxic poissons is evil


I once made the mistake of calling a crisis line and divulging a suicide plan. I was dealing with a crisis in my business because of an application I provide being down, and I called a crisis line about it. I had the police pick me up and take me to the Emergency Room, and I was admitted to the psych ward. Fortunately, I was discharged in 36 hours. The good thing was that I asked the psychiatrist what triggered the police response, and he made it clear that it was that having the suicide plan is a threat of danger to myself, so I know not to make that mistake again if I ever call a crisis line in the future.


They locked my daughter away involuntary 10 times in the last 6 years. She originally was stressed out w/ school, grades, college and not sleeping - she just burnt out. they assumed she was trying to kill herself and the psych drug nghtmare began. (ages 17 to now almost 24). She wasn't sleeping nor eating (she wasn't allowed to go to her HS graduation [which made her depressed] because the school insisted she get psychiatric help).


Dont go!! Worst than jail!! Even if you never been!!


how to avoid getting sent to a psychiatric ward? Considering that a vast bulk of claims of psychiatric illness is imaginary and considering that these labels pathologize both sides no matter which one you take, a psychiatrist is very likely going to commit you no matter what. Especially if for some reason, he doesn't like you. You want to avoid getting committed? Avoid psychiatrists/the "mental health field."


This is terrible. Involuntary hospitalisation is immoral and needs to stop.


I love 🥰 my soul and life I would never 👎 harm it


I was actually put in one for my openness to support Palestine and being a Muslim. There's almost anything you can get put in for and they have been used for political punishment.


The only time you should really tell anybody that you're ready to give up or hurt yourself is if you are actually going to do it. Don't just say you're going to do something to yourself and then not act on your word. You'll still get treated as if you are dangerous to yourself. once you are let out, chuck away all of your prescriptions and find a new doctor immediately and tell them that you don't take medication. Don't give them your mental Health history either.


Just tell them what they want to hear and you’re good 👍 😅


I feel like often they send people in who don't want it and people who needs it don't get it
