Surviving Interrogation

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Mark describes how the process of police interrogation works, from the perspective of an experienced criminal defence lawyer. He points out what an inherently fragile method this can be if there is no video recording of these proceedings, disadvantaging both the police and the those being interviewed.

He also discuses the significance of the Miranda warning - part of which pertains to the right to silence. This right should be given verbally to suspects in custody or during a custodial interrogation by the police. Often, police may continue a monologue at the point when the suspect exercises this right, hoping that the interviewee will come back into the interrogation with self-incriminating statements. You may well not be aware of the fact that if you engage further with your interrogators at this point you may incriminating yourself further.

You may also need to be aware that there are few rules that constrain the police in their verbal tactics. They may lie, or they talk about having evidence they don’t have. They will be proceeding from an assumption of guilt, and a confession will mean that they have succeeded. The process of ‘breaking down’ the suspect over time - repetition of the amount of evidence against the person, the horrors of prison, how sad it is that the suspect will be separated from their loved ones etc. It has been proven that sometimes even innocent people will confess to end this pressure.

Mark questions the legitimacy of a process that proceeds from an assumption of guilt, and he makes the point that many people have been caught up in a system in which they have inadvertently implicated themselves.

He acknowledges that many of those in that end in the ‘box’ are guilty - but he cautions that if you end up being interrogated, be very aware of how easy it is, even if you are innocent, to end up in court on on a guilty plea.
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Even if guilty or not, always demand an attorney and say no more.


Cops do not distinguish between innocent or guilty people. They view all civilians as criminals.


After being read the Miranda warning, the only words out of your mouth should be "I want an attorney", repeat as needed.


do what the cops do when they get indicted. Say nothing.


It is almost never in your best interest to cooperate with the law enforcement. If you are innocent they still may be able to get enough circumstantial evidence to convince a jury of your guilt. They will try to confuse and trick you into incriminating yourself and they may try to sweat a confession out of you and even strong willed men have been badgered into confessions for crimes they didn't commit. Even if you are guilty as sin and plan on confessing to the crime your attorney will be in a much better position to negotiate a plea deal than you ever could be. Just keep your yap shut!


A little piece of Miranda to always heed: "If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used AGAINST you in a court of law". Nothing that can help you will leave the interrogation room. Ask for a lawyer and pretend you are a clam. Say nothing no matter what they say. It cannot help you.


I'm currently reading a big thick book on police interrogation. What have I learned so far? NEVER BE IN THAT INTERROGATION ROOM WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY PRESENT.


The only three things to say in an interrogation:
-Give me a lawyer
-I want a coke


The police want you to be a criminal because they look good when arresting crimnals.
The prosecutor wants you to be a crimnal because they look good winning against crimnals.
The judge wants you to be a criminal because they look good sentencing crimnals.
And the only person who doesn't want you to be a criminal is yourself. But the other 3 will try and change your mind..


Yeah. Invoke your right is not enough. You have too state multiple times you want an attorney, shut up, and, be prepared to be taken into custody. The best thing you could do is never talk to cops.


The greatest video I ever saw was titled (never speak to the police). That’s where I learned that being innocent doesn’t keep you out of jail, keeping your mouth shut and speaking only to your lawyer will.


Pro tip#1. Get lawyer immediately. Say nothing until they are there.

Next video lol😂


I'm innocent
Until I'm proven guilty
Deny everything,
Deny everything
I'm being framed
It's all a set-up
Deny everything,
Deny everything

I'm just a spook in the wheel
Just a part of the puzzle
A part of the game
I'm being framed

Until I'm proven guilty
Deny everything
Deny everything
Deny everything
Deny everything


It's not even about guilt or innocence me it just seems if they get SOMEONE for the crime...then they are good.


Miranda is the most misunderstood “requirement”. For Miranda to attach and become necessary there must be TWO elements present, interrogation AND custody. If you haven’t been placed under arrest the police can interrogate you all they want, and only pause to read Miranda once you made incriminating statements that will clearly result in your arrest. If they’ve “asked” you to come to the station and you did so voluntarily and were not advised that you were under arrest they do not have to read Miranda!


Shut up lawyer up. Words get skewed. Thanks


Canada here: The Police here, are no different in getting you to talk. They commit perjury as effortlessly as they give someone a ticket for speeding. I've never been charged, nor anyone in my family, with a crime but was taught at a very early age, never to trust Police. It's sad but true. This video just reinforces the bottom up and say absolutely NOTHING. (thumbs up and subscribed)


"Any lawyer worth his salt will tell the suspect in no uncertain terms to make no statement to the police under any circumstances." -Robert Jackson, who was US Solicitor General, US Attorney General, and Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court (the only person to have held all 3 offices) and Chief US Prosecutor, Nuremberg War Crimes other words say I want to speak to an attorney....and then STFU !!! It's been ruled that to remain silent, you have to verbally say so (so in order to remain silent you need to speak) but when you demand your right to an attorney then the police MUST stop questioning.


“I’ve been advised to not answer questions, I’d like to return to my cell”
“I would like to see my lawyer”
Don’t even answer how your day is
Favorite sports team
Work situation
As soon as you’re in that room, you are being interrogated.


Got me with “Go US. You can do it!” 😂😂🤣
Obama must be like “Yes we can.”
