After 2+ Years Carnivore I Finally Quit

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After over 2 years carnivore I finally quit, and the way I did it might help you!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and nothing in my videos should be taken as medical advice. Everything I talk about is my opinion and my experience only. You should never begin a weight loss program without consulting your own doctor first. You should never made a decision about taking or stopping medications without first getting professional advice of the potential pros and cons for you as an individual.
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I’m 5 days into quitting my wine, my final carbohydrate on carnivore - thanks for the encouragement, much appreciated.


Im 51 now and I never really gained a taste for coffee. Anyone else think that coffee smells way better than it tastes?


Hope it sticks for you
I was at the 2 year mark when I finally stopped for good and noticed benefits in quitting

I do think the longer we do this the more we heal the stronger we get and more able to do things like this


I quit coffee about 2 months before starting carnivore.
After about 1 week of no coffee, I woke up fresher, happier, and not groggy at all.
It was like a new awakening.
I've tried it again twice just to be social, took one sip, and never finished it.
Give me a glass of water instead. Thank you!


Same here. After six years on carnivore I quit coffee. I still had local inflammation, trigger finger came and gone, same with carpal tunnel syndrome. Eliminated what I could, nothing helped, only quitting coffee. It was brutally difficult. I am 76.


I started carnivore about 2 years back and glad I stuck with it but I do still drink black coffee. The biggest/strongest addiction is carbs. I am convinced that we are all addicted to them because they are sugars in different forms and saccharides are the most addictive molecules.
I still feel the craving for cakes, biscuits etc. but when I allow myself an occasional treat, I am pleased to say that I feel quite disappointed with the experience. Those treats are getting fewer and further apart. This is part of the process of weaning myself away; the constant disappointment. I say in my work to pupils - "It takes an emotional response to an event to create a behavioural change." My negative emotion to carb treats is the response that is telling me I no longer want them. In fact writing this here today, cements that all the more.


Watching this while drinking a large mug of black coffee.


Thanks so much! This has helped me so much! The shame I feel surrounding my smoking addiction is so great in light of my heart condition, and yet the progress I am experiencing 90+ days into carnivore is amazing! Lifelong carb addiction-gone! Alcohol-gone! I won’t give up! Thank you!


I just hope for a future generation, that they could grow up without having to get off all things we are all dealing with now (sugar, alcohol, grains, seedoils, caffeine, nicotine, drugs etc) because they never started in the first place 😢


I was raised by a very disciplined Stoic who explained it as a switch in the consciousness. To flick it you must first make the decision so in time the action will commence or end. When I started Carnivore the decision was made in bed one night and I woke up a Coffee drinking carnivore. It took 19 Months to simply not think about Coffee. So yeah I feel ya Dave.


Observationally, the carnivore lifestyle appears to help people overcome many kinds of addictions. I was able to quit smoking, cold turkey, in less than 3 months on carnivore. No patches, no gum and no cheating. You can do it too!! 🎉👍😀


Good point about understanding how the journey unfolds ...Thanks Dave! 👍👍👍



After 58 years, I quit buying corporate industrialized processed foods.


Many years ago, my dad called me feeling very down. He said “I just needed to hear a friendly voice.”

After we spoke for a while, he laughed and said something like “oh forheavens sake! I ran out of coffee the other day and forgot to buy some! I was starting to think I had lost the will to live!”

I will never forget that.


I feel like I have given everything up that is bad for my health. It’s hard to go to a restaurant and not eat, but other than a burger patty, I don’t trust the food. I gave up coffee and tea and feel better!


Many people refer to this sly voice as the Devil or the Monster. This voice has a really cunning way to tricking you back to your addiction. Beside "you're missing out", it will often tell you "one last time" or "we can just do it today and we'll stop tomorrow" - just to repeat this pattern again tomorrow. Or it will try to reason you in any way possible to get you back to the addiction, it's really uncanny.

It's important to state yourself that you want to quit this addiction and not to start reasoning with the voice. If you're starting to reason with it, you have already lost a battle and risk of falling back into your addiction binge. Swear at it if you need to. Remember, the voice doesn't care about you at all, in fact it will kill you just to get you back to your addiction. Don't let it! You can get rid of it, eventually!


Great topic. I was surprised how easy it's been to quit drinking. I found that I needed a powerful why. I learned what even occasional drinking does to liver, brain, and sleep. My reason needs to be won over for changing behavior.


When it comes to quitting bad habits for good, you only have to be successful once.


Coffee is my only vice ever. The comfort of soothing cup with the aroma and lots of butter is something it's really hard to get over. But I hope I'm getting close to kicking it since I finally don't depend on caffeine for energy. When I first started carnivore and had no energy, was tired and sleepy the first month, coffee was unthinkable to quit. Now I'm finally feeling more energetic and not needing to rely on caffeine, drinking decaf lately. Looking for ideas what I could use for warm soothing beverage. Some say brootg - will have to try that. Thank you for this video!


Carnivore diet made me stop wanting to drink coffee (from coffee machine made directly from coffee beans), and I was drinking 5+/day. Now I am at 0/day. I am on carnivore 41 days now.
I haven't tried to reduce it, simply I've stopped more cravings for coffee.
