If he takes FOREVER to text you back, DO THIS!

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People aren’t trying to know each other low a days it’s just fuck and move on


i hate texting for this reason. it's a garbage form of communication that should only be used for sending addresses.


If they take forever to text back, delete their number, move on and never give them attention again. In our times, it is unfortunate that the women are having to pursue the "men."


He didnt actually say what to "DO." just gave a general overview of what he'd expect.


A man (busy or not) who is TRULY interested in you will MAKE TIME to send a text! Like the video says, it take seconds. 86, 400 seconds in 24hrs. If he or she can’t take 3 of those seconds to say hello then…something MAY be up. MAKE them want you. Even when you are DYING to hear from them, DONT always text right away!!! Wait a little bit. Always being available for someone who doesn’t give you a 3 second text is ridiculous. And if he/she really likes you and is super busy, most people will be vocal and tell you!


I'm a man, if I take forever or don't text back, I'm not interested... Plain and simple...


I agree! This is why, as you get older, it becomes easier to filter people out because everybody should know by now what it feels like when two people mutually are attracted to each other, and they mutually make the effort.


I agree, it takes seconds to text back.
If a man does this to me I see him as less attractive. Any interest that I had went down 100%. When he finally text me back & return his text with the same enthusiasm that he gave me… 😂 I think that it’s easy to gauge what’s going on with any person if you know their work schedule, their patterns & behavior around them doing the silent treatment. If a man will do the silent treatment with a phone he’ll do it in person…


I really agree on what you said. I finally decided to let go of this person. Boundaries which is absolutely true. Sending a text message will not take couple of days and seconds . No such thing as busy just like what you said. You make me feel stronger on what you said in yiur message. Spot on! Thank you so much for sharing this message ❤


Forever means 24 hours to me. If i really like someone, I take a while to text back but i always text back. I gwt anxious and wait until a better time of day where im relaxed and can think straight to message because the messages are important to me.


I know someone who takes 3 weeks or more to respond to me. He lives in a different country across the sea. I know him in person and I know he’s always with his phone messaging people. I rarely hear from him and reach out every now and then. I’ve texted him for the last time and deleted his number for now. I haven’t blocked 🚫 him. He’s welcome to text me back anytime between now and million years into the future 😂


Keeping in mind that if someone isn't responding quickly enough for YOU, it doesn't mean they are necessarily doing it intentionally. Heck, they might be depressed or just prefer more face to face interaction.

There could be a plethora of reasons! Some people are really just busy, with work, school, family commitments etc.


I’m gonna cry I’m pretty sure he’s not texting me back because he doesn’t wanna talk to me not because he thinks he’s wasting my time that sounds dumb


A long time for me is 1 hr. However I prefer phone calls or organic meeting someone.


Can I just say every single time a guy has done this he wanted something casual

He would put in some interest, take a long time to reply, replies would be casual and boring. Every. Time. He. Only. Wanted. To. Fuck... 😂 So there is that possibility he isn't interested in actual commitment hence why you aren't number one priority. Any time a guy has been into me and wanted commitment it was extremely obvious!!! There was no mistaking it, no self doubt. I wish people were more straight with each other. 😂😂


Women won't even be the last to text and complain about men not texting them back.


I’ve been texting my crush and she does text back. Only sucky thing it takes a couple hours :( I know she’s busy with homework and other stuff but I am too but I still reply pretty quick!
She does text me back though and sometimes double texts so I think she’s interested idk I’m an overthinker :(


Because people are too lazy or prideful to commit. Back in the old days when cellphones didnt exist YOU HAD to make a phone call to talk and hear each others voices. That was mote personal and committing than now. What technology has done to us.


Dawg. I don’t like texting. It’s low effort
The only text I’ll send “is hey I’m busy. I’ll talk to you later” or “give me 5 mins”


My crush hasn’t answered one of my texts then like a while later he said “sorry I was at hockey”
