3 Reasons Why You Shank The Golf Ball + How To Fix Them Fast

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Hitting a shank shot may be the most destructive and soul destroying shot in the game, but in this video i'm going to show you exactly why you shank the golf ball, and how to fix it! Fix the reason why you shank the golf ball, then you'll fix your shank fast!



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Dude, I've been shanking all this season and you just made me realize I've been lifting my heel. You may have saved my game, subbed.


Keeping the right heel down saved my golf swing. The harder I worked on starting the swing from the bottom up and making a full turn the more I shanked. I shanked even when I started with the toe of the club at the ball at address. I had given up. Then I tried to keep my heel down to impact. I could not believe it. Perfect easy contact, Much fuller turn and I finished much taller in extension. Thanks Again.


Saved my game after doing about 30 shanks at the range, Reasons 1 and 2 were new to me and I’m convinced focusing on those made the difference.
Thank you


I started to shank a few days ago out of the blue. No idea why. I watched countless YouTube videos and tried many drills of which none of them worked. It started to impact me mentally, not gonna lie. Then I came across your video…. and man o man!!!! I cannot thank you Your advice #1 seemed to have fixed my shank. Not only i understood the root cause of the problem (lifting my heel in my downswing) but I also understood why I started doing it. I was working on improving my swing speed the past couple of weeks, and turns out I got into that bad habit of lifting my heel to somewhat push with my toes to rotate faster… Man, I’m glad I came across your video!!!! If not, I’m sure I would have destroyed my swing trying to fix something that had nothing to do with the issue itself. I’m back to flushing my balls again. What a relief! Definitely worth a follow and a like! Thanks again!


I am currently “shankzilla” and it is driving me crazy. I will give these tips a try at the range Sunday. I am a new subscriber because of this video. Thanks


Followed the first drill and it worked. You have just saved me a lot of time because no one figured out what's going on with my golf swing for years until I saw your video. So thank you


Hey mate so I’m around a 6 handicap and have been going to a golf coach which has helped and destroyed my game to the point of major frustration. My new swing has caused me to shank the ball like crazy. I found this video and did the standing on the wedge drill and OMG it worked like a charm. What I did was actually keep my foot on the club even after impact to be sure I was swinging through it and how on earth did I gain 15-20 yards in distance?! I was loosing so much power hitting my 7 iron 150 but with this drill 170-175?!?! I’d love any feedback. Great video.


Great visuals to correct faults and drills to work on!! Thanks :-)


Great video - major shank problem at the mo - never considered the right heel lifting - will try the club head under the heel drill tomorrow.


Old video I know, but man that first tip is what saved me. Been through about every tip I could find to stop shanking and could not fix it, no matter what swing correction or fix I did. It's difficult to catch the knee and heel lifting towards the ball on video and even in slow mo...it just looks like you are making a normal turn. Keeping my heel down through impact has me back to hitting middle to toe side of the club if anything. What really made it click for me is watching Tiger hit pitch and chip shots. His back heel never leaves the ground.


Just want to say thank you for that. I hit balls the other evening before my round the next day and I sh""ked the last ten balls and range closed. I panic watched this video that night and hit balls before my round. I used your number 1 tip and never hit one stray. This move is also something that has plagued me in that I slip into it without knowing and things go bad. It's super easy to implement.


Filmed myself shanking the ball and my left heel is lifting and my hips are pushing towards the ball. Thanks for giving me something to work on. Great video


I have been shanking the ball all day. I could not figure it out. It was my right knee. Thank you so much !👍


Wow, great drill. Easily transposed to other drills associated with the feet.


Always had a recurring problem with shanking but recently it came back with a vengeance, and I almost quit the game. Spent hundreds on lessons and neither of the 2 pros mentioned my heel may be lifting too early in my swing. I tried your fix at the range today and to my utter amazement it reduced my shanks to about 2 or 3 out of 75 balls. Previously I was shanking 60 - 65 out of 70! A huge thank you for this tip and I`ll be testing this on the course tomorrow morning. You are a saviour! (PS, I`ll post again tomorrow with an update)


Thank you so much for posting this. this really helped me a lot. It was issue #2 for me.


Very good information which makes complete sense


Even the word “shank” sends shivers thru me. Horrible shot. Good video cheers 👍


Lol, nice shank bruv! Thanks for last nights lesson. Much better at the range today like you said it would be.


Amazing Insights. And what I mean is, REALLY AMAZING. Thank you so much!
