You Have Nothing To Feel Guilty About!

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#ocd #obsessivecompulsivedisorder
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I'm in Pure O recovery with your videos. These are your amazing powerful phrases that help me:
1.The Anxiety Reaches a Peak!
2.Walk Parallel to the OCD! NUMBER ONE CURE!
3.Urgency To Solve!
4.Don't Chase The Feeling!
5.You Made the Thought Important!
6.Whatever OCD tells you to do, don't do it!
7.Do a different reaction on purpose!
8. You're OCDing because of a Trigger!
9. The Big Lie why my current theme is real and all of a sudden my previous themes don't matter.
10. This is the REAL one! I thought the previous thought was!
Thank you so much Ali, only you understand, no therapist understands.


Thank you :') the steps that seem small to everyone else are so huge for me...I'm trying to take back my life. Ocd is incredibly daunting but we have to keep going!


Today the thought came again. And I feel bit stressed. Though I disregard it. It comes again.


Words cannot explain how much you have helped me and how much I needed this right now. Thank you so much.


I had to listen to this carefully three times, Ali. I think I had misunderstood some what reassurance really means and also didn’t appreciate how shame feeds fear which feeds the fighting to stop the intrusive thoughts which just makes them continue. You may have said all that a hundred times before but it never quite resonated with me until now. What you said about reassurance and shame is more clear now. But you also said “even if, in the moment, you kind of want the thought or feel an urge.” Yes! This is me. I am sort of attracted to the thoughts in the moment in an odd way, disgusting as they are. And so my hatred of them, the shame, the fighting the thoughts, and their unintended reinforcement. It’s all so absurd. I am so over this nonsense. Dismissing, disregarding forever. Thank you so much!


Very motivating and as always, gives me inspiration to keep pushing in my mental recovery! I’m sooo proud of my progress! YOU really inspire me to get to that finish line with OCD. Thank you for being you Ali!


Ali is amazing. She is in it (OCD help) for the long haul.


Ali thank you so much! When I have too much anxiety and OCD thoughts hit me hard, I come here and listen to you. My anxiety goes down and I feel a lot better, because it's like someone really gets how I feel


Ali you are amazing and saving my life. I just traveled for the first time since my diagnosis and I’ve been hardly able to relish in the excitement that I got on a plane for the first time in years cuz I’m so concerned about the guilt and shame I felt on the trip from ocd and that I even experienced it when in reality I’m so freaking strong for pushing through each day with it. I hope having windows of time where it didn’t bug me means I’m recovering


I cant describe how Im feeling.I feel deeply alone and I feel like my life it's over.It hurts so bad I cant describe.I keep replaying the thoughts I had trying to understand if the first one I liked or didnt like it and trying to figured if the others ones and I did and I also had feelings (like the urge to laugh) and that makes me to think that it confirms what I did and I always had this fear of laughing of things that I shoudnt laugh and I absolutely hate it I try to avoid anything that could trigger some evil laughing but it never goes away.


Thank you so much Ali. Your video messages are so important to me because they're informative, always spot on and right on time.


None of us would be dealt this if we werent made to handle it and use it for our growth


U r like God to me
Helped me a lot....


Thank you Ali didi. I am from india watching your video regularly and trying to do as per your instruction .


The timing of this is uncanny for me. Have lots of ROCD guilt and shame.


Even if I KNOW I did absolutely nothing wrong I still feel guilty. Just because I happen to be present in the moment someone else makes a mistake. I can't stand it and I want to never feel this ever again!


Im at a point in my life, where i feel like im in control of my guilt Feelings etc. . So i live confident and feel realy good. But then out of nowhere at a random day i get reminded of the past mistake i did when i Was a child and my guilt Kicks in again and my confidence goes down. The OCD loop starts then and i start to ask myself if my problem is even OCD or not and so on. All the symptoms from OCD are coming then and ruining me for days again till i search enough Videos up again to feel better but i dont wanna have those Phases where i feelbad again... its draining


I realised that I had harm ocd too image that I can kill my relative
It was so scared for me


How to i stop my brain to not curse?
Its not only the thinking how about filling weird how to stop that?


Hi Ali. Thank you so much for everything you do! PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION!
I don't accept strangers on instagram. But at the same time I want to grow my personal account because I want to grow my youtube channel. But I am scared of guys/people. Because I have anxiety from men because I was grown up from my mom with her beliefs.Thinking of accepting guys/people gives me anxiety. Would ERP be to resist the anxiety and accept people?
