Team Fortress 2 is a Perfect Video Game

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TF2 is a masterpiece, and always will be.
#tf2 #teamfortress2 #valve

Special thanks to Henders429 for helping me out with multiple clips

In this video, I talk about how Team Fortress 2 (AKA TF2) changed my life, and is a perfect videogame. From the Scout, to the Soldier, to the Pyro, to the Demoman, to the Heavy, to the Engineer, to the Medic, to the Sniper, and to the Spy, every class in this game is so enjoyable to master. Unboxing Unusuals is also nice I guess. The Heavy Update may come some day, or may not, but for now rather than focusing on Valve releasing a new tf2 update, I'm gonna focus on what makes this game so fun. I love Team Fortress 2. Oh also watch Emesis Blue it's very good.

Music used in order:
Half Life 2 - Hazardous Environments
Team Fortress 2 - Playing With Danger
Team Fortress 2 - Main Theme
Team Fortress 2 - Rocket Jump Waltz
Team Fortress 2 - ROBOTS!
Kevin Macleod - Movement Proposition
Team Fortress 2 - Mercenary Park
Super Mario 64 - Endless Stairs
A Hat In Time - Welcome to Mafia Town
Team Fortress 2 - Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
Super Mario Galaxy - Luma
Team Fortress 2 - Drunken Pipe Bomb
Team Fortress 2 - The Calm
Team Fortress 2 - Dueling Banjo
Team Fortress 2 - MEDIC!
Team Fortress 2 - Sandwich Maker
Team Fortress 2 - Intruder Alert
Team Fortress 2 Classic - TF2 Theme Medley
Team Fortress 2 - Red Bread
Team Fortress 2 - Right Behind You
Donkey Kong 64 - Snide's HQ
Kevin Macleod - Sneaky Snitch
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - Gerudo Valley
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! - Main Theme
Banjo Kazooie - Pause Screen
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Groose's Theme
Mario Kart Wii - Daisy Circuit
MewZe OST - Grubbington Grove
Donkey Kong 64 - Cranky's Lab
Conker's Bad Fur Day - Windy and Co.
Conker's Bad Fur Day - The Old Chap
Mario Kart Wii - Luigi Circuit
Team Fortress 2 - More Gun

if you see this comment 'i love mewze and his preachings'
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if you like the video the heavy from team fortress 2 crawls through your window


MewZe is the only youtuber who would request to be buried in a fictional video game


3:49 “They Spy, is French”. Best way to explain him


15 years later and TF2 still has a nice dedicated community


> appears in my recommendation
> has a perfect video about a perfect game
> wants to be buried in Suijin
> has a nice voice that I could listen to for hours

How can a person like that not own Jarate?


Love the numerous Emesis Blue references. The film should've had more love than ever.


Tf2 has diehard fans who would and have immersed themselves in this game for well over 10 years and counting, a good portion of their life at this point. That alone should say enough.


3:40 The Sniper is calm, always focused and patient. But in-game, you need to be calm, focused and patient to hit headshots. Oh and, both The Sniper and the playstyle is always being polite, efficient and always having a plan to kill everyone you meet, even your teammates because they might be a spy.


You missed my number one reason why tf2 is perfect: the humor. Whether its something that happens to me, or something that happens to someone else, or something that someone says or does. Even just a perfectly timed random voice line. Every time I play tf2 I lol at least once. Most shooters are stressful where every time I play tf2 I am relaxed and in good mood. At least for a little while:) Enjoyed this video, subscribed:)


One of the best games ever. Played thousands of hours in my teens, came back after a 6 year break. First day back I ran into the guy who introduced me to the game, 13 years ago.

In love with it again, the comp scene is dwindling but still evolving. Flawless game and great video 🙏


To add onto your point about the maps, there are a lot of experimental ideas put into maps that I simply don't think would've been made if the game was more competitive driven. You've got CP_Standin, where there's three points that have to be capped simultaneously in order to win. You've got CP_Steel, where the last point is open to be captured at the very start of the round, and capturing preceding points makes capturing the last point easier. You've got the entire game mode of Player Destruction, something completely community made and is the closest to a team deathmatch mode that TF2 will ever get (Arena doesn't count). You've got CP_Snowplow, TC_Hydro, SD_Doomsday, Degroot Keep, etc. These are all maps that I feel like wouldn't have been made if the game didn't feel so casual, because people will complain and moan about this map not being competitively viable or that map not being competitively viable. But thanks to TF2's just general casualness, there's more experimentation. Although one thing I would like to note as a correction to your video, KOTH is played in competitive, although it is more popular in Highlander compared to 6v6. To be fair, though, I don't think I've ever seen Suijin being played competitively.


3:10 idk why but I love that drinking sfx


The emesis blue references, especially when the medic turns to look at funni jarate man is just amazing


I started playing TF2 for the first time this year and I'm already in love with it. I may not be very good but I've never had so much fun in years!


I love TF2. I only started playing it last year, and i did have to go through a lot of bullshit, but once that was out of the way, it became my favorite FPS game. And even my most played one.


Two things that I learned from this video:
1. This man and others (including me) enjoy playing tf2
2. This guy really needs a jarate


I loved that Emiess Blue Reference As Much I Love TF2-


It’s a perfect game when bots aren’t ruining it


Perfect intro, and i agree, the game is a timeless classic and a perfect example of a multiplayer game with alot of charm like other Valve games.


11/10 video man.

TF2 is one of the greatest games of all time, and you explained why perfectly.
