Watch Scientist Destroy Bill Maher’s Narrative w/ Facts in Only 3 Minutes

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of “Real Time with Bill Maher’s” Bill Maher not knowing what to think of Bjørn Lomborg’s data-backed correction of the media’s narrative about the death of the Great Barrier Reef.

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All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.


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It’s wild when the reaction to good news is disappointment.


Bill Maher upset the ocean isn't dying in 2024 lol.


Maher is bilingual. He speaks English and Rubbish. Rubbish is his first language.


'How does rich fix the oceans?' I don't know bill, how does more taxes solve climate change? Wally


"The oceans are overfished" Yet ANOTHER thing we can't talk about because China. Doesn't matter that they pollute more, doesn't matter that they overfish a ton.


Maher looks so disappointed that his narrative went to shit.


Plastics and overfishing are not climate related, and, 90% of plastic pollution comes from 10 river systems, 8 in Asia, 1 on South America’s and 1 on Africa. The oceans are not becoming acidic, they have becoming slightly less alkaline, I.e. becoming more neutral. Even if they were becoming more acidic due to CO2 it would be Carbolic acid which is the main building block for shelled animals, so they would thrive. There is no increase in frequency or intensity of weather events. The oceans are rising lineally, not accelerating, at about 2 mm pa. Climate related deaths are down 98% in the last 100 years. The IPCC (AR12 and AR13 (chapter 11) has stated there is not connection between human activity and weather events. Not a single climate alarmist prediction has come true in the last 40 years. It is an artificial crisis motivated by power (politicians), ideology (socialists), money (crony capitalists and rent seekers getting government subsidies and climate scientists) and relevance (climate scientists). I have yet to come across a climate alarmist who would stand still for 5 minutes and debate the subject (that they usually know nothing about). They always walk away of revert to ad hominem attacks (“climate denier”) because they know their arguments will not stand up to scrutiny. Stop coal, stop oil which will take us all back to the 1850s.


Bill looks disappointed that the Great Barrier Reef is doing OK.

That's a GOOD thing, Bill, truly.


Bill Maher: I’ll invite a renowned expert on the show and when he contradicts my beliefs I’ll berate his facts with smarmy elitism. That’ll show him.


Obviously Lomborg is wrong, Bill Maher watched CNN and they told him the oceans are dying.


The coral reef is growing. The sea levels have not changed at all. The climate has been changing since the last ice age.


"A lot of this green agenda is being pushed because someone somewhere is making a lot of money from it. Just like in COVID, when of course there was a great redistribution of wealth to the most richest people in the world and the biggest corporations. As well as power being taken away from the likes of you and I." ~Robert Oulds


The more scared they make you, the richer they become. That's the point.


Remember, environmentalism is not about the planet, it's about increasing govt control and the implementation of communism.


Maher is hilarious. Hilariously confused.


I just spent a week snorkling and diving in Bali. I have been coming here to do just that for the past 7 years. I can assure you that the reefs and wildlife are doing just fine Mr Maher.


Really does my head in when everyone lumps everything into climate change. It's the biggest con.


this is what it sounds like when someone speaks that hasn't been programmed by the progressive hive mind. It's refreshing.


I despise Bill Maher a smug know it all.


I freaking love it when someone is asked a question and responds "I don't know." I appreciate the person's honesty. As opposed to politicians who just always seem to have the correct answer--and their answer is better than the other guy's answer!
