Seeing Flashes Of Light In Your Eyes At Night? Don't Ignore This Warning

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✨ Here’s Bryans question: He’s asking what happens and what he should DO when he sees flashes of light and feels his body get heavier.

If you’re feeling this, it means you’re ALMOST lucid! Just need to be a bit more patient and keep going. When you feel your body get heavier, that's the onset of ‘sleep paralysis’ which is where your body shuts down your muscles before you fall asleep

Your goal here is to keep your MIND awake while your muscles and body become unable to move, meaning you can stay awake in your dream.

Lucid Dreaming is the ability to become self aware in your dreams. It's a proven skill and it can be used to improve your sleep quality, control your dreams, stop having nightmares and much more. I teach people how to control their dreams in these videos. Subscribe if you enjoy them!

If you want your question to be answered, please either subscribe and message me, or leave a comment and I'll make a video response for the best ones!






What is Lucid Dreaming? Lucid dreaming (sometimes called astral projection although they're not quite the same) is the ability to become SELF AWARE in your dreams, meaning you can control them and experience whatever you want. You can live out your fantasies and be, do, see or feel ANYTHING.

There are also many benefits to lucid dreaming, such as improved sleep, more energy, more confidence, and more restorative sleep. Not to mention the fact you can become more CONSCIOUS, and experience the impossible!

I'm Stef, the guy behind HowToLucid, and I'm dedicated to helping you learn how to lucid dream. I've been lucid dreaming for over 8 years now and I have a passion for dreams, personal development and travel. Follow my journey, and please leave a comment now, if you've read all of this, letting me know your best lucid dream experience!

If you want to know how to lucid dream tonight or really quickly, check out my other videos on my channel. I have tutorials on how to induce lucid dreams easily and sleep better. Explore lucid dreaming with me!

#LucidDreaming #HowToLucid #Dreams
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i have been having a hard time finding anyone else who sees the light or should i say lights, i see little lights that are like atoms lite up i see them day and night even at night with eyes closed hands covering eyes this has gotten brighter since last year now i can no longer even see just dark i am always in the light it is a great comfort to me.


I'm alone in my room and I thought it was a lightning bolt but no thunder came, I also live in the second stock so no one could have taken pictures outside.... What the fuck


I get these at night when I go to sleep. It's like being struck by lightning, only it doesn't hurt, but it feels like my whole body is experiencing it, not just my "eyes", which are closed so I am not seeing this light with my eyes. I feel it. Sometimes there is a sound, a musical note from various instruments, just one note and I feel it throughout my body. This has been going on for a few years. Now I sort of wait for it to happen, but it doesn't happen every night. I wish I understood this. It was so startling at first, and still is.


I was googling waking from flashes of light and found this. Which is strange because I actually got an EEG scan because I experience this often. I wake up from hearing things that seem real, and flashes of light really suddenly. Then when I wake up I see a gridded pattern everywhere and my body has a buzzing vibration through it. Interesting that it matches someof These comments. Bht I usually feel afraid? This must have a correlation ?


I seen shadows around the corner of my eyes and flashes of ligths like a flask of a Camara


Lately when trying to keep my mind active while lying comfortably and perfectly still, I've been having occasional moments where I see rapid flickering of red and blue light behind my closed eyes, but whenever this happens, I lose consciousness soon after when I begin dreaming. I'm going to keep trying though, I know I've been making a lot of progress recently, even waking up from a dream within sleep paralysis. :)


Twice in my life I had a star appear to me in front of my eyes, wide awake. I could not move, I could not blink my eyes shut. All sound went away as if i was in a perfect quiet vacuum. I felt no fear nor did I remember what fear was, only love, peace and calm. The first time the star opened and I saw silhouettes of people but they were angels. Three of them walked out. 2 stood at either side of the doorway/portal that had opened when the star expanded to reveal the fog / silhouettes. Then one of them came and put an arm around my shoulder and said "God is love." We smiled at each other then the angel said "God IS love" stressing the word "IS" --- and said "And everyone has some love in them when they are born, everyone has some of Gods Holy Spirit in them when they are born. God IS LOVE." Then as the angels said that our eyes went to the doorway again and I saw something like water pour out into my entire room and we were engulfed in it and we were flooded with a love so powerful that I could say it was eternal perpetual bliss. This was the Spirit of God and I was given a chance to see.

The 2nd time a few weeks later the star appeared again, this time I was outdoors about to sit down after a big lunch to read my the star came, could not move, blind, hear anything but felt only love, peace and calm. All negativity left me. This time the star kind of exploded open and 'ate away this realm' like a negative melting, revealing a new world as it expanded... the entire world melted away before my eyes!! My eyes saw the sky above but it was not blue anymore.... the entire sky was lightening. All of it, one giant lightening field! In the middle was something or someone that looked like human shape. He came down slowly... he was so bright and glowing it was amazing. It was Jesus Christ. And he floated right down to me stood me up, stretched my arms out as if I were being crucified and kept my eyes locked to his eyes. I could spend eternity looking at his face and eyes and never get bored! It was amazing like looking into the eyes of the creator. I felt a powerful flood of energy and love pour out of him into me as He had me standing up with outstretched arms and he himself outstretched upon me, hand on hand, head on head, feet on feet. Mirroring me. I felt his power enter my body. My eyes were healed from glasses... all pain left me. 20 years now my eyes are perfect still and I still feel that power! I have met Him in countless dreams where Jesus gives me his name and tells me to tell people to ask for the Mind of Christ and Spirit of Christ to be given to them and to ask to see him face to face and warned me to tell them that it does not happen right away that they must ask with all their heart for a time with shameless persistence.

NO DRUGS THIS IS REAL -- Come to my channel to hear more! No ads ever -- freely received freely give.


I'm seeing black and white image of people and got scared and opened my eyes. What does that mean?


I never see them when I'm sleeping. I will be talking to somebody, doing something random around the house. All of a sudden it will look like gold glitter is falling in my vision. Except it's a little bit bigger than glitter and more profound.


I see flashes in the dark sometimes, one day i just took a nap and i dreamed about a lady saying: do you also get scared when you see flashes? I know i didnt woke up right after that but i felt my whole body shaking very hard and i could not control it


I drink wine almost every night to help fall asleep. I've noticed almost every night i do no drink, i will experience sleep paralysis, but tonight it was different. Right before i woke up from the paralysis i heard the words "bless you" and then for the first time i saw bursts of light, like zaps of lightening. I also often feel a vibration in my body/on the bed or couch when I'm laying down- but i feel this when I'm fully awake. I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this but i would love to know the cause of it. I read someone that it could be narcolepsy, even though i dont fall asleep randomly throughout the day.


When I was a teen...while sleeping...I thought someone switched on a high voltage light...I woke up with a start only to find the lights off❤


I've seen it twice around 2015-2016. I was in a very Dark place in terms of my situation at The time. And it was also Dark because I was in my bed, trying to sleep, But it freaked me out. It was like a camera flash. It wasn't in The corner of my eye But in front of me.


I had my first lucid dream last night !!!


I see a green grid everynow and then when i blink. Sort of like those green laser grids ghost hunters use to detect movement. Ive had lucid dreams many times, different settings but always the same theme. I can fly. When they started i could just hover an inch or two, but with more practice in the dreams, i can get sever feet and travel larger distances. But there are times where i lose control and fall. Its weird when it happens, i can feel the power in my hands pushing me off the ground. And its so real, i often forget its a dream for a bit after waking up.


I never knew what to think of this. Maybe 6years now I've been doing it. I've had outer body experiences, I've been met 3 times with the Old Hag syndrome, sleep paralysis with a huge and a small entity's. I've been sunk in the mattress, I've had a blanket levitate and fly past my feet. I only just now realized I've had 2 times as a child my body was floating. I've felt 2 Earth quakes or at least felt I did, I was homeless the last 4 and a half years. I lived in my Jeep, the whole truck was rocking and I live in a camper now and this place has goin nuts. I've actually had a mouse sit on my chest and paw at my face. I live in a field in the hills. I'm very isolated. Ive seen my motion light outside come on random times. I've been having the craziest shit going on. I've had Tarrot cards given to me about the time slightly after the first hag encounter. I don't use them, I did once on myself and while I was great at interpretation of the reading, as they all happened I knew what it was. So I don't use them and they stay out in my truck in a box. I've had light bulbs burn out or even burst when they're right over head. Street lights will turn on or off as I drive past them at night. I've had very strong deja Vu my whole life.
I'm probably still leaving out stuff. But I haven't had the flash the instant I'm drifting to sleep in months, but now I'm seeing I'm not alone out here. If I hear anything outside I grab a light, a weapon and try to sneak in the dark and get out the door so can catch what ever it is. Normally a possum or coon. But while I'm creeping I've seen things right next to me or in corners. Seen things fall. Things brush my feet. I'll see eyes, small ones. Normally yellow green, or red. I feel like something is running around. Then there's the other stuff outside I witnessed UFO activity around the moon. I've seen the moon fkash. I've seen the sun rise flash. And even spiral sky fish only once in the day and it was HUGE. Big as a cruise jet. But last 2 nights. Lightning orbs generating bolts in a stormTop it all. I went and sat on my truck to smoke and cigg and watch the lightning about 2am . I saw a field spirit? Fast zipping zigzagging orange light 3ft long just going all over this open acre no sound. A light shined up like a studio spotlight. Last night 4 distinct white lines 20ft high up and //// looked like that made another 20ft high, they appeared from the bottom up and after it stopped growing poof gone
There is some shit out here!


It’s hard to not move when I’m in a public place like a store and see shapes in the air. It happened a few days ago in a store. I felt like the air was heavy, felt like I was in a dream or drunk, and right where I saw the black chain link looking things, babies and toddlers started crying. In THAT area!
I’ve seen the flashes of light in dark room in bed. No windows in the room. And one night I saw weird shapes strewn out that looked like an alien algebra problem.


I see lights, gyroscopic shapes, golden writing in an unknown language. Lately I see shadows of when seems like people walking by; but as if I'm in a sphere.


In hypnogogic imagery I see sunlight on sidewalks, puddles, grass; sometimes it grows so bright so fast it wakes me up


I have severe insomnia and I can't sleep without sedatives, and it's still difficult with them.. I see things when I close my eyes. I can't stop seeing people, faces, floating objects, patterns, strobe light, small environments. But it always looks like as if you stare at a light for too long. No colors, just the spots that look like when you get something burned into your retina. I can also see "trails" from people. The same effect but when my eyes are open, when I see someone move, a trace of their previous position still lingers in my vision, even if I look away from them. Same thing with objects. Someone PLEASE tell me whats going on. I'm confused and honestly, silently terrified.
