How to TOP LANE - The COMPLETE BEGINNER'S GUIDE for TOP LANE - League of Legends

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How to TOP LANE - The COMPLETE BEGINNER'S GUIDE for TOP LANE in League of Legends

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0:00 - Introduction
0:27 - QOTD
0:42 - Types of Top Lane Champions
2:07 - Counter Picking in Top Lane
3:38 - Laning in Top Lane
9:07 - Teleporting in Top Lane
10:33 - Outro

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9:14 #3. Rage TP - You thought you would be able to solo kill your laner, but he actually kills you with a sliver of health left. As a result, you TP in to try and kill him but end up getting baited into a gank and die again.


Me: **Mains top lane for 6 years**
**clicks on beginner guide**


QOTD: I honestly think its yuumi with ghost and cleanse, you can get a lot of free dodges saving you a good amount of lp


Playing for 3 days now, the game's mechanics are really overwhelming. So much to learn to get anywhere.
But it's finally starting to make sense, what I've seen in streams and plays. Thanks!


Did I understand anything he said? No. Will I pretend I understood it and play top lane for my team again? Yes


I'm new to league and picking a lane and a champ I'm interested in at the same time is incredibly hard to do, I've tried a few games in top and bottom lane but it's hard to start out for me it seems as my team almost always ends up flaming me for just being new and not understanding the game, this guide helps me understand lanes a lot better though as I never really paid any attention to minions, Never realised how important they are for pushing and countering.


I feel like most people understate the need to keep from pushing your minions too fast. I had this problem a LOT when I was new to the game; taking a huge minion advantage, getting close to tower, just to get annihilated from the jungler and top laner sandwiching me. In lower elo, this is a big deal.


QOTD: 100% nocturne top with conq and stridebreaker (kind of a bruiser build). he has an insane lvl 1 that is better than the likes of darius, he has a fear, bonus movespeed on q and bonus ad, he has an ult that helps stick to targets and solo kill, his passive gives him cleave and sustain so you can almost always get wave prio. ss tier


Ranged top laners? Wait... that's illegal!


QOTD: Garen or as I like to call him, ooga booga. In all seriousness while he's probably the easiest champ to play you'd be surprised how much he can reward you for having good trading knowledge and wave control and macro. Sure he might not win a 5 v 1 teamfight as hard as a Darius or Riven but what he makes up for that is a consistent trade pattern, great survivability and fairly reliable escape options. Your Q silence allows you to out trade a lot of top laners since you can essentially lock them out of trading until after you shred their armour with e and proc conqueror and the shield/tenacity from your W makes non all in trades a lot weaker when Garen has a really strong all in especially at 6. Finally add in that your Q let's you out run a lot of people and your passive essentially negates poke trades and you've got a sidelaning monster who can still absolutely shred through teamfights. All in all he's got everything a low elo toplaner could want to learn the role.


As a TOP main myself I have been waiting for this video. Thank you for your work!


QOTD: If the enemy has dashes just like Irelia, Akali or Urgot. Poppy is the best way to go. You don't have to fear getting dashed on if you're behind and can lock them down in an engage.


4:43 "Riven just stays in the brush as he autos the wave a little bit"

Proceeds to not auto a single time.


After her first 3 weeks I feel like Gwen isn’t played a lot but she’s strong.


QOTD: kennen, I've been rocking Kennen a lot for his poke, alongside his all in potential. A great champion to carry or support the carry, such as a Lee jungle.


QOTD: Maokai. Building chemtank on maokai makes him an impossible to outplay pick champion (chemtank -> w), with decent engage/disengage (r), and amazing objective control (sapling vision). The issue? when played well, his team decides whether he wins or not (low solo carry potential)


QOTD: Nocturne, he's the king of toplane


I’m level 50 and still don’t know how to play any lane and always lose it. I’ve lost every lane or position I have played


These guides are near instant +LP. Absolutely fundamental!
