Clean Up Windows 10 | 3 Steps For A Faster Computer

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00:00 Introduction
01:45 Follow Along Guide
02:50 Debloat Script
07:25 Advanced Startup Modifications
08:45 Advanced - Regedit
10:15 Advanced - Task Scheduler
11:28 System Tweaks and Privacy
14:13 Hibernation off
14:34 Shell Tricks for Speed

Рекомендации по теме

1:45 Follow Along Guide
2:50 Debloat Script
7:25 Advanced Startup Modifications
8:45 Advanced - Regedit
10:15 Advanced - Task Scheduler
11:28 System Tweaks and Privacy
14:13 Hibernation off
14:34 Shell Tricks for Speed


Was randomly browsing the web late at night, and stumbled into this youtube video. Didn't think this kind of miracle work was possible, but followed through and now I'm having my computer go a bit faster. Thanks alot friend :)


Thanks, Chris. This is very well done. I'm mostly Linux and macOS these days, but this is very handy for maintaining my Windows machine. I appreciate your time and clear presentation.


I have never tweaked my windows 10 since install. Thanks to your great videos and a few hours I now have a really fast computer. Very easy to follow. Well done and thank you.


I've been learning and re-learning so much, thank you! This is my new favorite channel; subscribed.


My windows 10 is so responsive than before, thank you very much.


This post is 6 months old but I'm just watching it for the first time. A one button uninstall for one freaking one drive, dude you're my hero


WOW, What a difference!!! I do basic maintenance on my machine from time to time. This video showed me a couple steps i didn't know about! Thank you


Chris let me just say, you have improved so much over the past year. This is the first video that I can send to my friends (which are absolute computer noobs) without me helping them. Excellent job, you really know how to talk noob (e. g. Explaining what a blacklist is). Keep up the good work


Thanks for the tips Chris, most of it I knew, but there were a few tidbits to learn, things are always changing. Keep up the great videos.


Wow dude! I haven't even restarted my pc yet and its already a big difference, THANK YOU BRO!!!


I ran this program and my computer disappeared. Like it's gone. I guess it was all bloatware.


I found a number of empty folders in startup from programs that had been uninstalled but left the folder. So it's a worthwhile step.


Hi Chris, I have been watching your vids on my TV and today decided to try and implement your Windows 10 cleanup / debloat system. I got stuck at first base as I didn't know how to copy the script and before I knew it you had moved on!! I tried 3x but have now given up as you go so fast. Interesting stuff.


Last year's instructions were a bit complicated, but did the job. This one's excellent! Great job! Thank you very much!


thank you, Chris! Liked and Sub'd! Your tutorial is very easy to follow and well done. I will watch your other videos to improve the computing quality of my PC's when I get time! 👍🏻👍🏻 ( one suggestion: you may show the pre- and post- bloatware removal screens in your video to let the viewers know what happens after they perform your routine because I was surprised after I saw most of the app's were blank in the Windows Startup menu were gone.)


Thanks chris! These are some good tips to keep your windows 10 operating smoothly. Most of what's on here I've already done on my system periodically, but those bloatware keys in the registry I'd honestly overlooked. Cheer mate.


Thank you for all your time and help! You are a natural Educator! You deliver information with ease and clarity for regular users out there and we can't thank you enough! Cheers!


I really want to thank you for this video. I did what you suggested to my 2017 Surface Pro, which has been almost unusable in the past year or so. Now, it feels snappy like the day I purchased it.


Word of caution: some of this stuff can really ruin your day if you're unlucky like me. I have a new comp (2 months old) for gaming and music production. Doing this screwed up gaming ( later found out it had something to do with removing registry keys dealing with Microsoft Store), but that wasn't the big deal. For some reason, this program decided to erase most of the VST plugins I was using, as well as removing quite a few apps I use in sample splicing, etc. when I went to restore back to the restore point I made just before doing all this, it did nothing to fix it. I ended up having to go back to a restore point a week before. Most of the plugins came back, BUT, all the sounds I had created were gone. So, any songs I had written using the VSTs will never sound the same. NOT Chris Titus' fault by ANY means, just a head's up for those walking along the same path. All in all, I wanted to streamline my computer, and ended up working to get what I could back, and eventually have to live with losing close to 50 hours of work on music.
