Americans React to 'Churchill's Bodyguard' TV Series

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I was in the crowd for Churchill’s funeral as a child and clearly remember the guns saluting him. Have been to Blenheim Palace?you can visit the top he was born in. A few miles from there you can visit his grave too. A very humble affair for such a great man.


My uncle served Churchill while working as a waiter on a train during the war he said Churchill gave him his biggest tip ever.. another good vid


Very interesting again, always enjoy your take on things, very well reasoned on many subjects, I'm always interested on how History could have changed at any moment as we see with the assassination attempts. Just thought I'd mention how both Churchill and Hitler were nearly killed by careless drivers within a few months of each other in 1933, Churchill was hit by a New York mechanic and was nearly killed, he said it was his own fault as he was not paying attention and had forgotten where his friend lived in New York, he was very lucky, Hitler was hit by a playboy Englishman in Munich but sadly did little damage, some of Churchill's escapes from harm are truly staggering, not least his escape from prison during the Boer war, remarkably brave and lucky, makes you think, or at least it does me.


I was born just a few years after the war, and so have seen how much Churchill’s reputation has changed through time. The people of my parents and grandparents generation had respect for Churchill, but did not regard him as a great prime minister. My father for example who was a conservative voter and war veteran, would tell me about some of Churchill’s failed projects, such as ordering trench digging machines at the start of the war, despite Generals telling him that trench warfare was past. Whilst he did make some very inspirational speeches, he also made some very poor ones, that have now been forgotten. Churchill in government was surrounded by some exceptional people, who allowed Churchill to get the credit. The people of these past generations were also very aware of his failings in Government both before and after the war. He was voted out of office by a landslide in 1945 before the war was over. Perhaps a root cause of the dislike many felt for him, was his open use of luxury items, during a time of shortage. Cigars and champagne, whilst most people had their beer watered and found cigarettes had to come by.


You are quite right to look at history in context and compare different nations over time... it's fascinating. Best not to presume how a judge comes to a difficult decision, they alone have access to facts and reports the media either don't know about or choose how to report. We are all humans first... celebrate diversity and difference, respect and (Churchill's legacy) honor/duty always. British and American politics use so many common terms to mean such different things... the US has a two party system which we would call Right of centre and deeply Right (any idea of a Left, Socialist or heaven forbid Communist idea is seen as un-American). Bernie Sanders has started the conversation about Social Democracy (what we would call middle of the road, Liberalism) taking the better parts of both social and democratic ideas and making a uniquely American hybrid, and even that is seen as revolutionary talk. Churchill switched from Conservative to Liberal parties which may have upset those who always cling to how it has been, but made sense in changing times. You will love some of his later stories, the man was fierce and brave to the point of dangerous, and carried the world on his shoulders... we may never see his like again.


Hi. My father was a boy living in the north of England when Churchill visited. He entered the town on a horse, and all the children ran alongside the horse to see him. He took his crop and whipped the kids out of the way! We have to remember that Churchill was very privileged, and had a colonialist racist attitude to those member nations of the Empire he regarded as inferior. I was born 1945. In spite of him not being very likeable on a personal level, my mother would tell me how great Churchill was during the war, and how everyone would huddle around the radio for his speeches,  but was hopeless as a PM after the war. Men who are used by God for a specific period in a nation's history,  are not always the most amiable of fellows.


Never liked history as a school boy, its through my working life and experience of life ive come to appreciate it.
Winston Churchill also loved to paint, over five hundred works of art, a must see, brilliant man and a great leader. Interesting video chaps, look forward to the next part. Felipe would make an excellent history teacher, really knows how to explain things.
Oh and American Indian blood with British perfect.


Thank you. Your video watching and chats are explaining such a lot to me that I have been finding so strange in the American culture - gleaned from other youtube videos made by Americans.


Equality is the only answer! Equality doesn't mean the sexes are the same but it addresses the moral imperative that all " gillick competent" humans have an equal stake in society! So a husband does not speak for his wife in "all" matters and the natural corollary is then that a wife can not speak for her husband in all matters. So that a couple can be married and in love and be good parents but at times have alternative points of view; and one parents point of view does not "trump" the others! And in this way they do not " ghettoize" their children into having a closed view of the world.


l watched all this series on Yesterday and it was very good


You need to share a headset so its not echoing .

PS the BBC are well known for taking down stuff


Re your comments on the attire I have seen Victorian people on old film walking through their local park and I presume waring their Sunday best clothes looking very smart and yes these days its more relaxed and casule.
There is old films on You tube by film makers Mitchul and Kenyon who went out with a movie camera and recorded every day life from the Victorian era kind of candid shots with people going around doing what ever they had to do and some I think before WW1 so those young boys would have fought and died in that conflict. Little did they know that their lives would be cut short.


The background music has me in a Trance state. Love it.


one of the best documentaries I have seen


In reference to the issue of "non offence " and " blending in " as you highlight, I think one of the attributes of the British character that is easily overlooked is the fact that the British are known for their pusuit of acting roles, stage and performing arts and fashion, which is at odds with British reserve.
( Talking about the weather is just a social " icebreaker. )
When I lived abroad and looked back at the England, I often wondered that the British needed some sort of disguise, or uniform, or fashion clothing to bring them out of themselves. ( from punk rock to how judges still have wigs) . Lots of different types of attire to choose from.
Churchill was an old fashioned Cival War "Cavalier " and his bodyguard an old fashioned "Roundhead " that is often seen in other public figures, ( Boris Johnson is a real " Cavalier " character, Jeremy Corbyn a " Roundhead, and this traces back to the Cival War as it really stands out for me as it seems to be integral to the English character that resonates today.


What is your preference? U.S tv or U.K tv? not so much the subject matter, but the way tv programmes are produced i.e canned laughter, dramatic music and narration.


You need to watch Young Winston tv series on youtube.


Most men in the UK did not get the vote until 1918/19


It's fascinating to listen to Americans explore British culture and way of life and at the same time watching you two become British.. were born to become an Englishman.


That stuff about a 'hierarchy of the household' has no relevance for women who do not wish to be housewives, or women who might wish for it but haven't been able to marry and are required by necessity to work and support themselves.
