How to Stop Shanking in 5 Minutes (Don't Miss This Fix)

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In this tip I teach you how to stop shanking in 5 minutes (literally). It's so simple to fix a shank if you understand what you're doing to causes this type of shot.

So many people get worried about this shot because it can really get in your head. Just when you think you hit a great shot, it squirts sideways on you. I'm here to tell you that there's no need to get worried about the shanks.

Even if you don't shank the ball, you need to watch this tip. I explain one thing that will not only stop shanking but it'll prevent you from ever shanking in the future.

So from now on don't get worried about these shots. They really are so simple to fix if you know what to do. Just follow this tip and in literally 5 minutes you will stop shanking forever.

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2 sleepless nights, borderline about to cancel tee times. Found this video, went straight to the range and instantly fixed. Absolute legend.


I had been been shanking the ball on a consistent basis and after watching this video I have gone 6 rounds without shanking the ball a single time. Thank you Paul!


Been shanking for 3 weeks. Literally was about to hang it up already for the year. Videos like this never work…..but this one legit did. Within 1 minute I was fixed. What a relief. TY!


I discovered Paul Wilson a few months ago and can not praise him enough. I have been playing for 25 yrs and became a 3 hdcp. Unfortunately I lost my swing and began watching hundreds of youtube vids etc...w no luck. I then found Paul. EVERYTHING he discusses is 100 % accurate especially when I comes to loose swing, hinging etc. Don't waste your time listening to other pros....this pro knows the swing.


UNBELIEVABLE! I'm 62 and a 4 hcp. Every 4-5 years I get the shanks at the range. Yesterday was the day. Couldn't stop... hit 2 buckets of hosel rockets with my 6 and 9 iron. I've never been 100% sure why, but I find a way to work through/around it. This morning I went to the range hoping these tips worked but accepted the fact that I might cancel today's round of golf if Paul's video wasn't "the fix". Hit the ball great at the range and didn't once consider that I might shank one on the course. I now know the root of the problem and it actually helped me hit the ball even more solidly due to improved posture and proper weight balance,
Thank you very much!👍👍


I just want to say thank you! I've watched 7-10 videos and you were the only one who mentioned tall players often bend over too much and the suggested fix of moving back only exacerbates the problem. I just hit 75-100 balls without shanks now that I am standing more upright. Thanks so much!


Paul, I was shanking so bad I thought about cancelling my tee time yesterday and giving up the game! After watching this video I wrote down your three keys to STOP shanking and went to the course hopeful. Did not shank one shot! Struck my irons very solid and consistent. Thank you for this, it has saved me and my game!


Once again Paul you have saved my game! Have a trip starting tomorrow with some buddies. Yesterday this affliction showed up and ruined my practice round. Emergency range session today. A couple mildly squirrelly ones early but after that the wedges were all good! Thanks so much!


I am 6’4” and this provided an instant fix. It’s so counter intuitive that when you’re making contact on the inside of your club that you SHOULD NOT stand further away (because that increases the forward lean even more). I started standing a little closer to the ball with the more upright club tilt and my shanks stopped immediately. Great video.


As someone who used to play a lot and shoot 70s consistently I was really close to quitting the game. I don’t play as much as I used to because of work and such. So when I’d go out it wasn’t fun anymore I randomly got the shanks a couple months ago and this was like a light bulb went off in my head. Thank you !! No longer scared to hit a 60 yard pitch shot


I can’t tell you how much I needed this video! I have been shanking for weeks now and I could not figure out what I was doing different. I was actually getting scared when stepping up to the ball because I was doubting everything. Now I am paying more attention to my balance when swinging and have not been shanking since!


3 years of shanking and your easy to follow and understand explanation of what causes the shank has finally made sense to me and seems to have finally got rid of the dreaded S word, I wish I had found your advice years ago it would have saved me so much money and doubt, Thank You


I've been taking lessons for 3 months now, and frankly, my back hurts from working on getting shaft lean, and i keep waiting for the lightbulb moment. Frustrated, I found your YouTube videos last night, and couldn't stop watching. I went to the range today to tried out the hip turn you talk about to initiate the swing and I was roping my shots! It's so intuitive, and feels so right. Thank you! You are a wonderful teacher. Please keep up the great work.


This is exactly what I needed. I’ve been working on my short game almost exclusively the last couple of weeks and all of a sudden I started shanking which I’ve never done before! Really threw me off because my irons used to be the best part of my game. Thank you!


Paul is the absolute best. Sensible, concise, no conceit - he understands well, explains well and obviously means well - that players improve their game.

Half a dozen other videos from well-known coaches were useless; in addition to the solution (which works), Paul explains the how and why, which are essential to a proper fix. It also improved my ball striking.


I've been away from golf for a few years due to a biking accident, and decided to see if I could get my swing back before playing on a course. Well for a few weeks I've been struggling with a shank that humbled me since I'm a student of the game and a former 10 handicapper. I tried your weight distribution idea yesterday and voila, no more shank plus I'm hitting my irons much better. Thank you so much !


Great tip!!!! I struggled with the shank for years and no one was able to help me. I watched this video once and it cures my shanks!! Thanks Paul!!


I have struggled with chronic shanking of my short clubs for about the last 3 years. After many lessons from many pros, I found your video and practiced what you preach for one week. My shanks are gone and I am swinging confidently. God bless you.


Paul I "shot the shot that shall not be named" 50 shots in a row yesterday. Your complete coaching fixed it in three swings. It like you were talking about me. I am 6'2 and all I had to do was get my body mass back behind my toe line and presto!! Really thankful for you! I took notes and added them to my preround swing notes. "body mass behind toe line" That one line just magic!


Never shanked in my life, except on day one of a 2-day golf trip. Day 1 I started shanking on the range. Damn near lost my mine on the course and I have never been so scared to hit my irons by the end of that day (especially the shorter ones). The next morning, I found this video. My friends made fun of me for trying to apply an instant fix. But THIS VIDEO WORKED. Back on the range an hour later and applied the basic steps. It was instant. I was a normal golfer again and had a MUCH better day. Huge fan of this video for anyone
