How Can A Loving God Create Hell? w/ William Lane Craig

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How Can A Loving God Create Hell? w/ William Lane Craig

Dr. William Lane Craig explains why a loving God would create people that he knows will freely reject him and choose to spend eternity separated from him in the lake of fire.

#hell #catholic #christian #apologetics #god #theology
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Indeed. Before God created other beings, He had to have understood absolutely all of the implications in creating them. They would necessarily have to be lesser, finite beings and totally dependent on God for their continual existence. If there were no free will, they would automatically be slaves or robots. Creating other, autonomous beings meant introducing the possibility, or even the certainty, of rebellion. Only God could have reconciled the two incompatible worlds by working through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son and creating beings that would be perfected through Him and freely abide in Him for all eternity.


I don't think Craig understands the implications of his views.

If I had a child and brought them to a park and at that park there was an endless pit and I knew that there was even a possibility for them to fall into that pit and suffer forever, I would do everything I could to prevent that from happening.

Similarly if God is all good then he should prevent all people from entering hell or at least make hell last for some indefinite time, not infinite time.

If any creature suffers infinite pain in hell then God is 100% responsible for that pain because he didn't do what he could to stop it (And God being all-powerful means that there are an infinite number of ways that he could prevent such a thing from happening, It's not a violation of free will since he can always work with the creature)

I wouldn't let my child be thrown into an endless pit that entails infinite pain even if it went against their *free will*.

Similarly God if he is all good when not let any creature suffer infinite pain in hell.


I get this kinda question all the time. 😩


Hell is destruction. Wicked will be perish and be no more after judgement.


In a world of free creatures and one in which ultimate negative and positive consequences of that freedom exist, it would be necessary that some would reject God and experience the ultimate negative consequence of their freedom if A) that freedom is to mean anything and B) for the extremes on both ends to be actual realities. That last point strikes me as really important. For there to be any free creatures that attain to the fullness of all that God offers them, there must exist the opposite reality as a potential consequence of not attaining to the fullness of all God offers them. And for the that negative extreme to be a reality and have meaning (and it must if the positive extreme is to exist and have meaning in terms of human freedom), it must be the case that there would be some who end up there as a consequence of their rejecting what God offers them.



On Craig’s position ( Molinism ), God creates People whom He knew would go to Hell for the ‘benefit’ of those People that God knew would be saved and go to Heaven. In other words, the People that will end up in Hell are needed to exist together with those that will be saved, so that, the People that will be saved will make the right choice for God and be saved.

This position is extremely cruel. And I can show that it is by asking the question, “How is God being morally good and loving to a Person to create them, when God knew, that they would suffer for all of Eternity Future in an Eternal Hell ?

If a Person is thoughtful and honest about it, they can only come to the conclusion that God is not being morally good and loving to that Person. Rather, God is being cruel to that Person.


Once the World has been created, then everything must happen ‘exactly as God knew that it would. That means, that there is no freedom of will to do other-than or different-from from what God knew that you would do.

For example, let’s think about Bob. God knew prior to Creation, that Bob would reject Him and end up in Hell. God creates the World with Bob in it, and sure enough, Bob rejects God and ends up in Hell.

Once the World has been created, Bob can’t repent and become a Christian because if he did repent and become a Christian, then God would get a different World than the World which He chose to create. Furthermore, it would also mean that God was wrong in His knowledge of Bob.

Since it is impossible for an ‘All Knowing God’ to be wrong, the it follows that it is impossible for Bob to do anything ( like get saved and become a Christian ) which would cause God to be wrong.

Bob is predestined by God to go to Hell and nothing Bob does in the actual or created World can stop it. Molinism gives the same results that Calvinism does ( which is predestination and determinism ).


It stills feels messed up. There are tribes in the amazon that'll never hear about Christianity


Imagine if a human forced another human to face a challenge, that they themselves are immune to, threatning to torture that person if they fail the challenge.

People would be outraged!

Yet that's exactly what the Christian god does.


I really don’t like that answer. I guess that means I just don’t like Molinism.


Seems impossible. Morality has always been a huge problem for religion.


Hell means “a concealed place” indicating the rise of Alexander and the Hellenistic take over of the free world which occurred in the pre-Christian era as most of the Christian doctrines began in Greece thusly one would be damned in this world and perhaps thrown in a dungeon or banished in this lifetime which is then metaphorically transferred to the hereafter as in one dies in the banishment and concealment of what should be a glorious gift under the knowledge of God (the creator and not the Christ)


From Armor of God You Tube channel, Father Gabriele Amorth 6/1/2023:

Father Candido Amantini asked the devil, “How is it possible that God created Hell?” The answer, when asked, was always the same. Sometimes God obliges Satan to tell the truth. Satan replied, “You don’t know anything…it was not God who created Hell. It was us. He hadn’t even thought of it.” Therefore, in the plan of God’s creation, the existence of Hell had not been contemplated. The demons created it.

During exorcisms, Father Gabriele Amorth would ask the devil, “Did you create Hell?” The devil replied, “We all cooperated.”


So why create Hell William? "Muh possible worlds and butterfly effect" applies to lesser beings. Not an omnipotent omniscient deity and simply not creating Hell seems to be a pretty easy answer to your conundrum that's supposedly unsolvable for God.


So it's god's will that the impossible happen. Makes no sense. I'm glad I don't have to defend the doctrine of hell anymore.


Are we to rly believe that of the infinite feasible worlds God could weakly actualize that none of them are a sufficiently populated universalist world? Cmon, Dr. Craig.
An argument from traducianism is more convincing


A loving god would not create hell, and there is no way for apologists to keep the three omni god and explain hell, but christianity needs hell to keep its believers scared, cause that is what keeps christianity going: fear and terror and little else.
