Reduce Traffic noise and Dog Barking! With Indow Insert Review

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I am a combat veteran and already had sleep issues. I live off a road which has been reworked into a major throughway in my neighborhood and deal with a lot of traffic noise. I've used all kinds of white noise machines, apps, you name it, so I figured I would try out Indow. This is my review of the three Indow inserts I have installed in my bedroom which I am doing a before and after comparison with music playing outside.
One thing to note, the music could still be heard with it installed. My go pro must have filtered it slightly. Noise reduction was about 40 to 50% reduced in my case.
I have not been compensated for my review, BUT if you like it and want to try Indow out for yourself. Use the following link to get a free estimate!

in addition to the noise suppression, all the products help with thermal insulation as well. Each Indow insert is measured to form a perfect seal around every window. so if you have old drafty windows or single panes, etc, these will help keep the heat out in the summer and the cold out in the winter... pretty amazing product in my opinion.
Hope this helps!
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Great vid, appreciate the before and after with loud music playing. I can't handle my loud neighbors anymore. All day Ithink of evil ways to pay them back for the months of torment!


**UPDATE - We've sold the house and passed these babies onto the new owners!

It's been a while since I provided an update, in the few years since I original posted this review, and years of 🤺 them with the county, we actually SUCCEEDED at getting the dog boarding neighbor shutdown 🥂🎉🥂, . But while I was busy celebrating the county was busy scheming and secretly making our what was once a small quiet street into a major throughway 🤬. Despite cars flying by at all hours of the day, I was still able to sleep well thanks to the indow muffling the traffic noise & honking right outside my door (literally 20 feet away).

I fortunately do not need them at my current place, but will not hesitate to buy more again in the future.

Ending this rant, Indow has been amazing for me and I love their product. I would urge any of you that are on the fence because of the cost involved, to pull the trigger and do it. Just my opinion. I see it as a small investment in my sleep, health, and sanity. They also help with old drafty windows, as they are custom fit to firm a perfect seal around each window. Pretty awesome.

I'd love to hear about any one else's experience so far!

Wish you all the best


The motorcycles in the springtime are driving me crazy, but then I see the price and im like ehh.


Shit $300 a piece. I really cannot handle my loud neighbours anymore but that’s so expensive unless it works super well


Thank you for posting! I've been wondering how effective they are. I live to close to an interstate. The traffic noise is constant. The price is worth it to me!


Indow is a company that charges way too much for their inserts. I talked to Indow via telephone, and told the associate I needed to sound proof ONE window. The window measurements are 5 feet x 5 feet 7 inches. They gave me a price of $1, 650.00. What?!!!


Thank you for posting. Is that their standard insert, or did you purchase the acoustical insert?


I have a consult with Indows today. Noise sucks (at home).


Hi! Thanks for uploading this review! I live next to a highway and it's the loud motorcycles and trucks that wake me up at 5am. Do you think these inserts reduce the sound of heavy engines drastically?


Any update on this? I'm considering one insert for my bedroom window too. Traffic noise is ridiculous.


I’m thinking of buying these because of my neighbors dogs that bark, so these cut the noise out? Are they worth it? Thank you for your services for this country.


are the inserts laminated glass? I also see a large window to the left which needs to be considered. Along with the walls. Sound could be coming through the walls


Hi! I just watched your video from 2 years ago. I looked for a follow up post but didn't find one. I am desperate to know if these worked for you. We live 70 feet from a Parkway and the noise and rumbling of trucks, buses, motorcycles etc are outside our bedroom . My husband is a light sleeper. Can you give us your thoughts on Indows Windows???🙏🏻🙏🏻


I feel for you. That being said, that is incredibly expensive considering that you could install a double paned window for not much more. Do you have double paned windows already and is this indow window insert in addition to??


Does anyone in the UK provide this type of window?


Dog daycare.... do your neighbors have appropriate state and local licenses / permits for that type of home business? I'd look 'em up if I were you. Does your jurisdiction not have a noise ordinance? Often, creating noise overnight will be a violation of local ordinance. When reported and unaddressed, after a while, the repeated noise violations may lead to license revocation and possible prosecution for a public nuisance.

I grew up with dogs, but having a dog is a privilege that comes with responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is seeing to it that your dogs don't bother your neighbors all that much, especially at night. I'm sorry about your noise issue. I hope the inserts helped.


Did you install it yourself or did you have the company do it ? Since the cost is so high I’d like to safe on the installation if I can do it myself. What are your thoughts ?


Great demo, how well would this work for folks gathering outside and having a party where you can hear conversations?


It looks like you installed Indow inserts on top of existing blinds. Do you think any issues with 2-inch blinds?


Did you get the standard grade or premium grade material? $300 is a great price for the result.
